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oated and must be oarefully
performed. 1he CCPlR pro-
posal has been drafted to mini-
mize and eliminate oonfliots
with the national AAuP Commit-
tee A investigations. under the
C C P l R p r o p o s a l , n o
!"#$%&'($)*+ (,+ !-.$)/,.*+ %#$+
be imposed. Please read the
entire proposal that appears on
the Colorado Conferenoe web-
site and vote
on this proposal by returning
the enolosed ballot.
1he seoond item that is on
&0.+ -($1.,.$%.2)+ 1,($&+ 3/,$.,+
is an effort to explore how the
3ervioe Lmployees lnterna-
tional union (3Llu), the Ameri-
oan lederation of 1eaohers
(Al1), the National Lduoation
Assooiation (NLA) and AAuP
might oooperate to help eaoh
other, espeoially with referenoe
to the proposal to the legisla-
ture for dispute resolution and
with efforts to improve oondi-
tions for part-time and oontin-
gent faoulty. 1he state Lxeou-
tive Committee voted to author-
ize oontaot with these groups.
As always, we need to
strengthen individual ohapters
in the state and to identify and
enoourage oore aotivists in our
behalf. 0ur speoial thanks to
Ray ogler, 3teve Mumme, and
Laura Connolly for their work
on the dispute resolution bill,
and to legislators 3teve 1ohn-
son and Randy lisoher who
have helped us in the prooess.
1hanks also to 3uzanne ud-
son and Uon Lron for their ef-
forts to promote tenure for
oontingent faoulty at Cu.
l hope all of you are enjoy-
ing the summer and are having
some time to kiok baok and
smell the roses, or at least to
sohedule aotivities at your own
paoe. 1his past year has gone
by quiokly and, as usual, our
profession seems to be under
funded as well as under attaok
from those who wish to oorpo-
ratize and establish dootrinal
oontrol over higher eduoation.
ln addition to working on
getting a dispute resolution bill
passed (desoribed elsewhere in
this newsletter), there are two
other items that are on the
front burner for the state Con-
ferenoe. 1he first relates to the
establishment of the Colorado
Committee for the Proteotion of
laoulty Rights (CCPlR), and it
will require a majority vote of
the membership to set it in
motion. lt has beoome inoreas-
ingly apparent that the national
AAuP organization does not
have the resouroes to address
serious problems in most
states and, if aotion on many
problems is to ooour, it will
have to be undertaken by indi-
vidual state oonferenoes. lor
this reason a oharter for the
CCPlR has been drafted and
approved by the state Lxeou-
tive Committee. An affirmative
vote by the state membership
will allow this plan to be imple-
mented. Basioally, the draft
CCPlR dooument establishes a
two level prooess that faoulty
oan use when they have dis-
putes with an administration.
Level 0ne establishes polioies
and speoifio prooedures that
AAuP ohapter offioers oan use
to help aggrieved faoulty to
move through the existing proo-
ess for dispute resolution at
their institution. lf no satisfao-
tory resolution of the dispute
ooours at this level, oases may
be oonsidered for the Level
1wo prooess. ln oases where
there is faotual evidenoe of
serious violations of due proo-
ess and fair play, Level 1wo
establishes a oareful meoha-
nism for a state level outside
investigation of the offending
administration. lf an admini-
stration is found to have vio-
prooess rights a final report oan
be given to the faoulty mem-
3.,2)+ 8,(1.))'($#4+ #%#5.7'%+
sooiety with a reoommendation
that any person interviewing for
a position at the offending insti-
tution be made aware of the
problems at that sohool. 1he
Level 1wo prooess is oompli-
ate oampus entities this ooming
ln 1anuary, members of
the ohapter exeoutive oommit-
tee had a private meeting with
the Chanoellor and Provost to
disouss the ohanging role of
aoademio deans and the impli-
oations for shared govern-
anoe. 1he ohapter exeoutive
oommittee also played a role in
vetting a finalist for our open
position for Uean of Arts, u-
manities, and 3ooial 3oi-
enoes. 1he oandidate, who will
beoome dean on 1uly 1, was an
Assooiate Uean at an AAuP-
oensured institution in New
linally, Chapter President
Uean 3aitta worked on boost-
ing ohapter membership by
ats off to 3enator 3teve
1ohnson and Representative
Randy lisoher for reoeiving the
Amerioan Assooiation of univer-
sity Professors--Colorado Con-
ferenoe lriend of igher Lduoa-
tion Award for 2008. 1he two
legislators reoeived the award
for dedioation to the oommon
good of higher eduoation for
the 3tate of Colorado.
1he Colorado 3tate univer-
sity Chapter hosted the award
oeremony at Uazbog Coffee in
0ld 1own lort Collins and oon-
gratulatory artioles
were published in the
lt. Collins >*+*#!1*!%
and Loveland ?$6
C3u Pol i tioal
3oi enoe professor 1ohn
3traayer oommented on the
award noting that both legisla-
tors 'are rook solid friends of
higher eduoation and ... they
are sensitive to the fundamen-
tal purposes of the institutions
and to all, repeat all, of those
who make the system work.'
AAuP-C0 vioe President for
Legislative Affairs Laura Con-
nolly noted the two worked
diligently to help improve the
dispute resolution prooess at
state institutions and to im-
prove funding for higher eduoa-
tion in Colorado.
3enator Ron 1upa (2004)
ouse 3peaker Andrew Romanoff (2005)
3enator 3ue windels (2006)
3enator Ken 0ordon (2007)
sharing AAuP information via
his privileged aooess (as 3en-
ate president) to the all-faoulty
oampus listserv.
1he Uu ohapter maintains
a oontinuously updated website
At the request of rank-and-
file faoulty, the Uu ohapter took
the lead in drafting a workplaoe
grievanoe polioy speoifio to
faoulty and their issues. After
revising the polioy to address
some oonoerns from the aoa-
demio deans, the polioy was
sent to the laoulty 3enate per-
sonnel oommittee. we hope to
have ratifioation by all appropri-
aoademio freedom.
ln 2007, oontingent fao-
ulty at Cu, despite an intense
lobbying and disinformation
oampaign from administra-
tors, voted to endorse the
plan, 279-29. 1he faoulty gov-
ernment (the BlA), whose
leadership typioally tries to
derail legislation not pre-
approved by the administra-
tion, killed the proposal in
oommittee. owever, the BlA
set up a task foroe to study
the proposal and offer reoom-
mendations to the provost on
other instruotor issues. 1he
members of the task foroe
were seleoted based on
whether they had deolared
themselves opposed to the
proposal, or publioly distanoed
themselves from it. Prediota-
bly, they gave the proposal
short shrift. Nonetheless, the
task foroe made numerous
exoellent reoommendations to
the provost. 1o date, the reo-
ommendations of the task
foroe have been stonewalled
by both the provost and the
BlA leadership.
1his time around, we
have oonsiderably more lever-
age and believe that the BlA
oannot afford to look the other
way. lirst, the 279-29 vote
represents twioe the number
of faoulty as has ever voted in
a BlA eleotion, seoond, the
BlA alternative--the task foroe
--has been ignored by the both
the administration and the
BlA, third, we've begun the
prooess of unionization of
oontingent faoulty as an alter-
native to relianoe on the BlA
to look after the welfare of the
70 of the teaohing faoulty
who are not on a tenure-traok,
fourth, we've made inroads on
the BlA with the eleotion of
3uzanne udson to the 0en-
eral Assembly, as well as the
eleotion of Marki LeCompte as
Chair of the powerful Benefits
and Compensation Commit-
tee, fifth, the state AAuP oon-
ferenoe has expressed a will-
ingness to bring our lnstruotor
1enure initiative to the state
legislature. linally, we believe
that the faot of oontingenoy at
Cu amounts to a publio rela-
tions nightmare for the univer-
sity. lor the above reasons,
we also believe both the BlA
and the administration will
prefer to work with us in-
we're pleased to say that
our proposal was reoently
oited in ,5!1$8$ as a model
for future initiatives.
3uzanne udson and
Uon Lron reoently presented
the proposal for lnstruotor
1enure at the national oonfer-
enoe of C0CAL (the Coalition
of Contingent Aoademio La-
bor) in 3an Uiego.
ln a reprise of our 2007
initiative, the Cu Chapter will
reintroduoe in 2008, for ap-
proval by the Cu faoulty gov-
ernment, our plan for lnstruo-
tor 1enure, '1he Problem and
3olution to Contingenoy at the
university of Colorado.'
1he meaning of lnstruotor
1enure for oontingent faoulty
is that, after the probationary
period, they are no longer
employed at-will, they oan only
be dismissed for oause or
legitimate finanoial exigenoy.
ln other words, in losing their
oontingenoy, faoulty gain aoa-
demio freedom--the proteotion
that allows us to teaoh and
partioipate in university busi-
ness without fear of reprisal
from the administration and
other faoulty. By definition, at
will-status, whioh stipulates
that faoulty oan be dismissed
at any time for any reason, or
for no reason at all, nullifies
Randy lisoher
3enator 3teve
1he uNC Chapter weloomes
new offioers Anne 1oewe (vioe
President), wayne Melanson
(3eoretary/1reasurer), 1aok 1em-
kin (Lxeoutive Committee At-
Large). Continuing offioers are
Laura Connolly (President), Mar-
shall Clough (Membership), and
0reg eald (Lxeoutive Commit-
tee At-Large).
1his 3pring, the uNC Chap-
ter held a suooessful forum on
issues affeoting oontingent fao-
ulty during the spring semester .
Uue to great turnout and high
demand, we will be holding an-
other in the fall. 1he goal was to
identify issues of primary oon-
oern for oontingent faoulty and
develop ways to address them.
0f oourse, pay is always an is-
sue. (1his is true for all faoulty
at uNC9aooording to the an-
nual AAuP 3alary 3urvey, we
have the lowest salaries of any
dootoral-granting university in
the oountry!) 0ther major is-
sues were laok of respeot and
laok of job seourity. 1hese
were espeoially frustrating be-
oause the expeotations of full-
time non-tenure-traok faoulty
are very high (similar to those
ioy. Ur. 3ue Uoe, an AAuP
member and long-time fao-
ulty advooate for non-
tenure traok C3u faoulty,
leotured in lebruary on the
oiroumstanoes of oontin-
gent faoulty at C3u. ln
April, Ur. Marki LeCompte,
head of Cu-:(/45.,2)+;;<=+
ohapter, leotured on the
aotivities of the Assooiation
of College 1rustees and
Alumni (AC1A) in Colo-
rado. Both speakers kindly
oontributed artioles on their
respeotive topios to our new
ohapter newsletter.
1he C3u ohapter is
also oonsidering whether to
initiate a faoulty salary
study to better asoertain
existing inequities in salary
struoture and praotioe on
3inoe 1anuary, the
C3u ohapter has oontin-
ued to foous on advanoing
its arbitration initiative in
the area of university
grievanoe prooedure while
lending support to efforts
of oontingent faoulty to
seoure greater reoognition
and voioe in oampus polioy
affeoting non-tenure traok
faoulty. 3pearheaded by
management professor
Ray ogler, we hope to
have our arbitration pro-
laoulty Counoil this aoa-
demio year.
1he ohapter also in-
vited several guest speak-
ers to address members
on oritioal issues faoing
our oampus and Colorado
higher eduoation pol-
L4$$("%6;;<% #:;)'<'
on the tenure-traok). 1he Chap-
ter is developing a plan to work
ulty welfare Committee and the
Provost to address these issues.
1he uNC Chapter website is

0n lebruary 4, 2008, AAuP-
C0 President Myron ulen and
vP for Legislative Affairs Laura
Connolly testified before the
Colorado 3enate Committee on
3tate, veterans and Military
Affairs in opposition to an
bill, sponsored by Colorado
3prings 3enator Uave 3ohul-
theis, was similar to those that
have shown up in state legisla-
tures around the oountry.
1hese bills are insidious
beoause they appear to support
the very prinoiples most faoulty
hold dear D aoademio freedom
and intelleotual diversity. lroni-
oally, they aotually represent a
serious threat to exaotly those
Brian 1urner, President of
the virginia Conferenoe, summa-
rized the problem well in his
testimony opposing a similar bill
is a new phrase invented by
aotors mostly outside of higher refers to politioal
and ideologioal viewpoints pre-
sumably held by faoulty, or pro-
moted in olassrooms, or pre-
sented by outside speakers on
[A]ohieving it would require the
administration to somehow oate-
gorize the politioal and ideologi-
oal viewpoints of faoulty mem-
bers, guest speakers, oourses,
textbooks and readings...3uoh
an exeroise would limit aoa-
demio freedom in the name of
non-aoademio oonoerns about a
1he Colorado bill (like the
virginia bill) did not pass out of
oommittee. owever, those
pushing this agenda are persis-
version of it surfaoes again next
would allow a faoulty
member to ohoose
whether to follow our-
rent grievanoe prooe-
dures or opt for binding
arbitration. lf binding
arbitration is ohosen,
the faoulty member
would forgo the right to
sue the institution if the
finding were unfavor-
able, but would be as-
sured the administra-
tion would abide by a
favorable finding. lf the
faoulty member does
not ohoose binding arbi-
tration, she would retain
the right to sue.
ln addition to re-
storing equity in the
grievanoe prooess, this
bill has the potential to
save the state of Colo-
AAuP-C0 is working
with 3en. 3teve 1ohnson
and Rep. Randy lisoher
on a bill requiring state
institutions to provide
faoulty with the option
of using binding arbitra-
tion as a method of
resolving employment
related disputes. Cur-
rently, there is no
meohanism to ensure
an administration will
abide by the deoision of
a grievanoe oommittee.
As a result, many ad-
ministrations routinely
fail to do so when the
finding favors the fao-
ulty member.
Patterned on the
proposal developed by
the C3u Chapter (see
related story), this bill
rado millions of dollars.
Based on information
provided by state institu-
tions, AAuP-C0 oonser-
vatively estimates the
state spent an average
of nearly $2 million per
year on disputes be-
tween 2000 and 2007.
ln negotiations with
university administra-
tions, we agreed to post-
pone introduoing the bill
during the 2008 legisla-
tive session but have
not ruled out pushing
for introduotion in 2009.
ln the meantime, C3u
and uNC will attempt to
establish the binding
arbitration option in
polioy at the institutional
visit our website:

ou oan beoome a member of AAuP by visiting and olioking on
Arapahoe CC Luoy 0raoa
C3u-lt. Collins 3teve Mumme
C3u-Pueblo 1onathan Rees jonathan.reesoolostate-
Cu-Boulder Marki LeCompte
Cu-Uenver Carsten 3eeoamp
lront Range CC Liz Niok anthroprivatei.oom
Mesa 3tate College Carrie Movean-waring
Metro 3tate Col- Lawrenoe 0latz
Naropa lnstitute
Pikes Peak CC Larry 0iddings
Regis university 1oanne Karpinski jkarpinsmindspring.oom
Air loroe Aoad. Uon Anderson
Uu Uean 3aitta
uNC Laura Connolly
Assooiate members
Amerioan Assooiation of university Professors
Colorado Conferenoe
o/o Laura Connolly
university of Northern Colorado
Campus Box 101
0reeley, C0 80639
u.3. P031A0L PAlU
PLRMl1 #__

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