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Brahms Sonate fiir Klavier und Violoncello e-Moll Op. 38 Miiller/Boettcher/Kraus Urtext Edition Schott / Universal Edition vin CRITICAL NOTES ‘The following are the sources of the Sonata for Piano and Violoncello which exist and which were used for this edition: 1. The original edition, published by Simrode, Berlin, 1866: Sonate far Pianoforte und Violoncell von Johannes Brabms. Op. 38. Herr Dr. Josef Gansbacher zugecignet, Pull score and violoncello part (publisher's number: 6476). 2. Brahms" own copy (Simrock edition). The Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, Vienna, is to be thanked for granting permission to examine this copy which is in its possession. It contains some handwritten corrections: tse movement bar 56 Piano 1. h, second half of the bar: lower note f sharp instead of g 172 Piano 1. b,, lowest note of frst chord, b instead of a 263. Piano r, h final erotchet g sharp (i) 3rd movement bar 24 Piano r. h.: final crotchet, # above tr, also bar 151 87 Piano: final note a flat (b) 150. Piano L.b.: final crotchet g sharp (#) The notation of the original edition has been largely retained, with the exception of the by now obsolete method of notaring the extension of a note value over the bar line by means of a lengthening dot. In addition, some irregular notational procedures have been brought into conformity with chose used continually ia the original edition, Differences between the score and the separate cello part in the original edition have been eliminated. Phrasing and dynamic marks added by the editors have been indicated by brackets, and additional staccato dots by small type. ‘The editors are also responsible for the dotted phrase marks in the solo part, which are to be regarded as performing directions. Particular attention is drawn to the following (all details refer to the original edition): 1st movement bar 119 Piano r. 3rd crotchet £” missing 126 Piano I. h.: slur only over the quavers 162 Score, Ve.: “legato” missing 179180 Vc. part: differs from the score in phrasings 189 Score, Ve: <== missing 204 and 206 Score, Ve.: tie from the first to the second note missing in each ease 252-253 Score and Ve, part: slur from last crotchet of bar 252 to first crotchet of bar 253 missing 260-261 Score, Ve.—== =~only below c sharp’ and bs likewise bars 269—270 2nd movement bar 57 Score, Ve.1 == missing 73 Piano r. h.: Sth quaver with g” 86 Piano r. h.: 6th quaver without & 3rd movement bar 11 Score, Ve.: staccato dot on the first a missing 21 Piano r. h.: 4th quaver without octave d sharp’ 25 Score, Ve.: staccato dot on 3rd crotchet c! missing. 44 Score, Ve.: staccato dot on d missing 46-48 Score, Ve.: staccato dots instead of dashes, 49 Ve. part: accent on a’ missing 67 Pano t, hu: phrase mark missing 82 97 96 95—96 105 109110 115, 116 128 128-130 130-131 152 162 178 180 Ix Ve. part: staccato dot on the first erotchet missing; likewise in bar 84 Score, Ve.+ staccato dots on the last four quavers missing Score and Ve. part: slurs only A—e sharp and c shasp—a Pianos lower slur f sharp—a in both hands; corresponding to bars 96—97 and 107—108 Score, Vc.: staccato dot instead of dash on the first quaver Piano r. h.t slur missing, I. h.: tie missing Piano r. h.: slur begins on the second triplet quaver of the second beat Piano r. h.: phrasing cf. bar 66 Ve, part: ef. the phrasing in bars 66—68 Score, Vou == == missing Piano 1. h.: slur missing Score, Ve.s staccato dot instead of dash on crotchet c* Ve. part: staccato dot on the first crotchet missing Score, Ve.t articulation sign for last two quavers missing Score and Ve. part: crescendo signs of different lengths

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