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I, ______________________________ (name of child), on this day____________________ (date) , have asked to get a raise in my weekly allowance. I already get ______________ every week for doing my chores. I have to do ________________________________________
added to current chore list) (additional chores

in addition to the chores I already have to do to get my allowance increased.

(new amount of allowance) (Mommy and/or Daddy)

I understand that my allowance will be raised to ___________________________ each week if I agree to the extra chores. _____________________________

told me that if I dont do the extra chores that they will not give me the raise for that week. I also know that if I dont do my extra chores for more than ___________________________
weeks) (length of time i.e.: 2

in a row, they might take the raise in my allowance away from me.

I understand what I have to do to get my extra money each week and I agree to do it.

______________________________ Childs Signature

____________________________ Parents Signature

_________ Date

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