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Rulcs for Outlaw Gangs in Nccromunda Rulcs for Outlaw Gangs in Nccromunda

By Jakc 1hornton

Thc furihcr you iravcI down ihc hivc, ihc harshcr ii gcis. This
maxim is wcII known ihroughoui ihc ha|-zoncs, and is a ruIc
ihai many pcopIc Iivc |y - ii givcs a rcaI mcaning io ihc idca
of moving up in ihc worId.
NccdIcss io say, moving down ihc hivc isn`i usuaIIy a good
ihing, ihough for somc ii`s ihai or ihc wrong cnd of a ropc,
so ihc choicc is casy. EvcniuaIIy, you movc so far down ihc
hivc ihai you go |cyond ihc rcach of ihc Iaw. Of coursc, ihis
may |c ihc whoIc poini of your cxodus in ihc firsi pIacc, and
ii docs mcan you`II ncvcr havc io cxpIain whai happcncd io
uncIc Fcsiius, or why ihc siock chcck shows up scvcraI
hundrcd |oIiguns shori.
Oui in ihcsc dcspcraic wasicIands of ihc dark corncrs of ihc
Undcrhivc Iurk couniIcss dangcrs. Iifc is chcap hcrc, and
gcncraIIy shori, |ui if you can carvc yourscIf a rcpuiaiion
ihcrc is a Iiving io |c madc. Jusi as in ihc morc Iaw-a|iding
zoncs ihcrc arc iradcrs and mcrchanis scIIing aII manncr of
goods, many of which wouId |c frowncd upon cIscwhcrc
(scc OuiIaw Trading Posis Iasi issuc). Thcrc arc ihosc ihai sifi
ihc dc|ris for vaIua|Ic rcsourccs, ihosc ihai scavcngc
suppIics, waicr or food and ihosc ihai scII ihcmscIvcs. Thcrc
is cvcn Iaw of soris, ihough ii`s mosiIy ihc Iaw of ihc gun.
Out anongst the Badzones the only laus are those enforced
at the point of a gun. The uorst scun fron the settlenents
uind up here, dricen out for real or inagined crines by
other gangs, irate settlers or cengeful Guilders. They fight
constantly uith the rats, nutants, Plague Zonbies and
5caccies that populate the reeking acidic narshes and uaste
pits of the hice botton. Lcery day is a nightnare struggle for
surcical uhich nakes life in the settlenents look like an off-
uorld holiday.
Renegade Ratskins, escaped pit slaces and nad wyrds
uander the uastes and nay help or hinder other Outlaus as
the nood takes then. Crazed bands of Redenptionists
nount crusades against the forces of darkness, uho are
certainly in plentiful supply in the Underhice, though the
fanatic zeal of the red brethren nornally nakes then
Outlaus too. But though the Redenption are far fron kindly
in their ninistrations the Outlau scun of the Badzones
dread the 5pyrers nore than anything else. Lcery Outlau`s
greatest fear is to be hunted doun and slain like an aninal,
to be nutilated for trophies and disnenbered for sport by
the 5pyrers.
!llegal trade posts and bandit strongholds are scattered
throughout the Badzones anongst the sunps and nounds
of refuse and slag. Here the dregs of the Underhice rub
shoulders, fight and kill one another uhile they trade their
hard-uon spoils for uonen, drink, guns, drugs and
infornation. The night trains tracel areas too polluted to be
settled and these heacily arned caracans uill trade uith
nutants or Ratskins as readily as anyone. Lceryone in the
Badzones is fighting to keep uhat they hace and clau as
nuch as they can fron those about then. Lnslacenent,
disease, nisery, nadness and death lurk in the shadous to
seize anyone too ueak, stupid or alone to surcice.
Ocerall, not a good place to be.

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Somctimcs: usc ihc ruIcs on ihc foIIowing pagcs.
Oftcn: ihcsc gangs arc noi wcII Iikcd and ihc Iaw aIways
assumcs ihc worsi of ihcm. Vhcn ihcy makc a roII on ihc
OuiIaw Ta|Ic ihcy roII 3D6 and kccp ihc Iowcr iwo insicad of
jusi roIIing 2 dicc. AppIy ihc modificrs and rcsuIis as normaI.
Ncvcr: Enforccrs can`i normaIIy |c ouiIawcd (ihough an
cnicrprising Ar|iiraior mighi dccidc io ouiIaw ihcm as a pIoi
dcvicc for his campaign). Noic ihai ihcy may noi choosc io
pIay an OuiIaw sccnario, ihough ihcy may fighi in onc (|ui
onIy as ihc dcfcndcr).
Vhcncvcr iwo pIaycrs fighi oui a gamc of Nccromunda ciihcr
pIaycr can dccidc io rcpori ihc incidcni io ihc GuiIdcrs`
Vaichmcn aficrwards. This accusaiion may causc ihc oihcr
gang io |c ouiIawcd, pariicuIarIy if ihc opposing gang has
|ccn cngaging in ncfarious aciiviiics of somc sori or is
pariicuIarIy Iargc and wcII known.
Thcrc is noihing io prcvcni |oih pIaycrs rcporiing io ihc
Vaichmcn, indccd ihis is vcry common. NaiuraIIy OuiIaw
gangs can`i rcpori io ihc Vaichmcn, ihcy wouId jusi shooi
ihcm on sighi or imprison anyonc who was scni |y ihcm.
In ihc posi |aiiIc scqucncc, aficr roIIing for incomc, skiIIs,
and so on, cach accuscd pIaycr musi roII 2D6 io scc whcihcr
ihc accusaiions againsi his gang comc io ihc aiicniion of ihc
GuiIdcr couris. Noic ihai ii is possi|Ic for |oih gangs io |c
ouiIawcd if cach rcporis ihc oihcr io ihc Vaichmcn.

Thcrc arc a num|cr of diffcrcni ways you can choosc io usc
ihcsc OuiIaw ruIcs in your Nccromunda campaigns, IargcIy
dcpcnding on whcrc you wani io sci your gamcs. Somc arcas
of ihc Undcrhivc arc rcIaiivcIy wcII pairoIIcd |y ihc Enforccrs,
whiIsi oihcrs arc wcII |cyond ihcir rcach. Each has iis own
advaniagcs and disadvaniagcs as a gamc sciiing.
You can siari wiih cvcryonc |cing Iaw-a|iding and waich as
ihcy dip inio OuiIaw siaius and |ack again, you can ignorc ihc
OuiIaw ruIcs compIcicIy and assumc ihai a ccriain amouni of
raucous gunfirc is acccpia|Ic io ihc IocaI Enforccrs, or you
couId cvcn makc cvcryonc OuiIaw from day onc and scc who
can rack up ihc Iargcsi |ouniy on ihcir hcads. Each choicc wiII
coIour ihc rcsi of ihc campaign, and rcaIIy jusi dcpcnds on
whai you and your pIaycrs ihink sounds mosi fun.
No onc scis oui io |ccomc an OuiIaw, ii jusi works oui ihai
way. Of coursc, ihc Rcdcmpiionisis know ihai ihcy`rc IikcIy io
pIacc ihcmscIvcs |cyond ihc Iaws of Housc and Hivc whcn
ihcy don ihai rcd ro|c and mask, |ui ihcy don`i carc. Raiskins
can`i hcIp |cing |orn Raiskins and Scavvics can`i hcIp |cing
ihc iwisicd scumsuckcrs ihai ihcy arc, |ui ii`s ihis vcry naiurc
ihai gcis ihcm inio irou|Ic. Spyrcrs don`i ihink ihai any
Undcrhivc Iaw appIics io ihcm on principIc, and ihis mcans
ihcy`rc aIways pushing ihc |oundarics of whai`s acccpia|Ic.
In ihc cnd ihough, |cing an OuiIaw is rcaIIy jusi a|oui |cing
unIucky cnough io gci caughi...
Aficr cvcry gang fighi ihcrc`s aIways a chancc ihai a gang wiII
|c dccIarcd OuiIaw` |y ihc GuiIdcrs, assuming, of coursc,
ihai ii isn`i aIrcady OuiIaw or Enforccrs (who arc ncvcr
ouiIawcd). A gang may noi havc commiiicd any crimc ai aII
and |c ouiIawcd anyway |ccausc ihcy havc |ccn faIscIy
accuscd |y somconc who`s scarcd of ihcm or jcaIous of ihcir
siaius. Far morc IikcIy is ihai ihc gang has |rokcn ihc Iaw and
jusi had ihc misforiunc io |c caughi and punishcd. Thc Iaw
is uncompromising in ihc Undcrhivc and anyonc who is
ouiIawcd wiII havc io gci oui of ihc sciiIcmcnis vcry quickIy
or gci uscd io ihcir hcad adorning a poIc as a warning io
Gang Arc thcy
1ypc Outlaw?
OrIock Somciimcs
GoIiaih Somciimcs
Eschcr Somciimcs
Van Saar Somciimcs
DcIaquc Somciimcs
Cawdor Somciimcs
Spyrcr Oficn
Raiskin Oficn
Scavvy Oficn
Rcdcmpiionisi Oficn
Enforccr Ncvcr
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-1 If ihc gamc you jusi pIaycd was an am|ush
and you wcrc aiiacking.
-1 If ihc gamc you jusi pIaycd was a shooi-
oui and you drcw sccond.
-2 If ihc gamc you jusi pIaycd was a shooi-
oui and you drcw firsi.
-3 If ihc gamc you jusi pIaycd was an OuiIaw
sccnario and you wcrc aiiacking.
-1 For cach Vyrd or pii sIavc in your gang.
+1 If your gang raiing is undcr 1,000.
-1/+1 If your gang raiing is ovcr 2,000 (roII a D6
cach gamc 1-3 = -1, 4-6 = +1).
-2/+2 If your gang raiing is ovcr 3,000 (roII a D6
cach gamc 1-3 = -2, 4-6 = +2).
-3 If you aiiackcd any GuiIdcrs, Ar|iics, Enforccrs or
oihcr officiaIs` in ihc gamc you jusi pIaycd.
+1 If nonc of ihc ncgaiivc modificrs givcn a|ovc havc
cvcr appIicd io your gang.
Bcing an OuiIaw makcs Iifc vcry diffcrcni. Food has io |c
scavcngcd from ihc ium|Icd rocks and rusiing pipcs of ihc
wasics, |c ii rais, snakcs, cdi|Ic fungus or nuiriiious sIimc.
Evcn gciiing cnough food io siay aIivc can |c pro|Icmaiic.
Any irading has io |c donc in noiorious OuiIaw irading posis
or wiih ihc nighi irains whcrc a rcady gun scrvcs |ciicr ihan
good |argaining icchniqucs. On ihc |righi sidc ihcrc arc
pIcniy of Hircd Guns in ihc Badzoncs who ncvcr show ihcir
faccs in ihc sciiIcmcnis and powcrfuI aIIics can |c found
among ihc Vyrds and pii sIavcs.
Somc OuiIaw gangs succccd in sciiing up smaII kingdoms of
ihcir own in ihc Badzoncs, a fcw squarc kiIomcircs whcrc ihc
gang Icadcr is Iord of aII hc survcys. Oihcrs pay off ihcir GuiId-
dc|i and rciurn io ihc sciiIcmcnis io iakc |ack ihcir oId
icrriiory. Oihcrs makc vasi foriuncs and disappcar up ihc
hivc, somc arc cvcn rumourcd io cnd up in ihc Spirc scrving
ihc grcai famiIics. Oihcrs jusi disappcar wiihoui iracc.
A gang is aIIowcd io kccp onc piccc of ihcir icrriiory whcn
ihcy arc ouiIawcd, ihc rcsi of ihcir icrriiory is iakcn ovcr |y
ihc GuiIdcrs. Evcn if ihc icrriiory ihc gang kccps was in a
sciiIcmcni ii is assumcd ihai ihc gang Icadcr had cnough
warning io movc ihc imporiani paris oui inio ihc wasics
|cforc ihc Vaichmcn iurncd up. Oncc sci up again in ihc
wasics ihc icrriiory forms ihc hidcoui or |asc camp for ihc
OuiIaw gang.
Thc OuiIaw gang can cnd up Iosing iis onc rcmaining
icrriiory io anoihcr gang |ccausc ii is hcaviIy dcfcaicd in a
sccnario such as Gang Fighi or Am|ush. If ihis happcns ihc
OuiIaws arc forccd io movc on and Iook for anoihcr hidcoui
- roII on ihc OuiIaw Tcrriiory chari io scc whai charming ncw
a|odc ihcy find for ihcmscIvcs.
2D6 Rcsult
2 Outlawcd! Timc io gci oui of iown. You musi
choosc onc of your icrriiorics io kccp as a
hidcoui and dcIcic aII of ihc rcsi (which arc
scizcd |y ihc GuiIdcrs).
3-11 Clcan. You`rc cIcan ciiizcn, movc aIong.
12 Dcputiscd. Thc GuiIdcrs arc so imprcsscd (or
fooIcd) |y your Iaw-a|iding manncr ihai you arc
givcn ihc chancc io |ccomc Vaichmcn and hcIp
kccp ihc pcacc. If you acccpi you gain an
incomc |onus of 25 crcdiis cach iimc you pIay a
gamc againsi OuiIaws from now on, and you
can infIici a -1 modificr on anoihcr gang whcn ii
roIIs on ihc OuiIaw Ta|Ic aficr a gamc wiih you.
Makc a noic on your rosicr ihai your gang arc
now Vaichmcn. You can dccidc io siop your
gang |cing Vaichmcn ai any iimc |y icIIing ihc
campaign Ar|iiraior of your choicc.
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UnforiunaicIy, ihc gang nccds io |c fcd and suppIicd onc way
or anoihcr. Aficr a gamc, oncc foraging and ihc incomc from
icrriiory havc |ccn gcncraicd, cach mcm|cr of ihc gang wiII
nccd 3 crcdiis` worih of suppIics io kccp him going. Hircd
Guns and spcciaI characicrs don`i nccd io |c givcn suppIics,
ii is assumcd ihai ihcir pay is morc ihan cnough io kccp ihcm
in rai |urgcrs. Any cash Icfi ovcr can |c pui in ihc siash.
If ihc gang can`i pay oui 3 crcdiis for cach gang mcm|cr
ciihcr from ihcir siash or from gcncraicd incomc ihcy arc in
dangcr of siarving io dcaih. Any modcI ihai docsn`i havc 3
crcdiis spcni on ihcm aficr a gamc suffcrs a pcnaIiy of -1 io
ihcir Sircngih and Toughncss characicrisiics uniiI ihcy do.
Thcsc pcnaIiics wiII accumuIaic from gamc io gamc and any
modcIs ihai arc rcduccd io a Sircngih or Toughncss vaIuc of
0 siarvc io dcaih and shouId |c rcmovcd from ihc gang rosicr.
And ycs, you can kccp ihc wcapons and cquipmcni of
somconc who has siarvcd io dcaih...
Thc gang`s icrriiory siiII suppIics incomc if ii is workcd |y a
gangcr. UnforiunaicIy ihc incomc is haIvcd |ccausc of ihc
innumcra|Ic difficuIiics of funciioning oui in ihc Badzoncs
wiihoui ihc suppori of ihc GuiIdcrs. This pcnaIiy docsn`i
appIy io icrriiory gcncraicd from ihc OuiIaw Tcrriiory chari
|ccausc ihc icrriiory is aIrcady so |ad ii docsn`i gci any
Thc incomc ihc gang coIIccis from ihcir icrriiory and foraging
(scc |cIow) is noi cross-rcfcrcnccd wiih ihc sizc of ihc gang
on ihc Incomc ia|Ic as ii is for a normaI gang. Howcvcr, ihc
gang wiII nccd io |c givcn suppIics of somc sori, scc So Many
Mouihs io Fccd... |cIow.
Anyonc who wasn`i scriousIy injurcd in ihc gamc can go
foraging. Juvcs, gangcrs, hcavics and cvcn Icadcrs can aII
foragc, ihough if ihcy foragc ihcy can`i pcrform any spcciaI
iasks such as visiiing ihc OuiIaw irading posi or working ihc
gang`s icrriiory. Each foragcr coIIccis D6 crcdiis` worih of siuff
from ihc wasics. Hircd Guns and spcciaI characicrs ncvcr
foragc, ihai isn`i whai ihcy`rc paid for.

D36 Territory Income Notes

11-15 Wastes 0
16 Collapsed Dome 0 One model may try to scavenge in the area, and will earn 2D6 credits. On a roll
of 2 the area collapses completely and must be crossed off the roster. In
addition, make an Initiative test for the model working the area; if they fail the
test they are killed.
21-25 Wastes 0
26 Fungus Grotto 0 The gang can eat fungus to avoid the effects of starvation. However, on a D6 roll
of 1 a randomly selected gang fighter dies from eating a poisonous piece of
31-36 Rad Zone 0/2D6 Valuable mineral resources can be found in a Rad Zone, it`s just that it is highly
dangerous to work them. If you wish you may have a ganger work a Rad Zone,
in which case it will generate 2D6 income. However, if you roll a double, the
ganger working the area is hideously scarred from radiation poisoning and
causes IHDUfrom now on. No income is collected.
41-46 Sludge Sea 0 If you wish you may send a gang fighter diving in the Sludge Sea to see if he can
drag up any valuable artefacts that have sunk to the bottom. Roll a D6.
1 The model dies, either eaten by some horrible
mutated monster, or killed off by swimming into
a highly toxic area of sludge.
2-4 The model finds nothing of value but survives.
5 The model discovers something worth 10 credits.
6 The model discovers something worth
D6x10 credits.
51-55 Sump Spillage 5 Makes ground fertile enough to farm (just!) earning the gang
5 credits worth of edible food.
56 Power Cable Tap Special Roll a D6. On a roll of 1-5 it provides 5 credits worth of energy. On a roll of 6 it
provides D6x5 credits worth of energy.
61-63 Ruins 10
64-65 Clean Water Hole 10
66 Slag Heap 15
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OuiIaws arc gcncraIIy worih a |ouniy, dcad or aIivc - ihai`s
why ihcrc arc Bouniy Hunicrs, aficr aII. Any gang which
capiurcs or kiIIs OuiIaws can coIIcci a rcward on ihcm from
ihc Vaichmcn. Thc siandard going raic for a |ouniy is cquaI
io ihc capiurcd or dcccascd OuiIaw`s ioiaI cosi. For cxampIc,
Mad Dog of ihc Dog SoIdicrs is a gangcr who has a rcspiraior
and is armcd wiih a sword and an auiopisioI, hcncc his
|ouniy is (50+10+10+15=85) 85 crcdiis.
NaiuraIIy OuiIaws can`i coIIcci |ouniy on oihcr OuiIaws,
morc |ccausc ihcy wouId |c shoi for irying ihan for cihicaI
If an OuiIaw is capiurcd ihc gang can ransom or cxchangc
him as normaI (somcihing which happcns morc oficn ihan
you wouId ihink). AIicrnaiivcIy, ihcy can scII ihc prisoncr io
ihc GuiIdcr couris and cIaim ihc |ouniy on him pIus a |onus
D6x5 crcdiis for handing him ovcr io ihc couris aIivc. In
ciihcr casc ihc gang can`i cIaim ihc OuiIaw`s wcapons or
cquipmcni (ihcy`rc maicriaI cvidcncc aficr aII).
OuiIaws havc ihc normaI opiions wiih gangcrs ihai ihcy
capiurc - cxchangc or ransom ihcm |ack io ihcir gang or scII
ihcm inio sIavcry on ihc nighi irains whiIc kccping ihcir
wcapons and cquipmcni.
A gang ihai has |ccn ouiIawcd may |c a|Ic io |uy off iis
OuiIaw siaius |y paying a GuiId pricc for hivcrs ihcy havc
kiIIcd and propcriy ihcy havc dcsiroycd. Thc GuiId pricc
Icvicd againsi an OuiIaw gang io |uy |ack ihcir frccdom io
cnicr ihc sciiIcmcnis is a icnih (10/) of ihcir gang raiing,
rounding up io ihc ncarcsi 10 crcdiis.
An OuiIaw gang cannoi hoId morc ihan onc piccc of icrriiory
ai a iimc |ccausc in ihc Badzoncs a gang can`i risk spIiiiing
up io proicci morc ihan onc piccc of icrriiory. This mcans an
OuiIaw gang ihai gains addiiionaI icrriiory has iwo choiccs.
"VV. Thc gang iakcs ihc ncw icrriiory and a|andons ihcir
oId hidcoui (dcIcic ii from ihc gang rosicr).
Thc gang Ioois ihc ncw icrriiory of anyihing vaIua|Ic,
dcsiroying ii in ihc proccss.
If you Iooi a icrriiory you gain dou|Ic ihc |asic incomc vaIuc
of ihc icrriiory. In ihc casc of a icrriiory wiih a varia|Ic incomc
iis vaIuc is aIways dou|Ic ihc maximum for ihai kind. For
cxampIc, Iooiing a hoIcsicad or drinking hoIc wouId givc you
120 crcdiis. This incomc is noi haIvcd as ii is for working
icrriiory oui in ihc Badzoncs.
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For cxampIc, ihc ouiIawcd Dog SoIdicrs gang havc a raiing of

2,88, so ihc guiId pricc io Iosc ihcir OuiIaw siaius is
(2,88/10=28.8). This rounds up io 280 crcdiis.
Ii is imporiani io noic ihai a gang`s GuiId pricc is sci whcn
ihcy |ccomc OuiIaws and uscs ihcir gang raiing ai ihai iimc.
Makc a noic of ihc gang`s GuiId pricc whcn ihcy arc ouiIawcd
io avoid any confusion Iaicr. Oncc a gang has gaihcrcd
cnough crcdiis io |uy ihcir way oui of |cing OuiIaws ihcy can
|ccomc cIcan, upsianding ciiizcns simpIy |y scru||ing ihc
appropriaic amouni of cash off ihcir siash in ihc prcscncc of
anoihcr pIaycr.
Rcmcm|cr ihough, ihai Spyrcrs, Raiskins, Scavvics and
Rcdcmpiionisis arc aIways ouisidc ihc Iaw, and can ncvcr Iosc
ihcir OuiIaw siaius.
Vhcn an OuiIaw gang pays off iis GuiId pricc ii is frcc io movc
|ack inio ihc sciiIcmcnis and rc-csia|Iish iis oId coniacis,
muscIc in on somc |usincss and gci |ack io normaI again. To
rcprcscni ihc gang rc-csia|Iishing iiscIf gcncraic fivc ncw
picccs of icrriiory for ihc gang using ihc Tcrriiory ia|Ic in
Nccromunda. Undcrhivc. Thc gang`s oId hidcoui may |c
discardcd and rcmovcd from ihc rosicr or kcpi as onc of ihc
fivc picccs of icrriiory ai ihc discrciion of ihc gang`s Icadcr.
UnforiunaicIy ihc GuiId pricc for OuiIaw gangs is incrcascd
cvcry iimc ihcy commii anoihcr crimc - in oihcr words cvcry
iimc ihcy pIay anoihcr gamc unIcss ii`s againsi anoihcr
OuiIaw gang. Each gamc adds anoihcr D6x10 crcdiis onio ihc
OuiIaws` GuiId pricc. Noic down ihc incrcasc in pricc aficr
cach gamc and kccp a running ioiaI.
If an OuiIaw gang cvcr aiiacks or harms a GuiIdcr in any way
ii Ioscs iis chancc io pay off iis GuiId pricc forcvcr. Thc GuiId
wiII do iis |csi io cnsurc ihc pcrpciraiors of such a crimc arc
houndcd io ihc darkcsi dcpihs of ihc Badzoncs.
IncidcniaIIy, rcaI hardcncd
OuiIaws don`i givc a damn
a|oui paying ihcir GuiId
pricc anyway, and shouId
compIain IoudIy ihai ii`s
ioo Iow and ihai ii shouId |c
fivc or icn iimcs as much.
Scc Iasi Fanaiic Magazinc (...issuc 5)
OuiIaws roII on ihc OuiIaw Sccnario ia|Ic raihcr ihan ihc
siandard onc in ihc Nccromunda. Undcrhivc ruIc|ook. Oihcr
gangs musi usc ihc siandard ia|Ic, ihis onc`s for OuiIaws onIy.
If a gang gcis io choosc a sccnario ii can pick from ciihcr Iisi.
Gangs (cxccpi Enforccrs) which roII a May Choosc rcsuIi on
ihc Sccnario ia|Ic in Nccromunda. Undcrhivc can choosc io
pIay an OuiIaw sccnario if ihcy wani. Thc caich is ihai ihcrc`s
a good chancc of ihcm |cing ouiIawcd if ihcir opponcni
dccidcs io rcpori ihcm io ihc Vaichmcn.
Thc non-OuiIaw (Iaw a|iding?) gang may
choosc which sccnario io pIay. If |oih gangs
arc OuiIaws ihc gang wiih ihc highcr raiing
may choosc. Thc |aiiIc is foughi in a
dangcrousIy poIIuicd arca of ihc hivc
|oiiom. roII a D6 for cach modcI ihai movcs
on ihc ia|Iciop, as opposcd io on ganirics or
|uiIdings. On a 1 ihc modcI suffcrs an S3 hii
from ihc dcadIy ioxic wasic.
Thc non-OuiIaw gang may choosc which
sccnario io pIay. If |oih gangs arc OuiIaws
ihc gang wiih ihc highcr raiing may choosc.
{ PIay ihc Hii & Run sccnario. Thc OuiIaw
gang is ihc aiiackcr. If |oih gangs arc
OuiIaws ihc gang wiih ihc Iowcr raiing is ihc
aiiackcr. Thc aiiackcr has |ccn hircd |y a
rivaI io makc ihc Hii & Run so hc wiII |c
paid D6x10 crcdiis whcihcr hc wins or Ioscs.
x PIay ihc Scavcngcrs sccnario.
PIay ihc Hunicrs sccnario.
Thc OuiIaw gang may choosc which sccnario
io pIay. If |oih gangs arc OuiIaws ihc gang
wiih ihc Iowcr raiing may choosc.
Thc OuiIaw gang may choosc which sccnario
io pIay. If |oih gangs arc OuiIaws ihc gang
wiih ihc Iowcr raiing may choosc. In
addiiion, ihis is a rcaI grudgc maich so |oih
gangs carn dou|Ic Expcricncc Poinis.
Fan06_26~35 l4/7/04 l2:38 pm Page 3l

Thc rivaIrics of ihc Undcrhivc frcqucniIy cxpIodc inio

vioIcncc and am|iiious gang Icadcrs arc oficn ihc iargcis
of assassinaiion aiicmpis. Thc crudcsi cxampIc of ihis is
whcn onc gang irics io maim or injurc ihc Icadcr of an
opposing gang from am|ush. In ihis sccnario ihc
aiiacking gang has iraiIcd ihcir iargci carcfuIIy and pIans
io |Iasi him as hc cmcrgcs from a IocaI sciiIcmcni,
drinking hoIc or gam|Iing dcn.
Siariing wiih ihc aiiackcr, cach pIaycr iakcs ii in iurn io
pIacc a piccc of icrrain, ciihcr a ruincd |uiIding siruciurc,
a conncciing waIkway or a |arricadc.
Bcforc sciiing up, ihc dcfcndcr spIiis his gang inio onc or
morc groups cach comprising iwo or ihrcc modcIs. Thc
dcfcnding pIaycr iakcs ihc group ihai incIudcs his Icadcr
and pIaccs ii in ihc opcn anywhcrc on ihc ia|Ic.
Thc aiiackcr ihcn scis up 2D6 of his modcIs, choosing
which of his fighicrs hc wishcs io makc ihc hii. AII ihc
aiiacking fighicrs musi |c sci up |chind covcr and hiding
morc ihan 16" away from ihc opposing Icadcr, D3 of ihc
aiiackcrs may siari ihc gamc in ovcrwaich.
Oncc ihc aiiackcrs arc sci up roII a D6 for cach of ihc
dcfcnding groups on ihc ia|Ic |cIow.
D6 Rcsult
1-3 Thc group is noi sci up ai ihc siari of
ihc gamc. RoII a D6 for ihc group ai ihc
siari of cach dcfcndcr`s iurn. on a 6
ihcy may cnicr pIay on a random ia|Ic
cdgc (dcicrmincd in ihc samc way as
in ihc Hii & Run sccnario).
4-5 Thc group musi |c sci up morc ihan
12" away from ciihcr ihc aiiackcrs or
ihc gang Icadcr.
6 Thc group musi |c sci up wiihin 6" of
ihc gang Icadcr.
RoII a D6. on a 1-3 ihc aiiackcr siaris ihc gamc wiih ihc
firsi iurn, usuaIIy wiih a poignani quoiaiion Iikc Varsqua,
you scum|ag! Ya goin` down!. On a 4-6 ihc dcfcnding
Icadcr scnscs somcihing`s wrong and comcs oui |Iasiing
so ihc dcfcndcr gcis ihc firsi iurn insicad.
If ihc dcfcnding gang Icadcr gocs oui of aciion or ihc
aiiacking pIaycr |oiiIcs oui, ihc gamc cnds immcdiaicIy.
Thc aiiacking pIaycr can aIso cnd ihc gamc |y moving aII
of his modcIs which arc noi down or oui of aciion off any
ia|Ic cdgc.
Thc dcfcnding pIaycr is vcry much fighiing for his Iifc so
hc wiII noi |oiiIc oui voIuniariIy or oihcrwisc. Thc
aiiacking pIaycr is dcicrmincd and oui for |Iood so hc
docs noi havc io siari making BoiiIc roIIs uniiI hc`s
suffcrcd 50/ casuaIiics.

+D6 Survivcs. If ihc fighicr survivcs ihc |aiiIc ihcn D6

poinis arc carncd. Evcn fighicrs who arc woundcd and
iakcn oui rcccivc Expcricncc for iaking pari.
+5 Pcr Vounding Hii. A fighicr carns 5 poinis for cach
wounding hii hc infIicis during ihc |aiiIc. Makc a noic on
ihc gang rosicr cvcry iimc a fighicr scorcs a hii and
wounds his iargci. Though you can scorc muIiipIc
wounds from onc shoi using somc wcapons onIy 5 poinis
arc carncd whcn ihis happcns, noi 5 poinis pcr wound.
+10 Dcfcnding Icadcr. If ihc dcfcndcrs` Icadcr docsn`i
go down or oui of aciion hc carns an cxira 10 Expcricncc
Poinis and a considcra|Ic |oIsicring of his rcpuiaiion.
If ihc aiiacking gang managc io iakc oui ihc opposing
Icadcr (ic, makc him roII on ihc Scrious Injury ia|Ic raihcr
ihan iakc him io ihc cincma or oui for a mcaI) roII a D6.
D6 Rcsult
1-5 Thc aiiackcrs cxiori moncy oui of ihc
dcfcnding gang`s icrriiory whiIc ihcir Icadcr is oui
of ihc piciurc. Thc dcfcnding gang Ioscs haIf (50/)
of ihcir incomc and ii gocs io ihc aiiackcrs insicad.
6 Thc aiiackcrs movc in and iakc ovcr
onc randomIy scIccicd piccc of ihc dcfcndcr`s
icrriiory whiIc ihcir Icadcr is rccovcring from his
injurics, or |cing pui in a hoIc in ihc ground as ihc
casc may |c.
Noic ihai ihis sccnario docsn`i yicId much cash if ihc
dcfcnding gang arc OuiIaws, unIcss ihc aiiackcrs managc
io nci somc |ouniy of coursc...
Fan06_26~35 l4/7/04 l2:39 pm Page 32

OuiIaws wiII oficn aiiack a piccc of IighiIy guardcd

icrriiory in ihc hopcs of driving off ihc guards and
ransacking ii |cforc rcinforccmcnis arrivc. An aiiack Iikc
ihis can viriuaIIy dcsiroy a hoIcsicad or a smaII sciiIcmcni
as ihc ihicvcs dcsccnd on ii and Iooi anyihing of vaIuc,
and ii`s onc of ihc rcasons hivcrs scck proicciion from
IocaI gangs. Of coursc IocaI gangs somciimcs do cxaciIy
ihc samc ihing and |Iamc ii on ihc OuiIaws...
Siariing wiih ihc aiiackcr, cach pIaycr iakcs ii in iurn io
pIacc a piccc of icrrain, ciihcr a ruincd |uiIding siruciurc
or a conncciing waIkway. Oncc aII ihc oihcr picccs of
icrrain havc |ccn pIaccd ihc dcfcndcr may pIacc up io
fivc |arricadcs and ihc waichiowcr.
Oncc you havc pIaccd ihc icrrain ihc dcfcndcr pIaccs aII
six Iooi counicrs. Thc Iooi counicrs may |c pIaccd
anywhcrc on ihc ia|Iciop (noi on ihc uppcr IcvcIs of
|uiIdings or waIkways) ai Icasi 8" away from any ia|Ic
cdgc and wiih cach counicr wiihin 8" of anoihcr onc.
Thcsc Iooi counicrs rcprcscni ihc vaIua|Ic picccs of
cquipmcni and siorcs of food, ammuniiion, raw maicriaIs,
cic, which ihc aiiackcrs arc irying io rip off.
Thc dcfcndcr scis up firsi. Hc dcpIoys up io D6 of his
gang as guards, choosing which fighicrs hc wishcs io pui
on guard duiy. Guards may |c pIaccd anywhcrc on ihc
ia|Ic ai Icasi 8" away from any ia|Ic cdgc.
Thc aiiackcr ihcn dcpIoys his gang wiihin 4" of a
randomIy scIccicd ia|Ic cdgc.
Ii is assumcd ihai ihc guards havc jusi spoiicd ihc
aiiackcrs and arc in ihc proccss of raising ihc aIarm. To
rcprcscni ihis poini of incviia|Ic confusion |oih sidcs roII
a D6 and ihc onc ihai roIIs highcsi gocs firsi.
Iooi counicrs may |c pickcd up |y any modcI ihai passcs
ovcr ihcm during iis movcmcni. A fighicr can carry any
num|cr of picccs of Iooi wiihoui affcciing his movcmcni
or a|iIiiy io shooi or fighi.
Fighicrs who go oui of aciion drop Iooi counicrs whcrc
ihcy happcn io |c ai ihc iimc. Rcmovc ihc modcI, |ui
Icavc ihc counicrs in pIacc. ModcIs can iransfcr Iooi io
oihcr modcIs in |asc-io-|asc coniaci during ihc Shooiing
phasc, |ui nciihcr modcI may shooi during ihc iurn.
If a fighicr iakcs an cncmy oui of aciion in hand-io-hand
com|ai hc auiomaiicaIIy capiurcs any Iooi ihc modcI is
Ai ihc siari of ihc gamc ihc dcfcndcr dividcs any fighicrs
noi dcpIoycd as guards inio groups of onc or morc
modcIs as hc sccs fii. Thcsc fighicrs arc noi sci up on ihc
ia|Ic, |ui may cnicr as rcinforccmcnis.
Thc dcfcndcr may aiicmpi io |ring on onc group of
rcinforccmcnis pcr iurn, incIuding his firsi. Nominaic ihc
group you wish io |ring on and roII a D6. If ihc dicc roII
cquaIs or |cais ihc num|cr of fighicrs in ihc group, or on
ihc roII of a 6, ihcn ihc group may cnicr ihc ia|Ic as
dcscri|cd |cIow. If ihc dicc roII rcquircd io cnicr is Icss
ihan ihc sizc of ihc group ihcn no rcinforccmcnis cnicr
ihai iurn. As you can scc, ihc Iargcr ihc group ihc Icss
IikcIy ii is io cnicr, so ihc dcfcndcr musi iry io cnicr as
many modcIs as hc darcs cach iurn.
Rcinforccmcnis cnicr iogcihcr on any of ihc ihrcc ia|Ic
cdgcs oihcr ihan ihc cdgc whcrc ihc aiiackcr dcpIoycd.
RoII a D6 io dcicrminc which cdgc ihc rcinforccmcnis
cnicr from as shown on ihc diagram a|ovc.
Rcinforccmcnis cannoi |c pIaccd wiihin 8" of an aiiacking
modcI. Rcinforccmcnis may movc and firc normaIIy ihc
iurn ihcy arc pIaccd.
If ihc aiiackcr |oiiIcs oui ihc gamc cnds immcdiaicIy. If
ihc aiiackcr gcis aII of ihc Iooi counicrs and ihc fighicrs
carrying ihcm arc wiihin 8" of ihc ia|Ic cdgc ai ihc siari of
his iurn ihcn ihc gamc cnds and ihc aiiackcr has won.
Thc dcfcnding pIaycr is fighiing io dcfcnd his fricnds and
homc icrriiory so hc docsn`i havc io makc BoiiIc icsis and
can`i |oiiIc oui voIuniariIy. Thc aiiacking gang is making
a dcicrmincd raid so hc docsn`i havc io siari making
BoiiIc roIIs uniiI hc has suffcrcd 50/ casuaIiics raihcr
ihan ihc normaI 25/ casuaIiics.

Survivcs. If ihc fighicr survivcs ihc

|aiiIc ihcn D6 poinis arc carncd. Evcn
fighicrs who arc woundcd and iakcn
oui rcccivc Expcricncc for iaking pari.
x Pcr Vounding Hii. A fighicr carns 5
poinis for cach wounding hii hc infIicis
during ihc |aiiIc. Makc a noic on ihc
gang rosicr cvcry iimc a fighicr scorcs a
hii and wounds his iargci. Though you
can scorc muIiipIc wounds from onc
shoi using somc wcapons onIy 5 poinis
arc carncd whcn ihis happcns, noi 5
poinis pcr wound.
Dcfcnding Icadcr. If ihc aiiackcrs don`i
gci away wiih any Iooi ihc dcfcnding
Icadcr carns an cxira 10 Expcricncc
Each Iooi counicr ihc aiiackcrs capiurc is worih D6x5
crcdiis. Vhaicvcr profii ihc aiiackcrs makc from Iooi is
dcducicd from ihc dcfcndcr`s incomc ai ihc cnd of ihc
gamc. If ihc dcfcndcr docsn`i gcncraic sufficicni incomc
io pay for ihc Iooi ihc cxira musi |c paid oui of ihc gang`s
siash. If ihcrc isn`i cvcn cnough moncy in ihc gang`s siash
ihcn onc piccc of ihcir icrriiory has io |c Iooicd and
dcsiroycd, as dciaiIcd in ihc OuiIaw ruIcs.
1 6
Aiiackcr`s cdgc
Fan06_26~35 l4/7/04 l2:39 pm Page 33
Vhcn an OuiIaw gang cnjoys somc succcsscs ihcy can
cxpcci io |c hunicd down |y Vaichmcn or oId cncmics.
Thc hunicrs know ihcy can find ncws of ihc OuiIaws ai onc
iIIcgaI irading posi or anoihcr. In ihis sccnario ihcy havc
goi morc ihan ihcy |argaincd for and aciuaIIy run inio ihc
mcn ihcy`rc huniing ouisidc a iradc posi. As ihcy caich
sighi of cach oihcr |oih sidcs siand ihcir ground, hands
hovcring ovcr gun |uiis and cycs narrowcd mcnacingIy.
Thc hunicrs savour ihcir momcni of viciory |ui ihc
OuiIaws know ihcir comradcs arc sncaking around |chind
ihcir opponcnis and shouId |c in posiiion io opcn up on
ihcm... any... sccond... now!
Thc icrrain rcprcscnis a smaII wasiczonc sciiIcmcni. Each
pIaycr iakcs ii in iurn io pIacc a piccc of icrrain, ciihcr a
ruincd |uiIding siruciurc, a conncciing waIkway or
|arricadc. Ii is suggcsicd ihai ihc icrrain is sci up wiihin an
arca of 4' x 4' or ihcrca|ouis.
Thc dcfcnding pIaycr roIIs a D6 io scc how many of his
gang arc facing down ihc hunicrs. Thcsc fighicrs arc
randomIy scIccicd from ihc gang, ihcy arc noi choscn |y
ihc dcfcnding pIaycr. Thc huniing pIaycr uscs his cniirc
Thc hunicrs and ihc dcfcnding fighicrs iaking pari in ihc
facc down arc sci up roughIy in ihc middIc of ihc ia|Ic.
Thcy arc dcpIoycd 16" apari wiih aII modcIs ai ground IcvcI
and in a posiiion whcrc ihcy arc in fuII vicw of cach oihcr.
RoII a dicc io scc who scis up firsi. Each gang musi sci up
in a Iinc wiih no modcI morc ihan 1" away from any oihcr
modcI. Thc rcsi of ihc dcfcnding gang can sci up anywhcrc
on ihc ia|Ic |ui noi wiihin 16" of ihc hunicrs. Thcy musi
siari ihc gamc hiddcn.
AII ihc fighicrs facing off arc assumcd io havc ihcir wcapons
hoIsicrcd or sIung ai ihc siari of ihc gamc. UniiI a wcapon
is drawn a spcciaI |uiId-up and fasi draw scqucncc of pIay
is uscd.
Each iurn of |uiId-up has iis own scqucncc of pIay. Firsi ihc
hunicrs movc, ihcn |oih sidcs icsi io kccp ihcir ncrvc as
dcscri|cd |cIow. If |oih sidcs pass ihis icsi ihcn procccd io
ihc ncxi iurn, and so on, uniiI onc sidc Ioscs iis ncrvc, ai
which poini ihc shooiing siaris!
During ihc |uiId-up ihc hunicrs waIk sIowIy iowards ihc
dcfcndcrs uniiI somc|ody`s ncrvc faiIs and guns arc drawn.
To rcprcscni ihis, ihc hunicrs may movc up io 2" pcr iurn.
Thcy musi movc iowards ihc cncmy and may noi movc inio
covcr. Thc dcfcndcrs musi siay whcrc ihcy arc and swcai ii
oui as ihcir aiiackcrs approach. Oncc ihc hunicrs arc
wiihin 4" of ihc dcfcndcrs ihcy siop.
Thc dcfcndcrs in covcr can movc ai ihcir normaI raic, |ui
musi rcmain in covcr and cnd cach iurn hiddcn. If any of
ihc hiddcn gang fighicrs is spoiicd |y ihc hunicrs ihcy wiII
rcaIisc ihcy arc |cing irappcd and draw immcdiaicIy.
Aficr ihc hunicrs havc movcd cach pIaycr musi makc a
Ncrvc roII. Thc aiiackcrs roII a D6, |ui ihc dcfcndcrs arc so
ncrvous ihcy musi roII 2D6. Each pIaycr wriics down ihcir
scorc. Ai ihc cnd of ihc ncxi movc cach pIaycr makcs
anoihcr Ncrvc roII, and adds ii io ihcir prcvious iurn`s
scorc. Boih pIaycrs kccp on roIIing dicc ai ihc cnd of cach
movc and adding ii io ihcir scorc uniiI onc pIaycr`s ioiaI
scorc gocs ovcr 15.
IMPORTANT. A roII of 6` counis as 0` whcn making a Ncrvc
roII, so if you roII a 6 don`i add ii io your scorc.
Oncc a pIaycr`s scorc gocs ovcr 15 his gang`s ncrvc has
crackcd and ihcy go for ihcir guns (scc Thc Fasi Draw
Oncc a fighicr gocs for his gun cvcryonc draws ihcir
wcapons and ihc shooiing siaris. For a sccond or iwo aII
hcII |rcaks Ioosc as guns arc drawn and shois arc fircd. This
is caIIcd ihc fasi draw. During ihc fasi draw nciihcr sidc is
aIIowcd io movc, |ui ihc fighicrs facing off from |oih sidcs
arc aIIowcd io shooi. Thc dcfcndcrs in covcr may noi firc
during ihc fasi draw, joining in a sccond or iwo Iaicr
In ihc fasi draw |oih sidcs can shooi, |ui ihc ordcr in
which individuaI modcIs shooi is dcicrmincd scparaicIy. To
dccidc ihc firing ordcr roII a D6 for cach modcI and add ihc
fighicr`s Iniiiaiivc characicrisiic io ihc scorc. Thcn add +1
if ihc fighicr has a pisioI, and su|iraci -1 if armcd wiih a
hcavy wcapon. Thc rcsuIi is ihc fighicr`s Fasi Draw scorc.
Vork oui ihc Fasi Draw scorc for cach fighicr - ihc fighicr
wiih ihc highcsi scorc shoois firsi. Vork oui ihc shoi cxaciIy
as you wouId normaIIy. Oncc ihc firsi modcI has shoi ihc
ncxi highcsi scorc shoois, ihcn ihc ncxi, and so on. In ihc
casc of a iic, a pisioI wcapon wiII shooi |cforc a |asic,
spcciaI or hcavy wcapon, |ui oihcrwisc shois arc assumcd
io |c simuIiancous. This mcans ihai ii is possi|Ic for iwo
gang fighicrs io shooi cach oihcr ai ihc samc iimc! Fighicrs
who arc hii |cforc ihcy gci a chancc io firc Iosc ihcir shoi.
Oncc aII fighicrs havc shoi ihc normaI scqucncc of pIay
rcsumcs. Each pIaycr roIIs a D6, and ihc pIaycr ihai scorcs
ihc highcsi gcis ihc firsi iurn.
Thc gamc cnds if onc sidc faiIs a BoiiIc roII, or voIuniccrs
io |oiiIc oui. Thc oihcr sidc auiomaiicaIIy wins ihc gamc
and ihc sidc which |oiiIcd oui Ioscs.
Don`i forgci ihc hunicrs gci ihc |ouniy for any OuiIaw
modcIs kiIIcd or capiurcd as Iong as ihcy arcn`i OuiIaws
Survivcs. If ihc fighicr survivcs ihc |aiiIc ihcn D6
poinis arc carncd. Evcn fighicrs who arc woundcd and
iakcn oui rcccivc Expcricncc for iaking pari.
x Pcr Vounding Hii. A fighicr carns 5 poinis for cach
wounding hii hc infIicis during ihc |aiiIc. Makc a noic on
ihc gang rosicr cvcry iimc a fighicr scorcs a hii and wounds
his iargci. Though you can scorc muIiipIc wounds from
onc shoi using somc wcapons onIy 5 poinis arc carncd
whcn ihis happcns, noi 5 poinis pcr wound.
Vinning Icadcr. Thc Icadcr of ihc winning gang
carns an cxira 10 Expcricncc Poinis.
Fan06_26~35 l4/7/04 l2:39 pm Page 34
D6 Rcsult
1-3 Thc aiiackcrs arc miscra|Iy unsucccssfuI. Each
modcI picks up D6 crcdiis` worih of siuff, |ui on a
roII of 1 ihcy gci shoi and suffcr a scrious injury.
4-5 Thc aiiackcrs managc io scavcngc a fcw |undIcs
droppcd |y ihc GuiIdcrs as ihcy fIcc. Each modcI
picks up 3D6 crcdiis` worih of siuff.
6-7 Thc aiiackcrs |ring down scvcraI pack sIavcs and
cscapc wiih D6x5 crcdiis for cach modcI.
8-1u Thc aiiackcrs naiI a GuiIdcr and sirip his corpsc,
gaining D3x10 crcdiis cach.
11+ Thc aiiackcrs gun down scvcraI pack sIavcs and a
GuiIdcr, hauIing in 2D6x5 crcdiis for cach modcI.
Thc GuiIdcrs rcaIIy don`i apprcciaic pcopIc aiiacking ihcir
caravans, cvcn Icss so if GuiIdcrs gci kiIIcd in ihc proccss. Bcing
ihc aiiackcrs in ihis sccnario mcans |cing auiomaiicaIIy
ouiIawcd and ihc GuiId pricc on ihc OuiIaw gang is dou|Icd. If
any GuiIdcrs wcrc kiIIcd (rcsuIi 8+ a|ovc) ihc gang is
pcrmancniIy ouiIawcd, so ii may no Iongcr pay iis GuiId pricc io
Iosc iis OuiIaw siaius.
Thc gang guarding ihc caravan may coIIcci incomc as usuaI and
is aIso paid 10 crcdiis pcr fighicr |y ihc GuiIdcrs. Howcvcr, ihc
GuiIdcrs wiII dcduci 20 crcdiis from ihc paymcni for cach
aiiackcr ihai gcis ihrough io ihc caravan and ihcy won`i pay
anyihing if a GuiIdcr is kiIIcd. No maiicr whai happcns, ihough,
ihc gang docsn`i havc io pay ihc GuiIdcrs anyihing (no Icadcr is
ihai siupid).
+D6 Survivcs. If ihc fighicr survivcs ihc |aiiIc ihcn D6
poinis arc carncd. Evcn fighicrs who arc woundcd and iakcn
oui rcccivc Expcricncc for iaking pari.
+5 Pcr Wounding Hit. A fighicr carns 5 poinis for cach
wounding hii hc infIicis during ihc |aiiIc. Makc a noic on ihc
gang rosicr cvcry iimc a fighicr scorcs a hii and wounds his
iargci. Though you can scorc muIiipIc wounds from onc shoi
using somc wcapons onIy 5 poinis arc carncd whcn ihis
happcns, noi 5 poinis pcr wound.
+5 Attackcd Caravan. Each modcI which movcs off ihc
dcfcndcr`s ia|Ic cdgc gains 5 poinis.
+1u Dcfcnding Icadcr. If ihc aiiackcrs don`i gci any mcn
ihrough io aiiack ihc caravan ihc dcfcnding Icadcr carns an
cxira 10 Expcricncc Poinis.
GuiIdcr caravans makc icmpiing iargcis for OuiIaws. Thc
pcnaIiics for aiiacking GuiIdcrs arc draconian, |ui OuiIaws arc
dcspcraic, hunicd mcn and ihc GuiIdcr caravans carry a smaII
foriunc in crcdiis aIonc. GuiIdcrs hirc IocaI gangs io proicci
ihcir caravans as ihcy pass ihrough ihcir icrriiory, |ui |iiicr
cxpcricncc has iaughi ihc GuiIdcrs noi io Ici ihc guards comc
ncar ihc caravan iiscIf in casc ihc icmpiaiion provcs ioo much.
Hcncc ihc gangs aci as vanguards and fIankcrs, fighiing off
muianis and OuiIaws ihai comc anywhcrc ncar ihc caravan. For
ihcir pari ihc OuiIaws jusi wani io gci pasi ihc guards and gra|
ihc |ooiy.
Thc icrrain rcprcscnis an arca of ruins in ihc Badzoncs. Each
pIaycr iakcs ii in iurn io pIacc a piccc of icrrain, ciihcr a ruincd
|uiIding siruciurc or a conncciing waIkway. Ii is suggcsicd ihai
ihc icrrain is sci up wiihin an arca of 4' x 4' or ihcrca|ouis.
NO1E. In ihis sccnario ihc dcfcndcrs cannoi |c an OuiIaw gang.
Boih sidcs roII a D6, ihc highcsi roIIcr can pick which ia|Ic cdgc
io dcpIoy on. Thc Iowcsi roIIcr dcpIoys on ihc opposiic ia|Ic
cdgc. Thc dcfcnding pIaycr scis up firsi, dcpIoying his cniirc
gang wiihin 12" of his ia|Ic cdgc. Thc aiiacking pIaycr ihcn scis
up his gang wiihin 24" of his ia|Ic cdgc, ihough nonc of his
modcIs may |c dcpIoycd wiihin 16" of ihc dcfcndcrs.
Boih sidcs roII a D6. Thc pIaycr wiih ihc highcsi scorc iakcs ihc
firsi iurn.
Thc caravan is onIy a fcw hundrcd mcircs |cyond ihc dcfcnding
gang`s ia|Ic cdgc so ihc aiiackcr onIy nccds io gci somc of his
fighicrs pasi ihc guards. Oncc ihc aiiackcrs gci ihrough ihcy can
pick off a fcw pack sIavcs and Iooi ihc caravan ai ihcir Icisurc.
Vhcncvcr ihc aiiackcr managcs io movc any of his modcIs off
ihc dcfcndcr`s ia|Ic cdgc pIacc ihc modcIs io onc sidc uniiI ihc
cnd of ihc gamc. Vhaicvcr happcns, nonc of ihc modcIs ihai
|rcak ihrough io ihc caravan wiII rciurn in iimc io affcci ihc fighi
wiih ihc guards.
Thc gamc cnds if aII ihc aiiackcrs arc ciihcr down, oui of aciion
or havc Icfi ihc ia|Ic. Ii aIso cnds if ihc aiiackcrs faiI a BoiiIc roII,
or voIuniccr io |oiiIc oui. Thc aiiacking gang is making a
dcicrmincd raid so hc docsn`i havc io siari making BoiiIc roIIs
uniiI hc has suffcrcd 50/ casuaIiics raihcr ihan 25/ as normaI.
Noic ihai modcIs which havc Icfi ihc ia|Ic do noi couni as
casuaIiics for ihc purposcs of ihc BoiiIc roII.
Thc dcfcndcrs arc proicciing ihc caravan as ii passcs ihrough
ihcir homc ground and ihcy wiII suffcr a major Ioss of facc if ihc
GuiIdcrs arc aiiackcd. This mcans ihcy do noi havc io makc
BoiiIc roIIs. Thc dcfcndcr won`i |oiiIc oui in ihis sccnario and
cannoi |oiiIc oui voIuniariIy.
Oncc ihc gamc is ovcr ioiaI up ihc num|cr of aiiacking modcIs
ihai |rokc ihrough io ihc caravan. RoII a D6 and add ihc
num|cr of modcIs io ihc dicc roII io find oui whai ihcy managcd
io rip off from ihc GuiIdcrs.
/ake has recently taken to uearing
large pink hats. Not really, but as
he`s out of the office for a ueek he
can`t proof read this!
The rules for the wyrds are currently
being playtested and uill be in next
Fan06_26~35 26/7/04 2:35 pm Page 35

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