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The meaning of this question is little complicated.

In easy language the questio n should be: There are some points in the plane. We have to make a separation between these p oints by forming a line in such a way that one point could be separate from the others. No 3 points are in a line. Maximum no of methods for plotting the line a nd minimum no of methods for plotting the line will be (arrangement of points is your choice) Now Answer Is: For Maximize: The number of methods, Points should be drawn in the circumference of the CIRCLE So answer would be the number of total point in the plane. For minimize: The number of methods we should draw 3 points in a TRIANGLE and al l other point inside this triangle in such a way that no 3 points could be in a line. If it will be allowed to draw the points in a line then minimum possibilities wi ll be 2 only, because if we take all points in a line then you can separate only the corner points from the others. For example If we have 10 points then maximum possibilities = 10 and minimum = 3 similarly for 5 points Max = 5, Min = 3 for 19 max= 19 Min = 3

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