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Humpty Dumpty - Story by Ad Shield

An egg is on a huge brick wall with drums of toxic waste below.A mother bird kicks the egg into the toxic waste.Then one drop of the toxic waste touches the egg, and arms & legs come out of the egg.Then two eyes come out.Then the egg rolls down the sand on the beach, then it rolls into the ocean.The egg goes to a small island with a town named Point City.The egg stops at the beach, and finds a knife on the beach.It picks it up, and hears a little girl singing the nursery rhyme of Humpty Dumpty.She then looks at the egg and says "Humpty Dumpty!The talking egg!".The girl hugs the egg.Then, the egg stabs the girl in the back.The girl screams, and the girl's mother sees "H.D." written in blood in the sand.And, she also sees an egg shape.She screams.She calls 911 and says "Help!My daughter's been murdered!" and tells the cops her location.The cops come and Chief Shelby asks Jenny Summer*The Mother* if she saw anything.The mother replies with "No.". Then later, at a cafe named Cafe Supreme, A kid is playing his Game boy while his father is telling him that he will enjoy school.The father says "Kyle, you are gonna enjoy school!Besides, your friend Charlotte is at that 1

school.".Kyle replies with "Dad, I don't wanna go to Point primary.". The father says "Son, you have to go to school to learn new things.Like maths and how that Game boy was made.Point primary has millions of computers.And you can go on ANY website!You'll be me!You'll be the new Chief Shelby*The father*!".Later, at Edge Avenue house 58, Humpty was in the eggbox, seeking his victims.A guy named Eddie Bluckzo was in the house, cleaning with a mop.Eddie is hungry, so he goes into the kitchen and eats a banana.Then, Humpty jumps out of the eggbox with a saw, and Eddie gets a gun out of his pocket.He shoots, but right before the bullet hits Humpty, Humpty uses his eyes and turns the bullet around.It breaks Eddie's left leg.He calls 911 and says "Help!An egg shot my leg!" and tells the cops his location.Humpty says "Hehehe.This little egg wants your leg! Hehehehehehe!".Humpty goes to Jenny Summer's house.Jenny's son, John, is playing Heavy Rain.Jenny is sobbing and saying "Why, Ellie?Why?!".The phone rings and Jenny answers.Chief Shelby is on the phone, and he says, "Jenny!Read your newspaper!I know who killed Ellie!Go to page 23!".Jenny reads her newspaper and goes to page 23.She then says "Oh my god!".Chief Shelby then says "See?It 2

says"Mysterious egg murderer! Could be Humpty Dumpty!"Oh god!Be careful! Please!".Humpty grabs Jenny's leg and tries to pull her into the closet, filled with saws and guns and drills.Jenny tries to grab a knife to cut Humpty.She grabs it and cuts Humpty.He is in two halves.Suddenly, a flash of light goes all over Humpty.He is back to normal.Jenny grabs the phone, calls 911, and says "Chief Shelby!He's trying to kill me! Help!".Chief Shelby replies with "I'll be right over!".The cops bust the door open and they fire their guns at Humpty.Then Jenny says "No!He's invincible!He'll just regenerate!I saw it happen with my own two eyes!".Humpty regenerates.Chief Shelby says "Oh no.We'll need our rocket launchers for this!".Jenny says "Guys!There's an eggbeater up there!Grab it, and mix Humpty right down to his blood!Wait, does he have blood?".Humpty grabs the eggbeater, and says "Guys!Let's go for a spin!".Then, he turns it on, and mixes the faces of the cops.He almost gets Chief Shelby, but then, John comes and squashes Humpty.Then Chief Shelby puts Humpty's body parts in a trash bag.Then Humpty regenerates again.He breaks out of the trash bag with his miniknife.He kills John.Chief Shelby sees an arrow of blood.He follows the arrow.He then finds a message in blood that says 3

Here he is!Wanna play Halo with him?Chief Shelby sees John's dead body.Chief Shelby screams uncontrollably.Then all of the neighbours come to see John's dead body.Then Humpty comes.Then Chief Shelby says "Run!Hurry!It's the murderer!".Humpty kills all of the neighbours.When Chief Shelby goes out, he sees random letters on the ground written in blood.And he sees a note that says "You will find my weakness when you make a word on the ground.He finds the word.The word is "Shredder".Chief Shelby says "Of course!A shredder!".Humpty appears.Humpty says "Well, well, well.It looks like you've solved my puzzle.". Chief Shelby says "I'm sorry, but I have a paper shredder with me right now!".Chief Shelby shreds a piece of paper.Humpty says "Oh ha ha ha.That's not even a HALF shredder!You can find out where a REAL shredder is by looking at the jumbled letters again.".Chief Shelby finds the word.The word is "Dump".Chief Shelby says "Of course!The dump!".Chief Shelby goes to the dump with Humpty for the final battle.They arrive.Humpty says "Ready?".Chief Shelby replies with "I was born ready.".Humpty flies onto the conveyor belt, while holding Chief Shelby's hand.They fight.They end up on a platform on a pole being shredded. Humpty says "Prepare to die!"Suddenly, Kyle 4

comes with his BB gun and says "Daaaaaaad!Take this!".Kyle throws Chief Shelby his BB gun.Chief Shelby shoots Humpty into the shredder.Chief Shelby says "Son!You did it!".Suddenly, Humpty's hand comes out of the shredder and tries to strangle Chief Shelby.Chief Shelby and Kyle say "Oh my gooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".Chief Shelby shoots the hand with the BB gun.Kyle gives Chief Shelby a ladder, and Chief Shelby comes down.Then they both look at the white blood of Humpty, and then they sing the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme.Then, everyone who was killed by Humpty comes back to life.Then, later, it was a really stormy night.Two scientists look at the blood of Humpty, then they get some and bring it to their lab.Then, they put the blood in a test tube, then, lightning goes in the test tube and touches Humpty's blood.Humpty comes back to life.He is even stronger.His fists are stronger.If he was a bomb filled with power, the bomb would explode.The end?Not yet.Humpty laughs.

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