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Another Butterfly Bookmark

Copyright to Champygirl January 2, 2010 Materials: Size 10 thread in black and variegated thread Size 7 steel hook (1.65mm) Needle (to weave in ends) Finish size: Butterfly part- 1 h x 1 w inches, Bookmark as a whole- about 16 h inches Directions: Body: With Black ch6, join with sl st to first chain to form ring. Ch3, 2 dc in ring, [ch7, 3dc in ring] Do this 2 times, ch7, sl st in 2nd chain from hook and in each of the next 5 chains, ch6, sl st in 2nd chain from hook, and in each of the next 4 chains, sl st into same chain as last sl st is in of first antenna, 3 dc in ring, ch7, 3 dc in ring ch7, join with sl st to top of ch3. (15dc, 4-ch7 spaces and 2 antennas) (ch3 count as dc and the chains with sl sts worked into are the antennas) Finish off and weave in ends. Wings: Wing 1: Join variegated with sc to 3rd dc from 2nd antenna, 15 hdc in next ch7 space, skip next dc 1sc in next dc, skip next dc, 14 hdc in next ch7 space, 1 sc and sl st in same ch7 space. (29hdc, 3sc, 1 sl st) Finish off. Wing 2: Join variegated with sl st to next ch7 space from bottom part of wing 1, ch1, 1 sc and 14 hdc in same ch7 space, skip next dc, 1 sc in next dc, skip next dc, 15 hdc in next ch7 space, 1 sc in next dc.

(29hdc, 3 sc, 1 sl st) Finish off and weave in ends. Bookmark part: With wrong side facing insert hook in between center dc on one side of the butterflys body, and then out the other side going in between the other center dc. Measure out 100inches of thread, at the 50inch mark fold thread in half over hook (this will create a loop), pull loop on hook through sides of butterfly. Now working with both strands of thread chain until you have 4 to 5inches of thread left. Tassel: Cut 3-10inch strands of thread in the black and then cut 5 strands in the variegated. Insert hook into last chain made, fold pieces of thread over hook, pull up a loop (with pieces of thread), take hook out of loop and pull loose ends through loop and pull taut. Make a knot to secure tassel (optional). Trim tassel to make sure its even or to desired length.


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