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Chapter 1 Study Guide 1. Homeostasis is the state at which the body's internal environment remains in the normal range.

It is important because it is the body's ideal range. 2. Positive feedback is when the information causes the movement away from homeostasis. An example would be stimulating a nerve cell. 3. Negative feedback is when the information causes the movement back to homeostasis. An example would be insulin/glucose after a meal. 4. Anatomical Directions Anterior/Ventral-front side Posterior/Dorsal-backside Proximal-(when dealing with appendages) getting closer to the trunk Distal- (when dealing with appendages) getting farther from the trunk Superior/Cranial-moving towards the skull Inferior-moving away from the skull/below Sagittal-divides body into left and right Coronal/Frontal-divides body into front and back Transverse-divides body into superior and interior 6. The thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities are seperated by the diaphragm 7. The general characteristics of the 4 tissue types are: Muscle- helps bodily movement, found through out the body

Epithelial- easy to heal, epidermis Nervous- relays electrical signals Connective-binds, protects 8. The difference between simple and stratified is that while simple only has one layer of cells, stratified has many. 9. Cilia is important due to its ability to move and move mucous. 10. Bonematrix-made up of mineral salts and hard collagenous fibers. lacunae-the chambers where osteocytes are found-spread out around the lamellae Haversian Canals-the holes through which veins are found lamellae-the layers of matrix laid down around the haversian canals; lacunae are spread out here 11. Epithelial-simple squamous-lungs, tubules of kidneys, blood vessels simple cubodial-tubules of kidneys simple columnar-digestive tract psuedostratified columnar-reproductive tracts, respiratory tract transitional-bladder stratified squamous-throat, pharynx, esophagus, epidermis 12. Muscleskeletal-multi-nucleated, striated, voluntary

cardiac-one nucleus, branched, intercalated, involuntary smooth-one nucleus, unstriated, involuntary (esophagus, intestines, stomach, blood vessels) 13. Connectivedense connective tissue-tendons and ligaments loose connective-

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