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Phoenix Project, Amgor Civilization

Boeing instrument, string instrument

Brian Aguilera Llinas Phoenix Project Music Chapter: My string instrument, the Boeing. 10-05-11

Montessori British School

Music Chapter Phoenix Project

Phoenix Project, Amgor Civilization

Boeing instrument, string instrument

The Boeing
The boeing is a string instrument created by Amgor in the year 2870. It is a square like box with four holes and six strings. The boeing is used in religious parties when we worshipped the animals and nature. There are eight steps for doing this instrument there are: 1- Gather the materials for doing the instrument. You will need a box of light Sbabm (Synthetic Biodegradable Amgors Building Material), 12 little eyelets, 2 metal rod 10cm, 6 steel strings, 1 bottle of glue, and the tools you will need are a saw, and some rills and a drill. 2- The second step is to glue the box for making it does not open; you will need to glue it on the edges. You have to glue it with a lot of glue so it wouldnt open. 3- The third step is to open four holes to the stuck box. You have to do with the saw four holes including one bigger in the center and four little ones on each side, left, right, in front and behind. 4- Place the 2 metal rods in the outside face of the so they are diagonal looking the four holes you will also have to glue it. 5- You will need to place the eyelets 6 on each side and you have to place them tightly so they didnt fall. 6- place the six strings in between two eyelets so there is a string for each two eyelets. You will need to turn the eyelets so the strings will be tight and that they produce a pretty sound similar than a guitar and that finishes saying boeing. The boeing produce six sounds including the notes Mi, Si, Sol, Re, La, and Mi. this instrument is play with the fingers ans for changing the sound you will have to put a finger in the part of the

Music Chapter Phoenix Project

Phoenix Project, Amgor Civilization

Boeing instrument, string instrument string that isnt inside the two metal rods. To play in tune the instrument you will have to turn the eyelets of each side.

The boeing:

Music Chapter Phoenix Project

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