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Comparison of Two Poems

Choose two poems issued by the Picnic Poem Press and fill in the chart below to compare them. Under the columns Poem A and B, make notes on the points that relate to the aspects of comparison in the same row. End off each role by writing a topic sentence that sums up the comparison.

Poem A: (insert title and author) Ideas/ Themes: What happens in the poem and how theme is explored

Aspects of Comparison Ideas Structure (comment only if any of them are significant) Line Length Stanza Shape Rhyme Punctuation Time-scale Images, similes, metaphors The speaker Sound Effects Mood and emotions What is the overall message of each poem? Why do you think this poem was written?

Poem B: (insert title and author)

Write a topic sentence for a paragraph that compares both poems using this aspect

Language Effects: How ideas are explored through language Purpose: How is language used to convey the poems attitudes and feelings

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