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Year 12 National Diploma in Sport Unit 7 A and P Muscles and Movement Aims Show an understanding of muscles Apply this

is understanding to sporting examples Explain types of movement and relate to a sporting examples Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Explain the three types of muscle tissue- Cardiac/Skeletal/Smooth Where would you find examples of all three types Define agonist/antagonist/fixator and synergist Using a sporting example can you explain the agonist/antagonist/fixators and synergists Explain how muscles are joined to the bone via tendons at the origin (non moving attachment) and the insertion (the moving attachment) Define both the insertion and origin Define concentric/eccentric and isometric muscle contractions Explain when each of the above would occur using a sporting example Explain the structure of the muscle include information on the protective sheaths Epimysium/perimysium and endomysium. Explain the fasciculi, muscle fibres, myofibril and sarcomere. Explain how muscle fibres contract. Explain each of the sarcomeres the actin and the myosin. Explain how cross bridges are formed between the actin and myosin when calcium is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

11. 12.

Date set: 01/10/09 Date to be completed: 20/10/09

AO3 Describe the structure and function of the muscular system in relation to sport and exercise PASS Candidates provide a basic description of the structure and function of the muscular system. Their description demonstrates a limited understanding in relation to sport and exercise. MERIT Candidates provide a detailed description of the structure and function of the muscular system. Their description demonstrates a sound understanding and is supported with some examples related to sport and exercise. DISTINCTION Candidates provide a comprehensive description of the structure and function of the muscular system. Their description demonstrates a thorough understanding and is supported with a range of examples related to sport and exercise

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