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Assignment 2

(1) A list of the various sensors you would like to use In this case, we would like to use Displacement sensor Speed sensor Angular displacement sensor Angular rate sensor Deformation sensor Temperature sensor

(2) Their purpose for installation in this CNC profile milling machine

Displacement sensor: We use displacement sensor because we must control the distance of tools working in the CNC. Displacement sensor can transfer the number of displacement into electric signal. Speed sensor: The purpose of speed sensor is to measure the speed of three axis movement. These axes are straight lines. Deformation sensor: The purpose of deformation sensor is to active thermal deformation compensation. The left and right fixing points about deformation are focused in the deformation of a thin ring located at the centre point of the detector. Thus, small changes in the long distance between the two measuring points can be tested with high precision and stability.

Angular rate sensor: Generally speaking, angular rate sensor can achieve to measure the constant rotation rate. In this CNC milling machine, there are two coordinates which walk a circle. We need angular rate sensor to control the angular rate in these two coordinates. Temperature sensor: Measure the temperature of the work piece surface, which could be sent to the controller. To ensure the work environment safety, if the temperature is too high, the speed of the tool would be decreased by ECU. Angular displacement sensor: Angular displacement sensor could measure the curvature of movement in this CNC profile milling machine, then the machine can calculate the coordinate value in X, Y, Z axis

(3) A sketch showing the location of each sensor

(4) A block diagram including all sensors indicating the way feedback

control/compensation is incorporated in this CNC milling machine

Feedback Angular rate sensor

Speed sensor Angular displacement sensor ECU Controll er Actuator Continue

Temperature sensor Deformation sensor Displacement sensor Feedback

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