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Hello to no$gba Feedback, if you have any constructive comments, suggestions, bug reports, please email me (see webpage

for email address). Please no threatening mails, I do already have some, it's parts of amuzing and parts of boring. Please no questions from beginners, I've no time to help you about whatever problems, that means, I cannot, do not, did not, and will not help you. ----------------DO NOT SEND ANY DO NOT SEND ANY DO NOT SEND ANY DO NOT SEND ANY DO NOT SEND ANY DO NOT SEND ANY ANYTHING I HAVE DON'T DO IT. QUESTIONS ON HOW TO USE THE FREEWARE VERSION. QUESTIONS ON HOW TO USE OR PLAY GAMES. QUESTIONS ON HOW TO USE THE INTERNET. QUESTIONS ON HOW TO USE README.TXT. QUESTIONS ON HOW TO USE COMPUTERS. EMAILS WITH ATTACHMENTS. FORGOTTEN?

Homepage, updates, more info, Debugger, the no$gba debugger is a programming tool for professional developers. To support hobby programmers, there's also a nice-price shareware debug version available. If you are a developer, please see no$gba homepage for more info. If you aren't, please read the note below. CAUTION: The shareware & commecial versions include debugging features which are useful for programmers ONLY, these versions are COMPLETELY USELESS for gamers. That means, if you are a gamer, then you do NOT need to buy (or steal) anything, you already GOT EVERYTHING you need FOR FREE. ---Installation notes, unzip the no$gba package into a new/blank folder (or into your existing no$gba folder when installing an update) and start the no$gba.exe file. For more info about additional files see built-in help. The program should work (slowly) on any 80386SX (and up). Uninstallation, no$gba will eventually create some files and subdirectories in the no$gba folder, aside from that it does not create or modify other files/registry settings (except nocashio, see below). If no longer needed, just delete the no$gba folder with all files/folders in it. Nocashio, a parallel port driver for windows NT/2K/XP, no$gba prompts you if you want to install the driver (only when -if- accessing the parallel port under NT/2K/XP). When -if- it is installed, you can uninstall it in no$gba utility menu. Martin

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