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Chp 85 - Photosynthesis

Green plants make their own food in a chemical process called photosynthesis. Light energy from the Sun is transferred into chemical energy in glucose sugar. Light energy is absorbed by a green substance called chlorophyll. This is found inside some plant cells in structures called chloroplasts. Plant cells that carry out a lot of photosynthesis, like the palisade cells in a leaf, contain many chloroplasts to absorb lots of light. This is a diagram of a palisade cell.

Sunlight shines on the leaf and only green light is reflected. What happens to the other colours?

The energy is used to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. Carbon dioxide is obtained from the air by the leaves. Water is obtained from the soil through the roots. The reaction can be summarised in the word equation: carbon dioxide + water light > glucose + chlorophyll oxygen

The products of photosynthesis are important for all other organisms. Oxygen is used by plants and animals in respiration. The glucose is a source of energy for animals.

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