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Traditional M,one.

y Association
to ~~

V,o,l 1 .,t

*t\i!b ~


01' Ml!l1iw ~.,

~i!I;;f,o c>l.;m

. _ E!~,Mg_,'iI"i":-iKI~Joi'Iri'j





-;C)'me ,t 0 th,e first Money Ass oici,at:l oin=tbe'



f"i e,ld crf :Primi ti :feel that ouT. new as soc:i,a_ ti on 1,I,,"i],l hel,p ;a:u,ppo!t"t and cOm,prl€l:ml!'n't tine other tw'o cllubs. ,a"evoted t,o. this f1 eld~'tbe., I'POe.!;: :In. Amel.rie,~ $,I1d, t;he Geman ,srpeaking EUCOFRIMO. ~e., aims of ou:;r 8Qe~ety are
it 0


J,OUl"bSil () f' the $'rad:i ti O:rJjal mO'5,t rec:irent, ,ol'ub formed fQr M,oneFs Md aSiB oci,Ei tred ,1t'e'lUllJ .

,an,a, col'leir::ti,nlg ,of Prim1:ti,ve Mon'!Bys:ii Exc:ltl,ange' Med:l,i';i, Tr.,adi ti,o,:rnal We:a.Jl th and. Unusual, Mo;neys 01 't,ne 'World 'R1i,th a Bipeci,e.l 09, c'n, t':rade.rSi, (If ,d;up,l:1 cat e::s, 'b !ijft;WiB en m.. miibrers e The ~.T'ournel 'w.i,],l be iss,u,Eta ",wi,oe e\a.o.h ye.a'l.' ....the n~x,t in No,y,em'b'fl::r :nd ~ hom theitiL on:J' in, Mar,eh/A,pri,l ,and S,e.ptember/ a oe to iber~, A, me~ib~l"lS: Ii B ting ,to. 'be irl.!l~,llll.'lieil:ll, in the n.e:x:tilSllUB"" t ['!:be Jo, is pub.l:1shed f.or. the benefit f/t CioUr mettle ersand 'we acti'v,ely- Solic'i t a, ,Bind news i't,emLs BS well a!s, ,s,u,pipil:ri:n& a. m.ed'ia f o:r trle e adv'e::rti s@ment is :and reqlu,e,st 19, tor is,perc i :f:ic. :i nfomal'1!i i,on., For a c:lL,u,b s,uc'h as, ours It th,e more mefm" we have the more. J

l:IobK!i!I'-_@ ,'II""

prorno't e the' s.tu,d),

'our cl:uib wher\e!'v~T.and Vlhenev'er." p'cHssi bl @:: -a1;9,0 when 'lHlt:"i t,ing ,t 0 deal,e:rs ~ et e '. - e~peeially 'whe.n y'o,u, t v'@; obtained the addTie'BBiea ,f'rom thelSe pages ,-pI eillsei me:n:t,io'D tha.t y"ou. bel aug to t:hel T.MA" All Bugge'st i QD~ lor 'thel 1m,provem'en.t of' Q,u_r and, I w'el come tbem, e:B,pe'c: 1ally ii' OUr f:i rel,Q ,o,t: s t,ud,Y' i is ,an extl"\em~ly :l:nt'~l."esting one :a'r:iI~ rep'1"e,se.n,ts:t,iv'!8; :i to,ems ,eM, 'be o.1bta:in,e d, q,u:l'te 'oll'en,ply. Do.n,t t be worri ..e.d by the high IJr:i. (H!l 8. that Y'QiJj}J, w;i,ll f:i:nd, :S'CllfU:1J ~:x,ampl,e8 ,of' Primi'ti've M'onfl'y:s 1br,ing ... a :in, $11 f'ie1149 ,CI,f a c 0.11 ect ing' , i no lud,J, ns 'OOiDS and st,am1Ps, the' )[,"-.B..r(f:: i t,em:a, are v,la,l'IIJ,·a:bl As wel:Jl. as 'th.e ee hi,gil, pr::i,c ed, i ,t e.m;sthe~e' e.:re m,s,:gJ' e.. love'lY'" h.1,s'tor',iea:] a'od lntere.sti'ng i terns whi,eh. 'o·a-n b'i!!: purchased :for 8. fe'w dQlla'l'S ,or' Ie 8s-e.nd;t hope fully, :s om.'i8 CaD bEl: o;btain,ed, fro:m :r'e.'Jl.a:t,i, V'€i'S :ant ac,cg,u.a.1,~t,ifnl'c ea onoe ,tb'ey l"ea;]'i~,et\bE: g,r 1.te.aliS whi,ch in,teTes,t yo'u .. I:t 1 t,an hel'l~ :yQU, in ,any way, r'egarning C>U.r- 1,nt'e::re:st, pleue adv.ise~,

we :reeei ve :i:n :i"

a'fld 'po9'a,i,b'le;e:a

p'uibli e,i SEll


3'ome of - cur new me':m,bei"'s, are junior.s



,Q.l"e :eH::tUgh:t.

All the 'i~st t,o You and 'Yours., e



GRLA A;ND M'A:LAI~A. I( 'lo,'Y ,001. ,rm:,vid~on)

The,a:e c:ona:1is:t",
;3 t; Ql'l!, ,~

(I f' 't,l ny O!:~ SC B '0:1:, red! or W:hi t~ _ ,$:h~ll~", t Bomet'ime's int E!'rs'per;s,ed, with, ,t e,eth, ,ljir' be;;r',l",l'8'Si 110< :fo-r,1lI! a :pa:t,te:r.n,. In, adtl:i tion, t atrJr!ngS 'o,t' 'p!!>rpoi,se t,e'i2: b i' d.'O!~:6t t e.eth!, flyfu,ng to'x t e~tb a'odi, t o ":P;(~H56um "t,e e th ,arei rus,edi, ,', aud 'the' f'i,rs't two forma were, is ome t,ime;E;,W{i. Jein :i"nto V ela:btJ'ra.t e and '!beau ti fun. arm t. :D}e'lJl~ or ,ne,ad, bairiu';li,13: G':rea t, s,l gn1 f1'cWlcee ~ 1,13 ,a,t"t,~.ohedi, to the o'olQur th!f!: ;sh,~ll lbeada and, t,o the le:qth. ,aJnQl num,be;r o:f th,e ~t:l"1 nge :1:nt "bl'ch 'tb~y a:re w'Ov~(~~ 00


~h.un'e:rous gt'lOuptngs. as, t,o 1 e;ngth jI s1 g,e, eo lQur' arttIJ, Qj,u~.l:i y 0 r sbel,], are f"ouon\1", :f,ro:m the T'aline t (whi,en ¢'o':([t~:i s 'Of ,Ei lrEl'd, $1ri:n.g$ t e:eJiCh. 12 f',athii,l'm~) to t:he' st Gi rag:ll,r:a. i( 4 wh1;t e st:ri'nj~ ~ 1 :f,a,th"om') ~ The 'ml'nl~H:-' g:r.ou'p:il,ngs :Ii"nclude :r,ed, or wh:li.:te :s,t,r'in~ of' 'v-a:ri,'Qus, fJiMa;l.].Eiir 1 e:Dgths, :1' 'mad e' up "1,:i th i,nte:r5peI'iS €:d t,;e;et,b, as an~klL,et :, s a.l"Jb1,ba'l:'i!di,s" :nee:kl:ac'es: t hea'd,b;ij.'!;ui:a" E!itc ~

In Ge la, (llJLo.:ri,da)

ana, tfit'O'fU,gn<>u,t t.ine' SQ lomons numerous: cQirD'bi:t'l~,t:io:rls of she,ll ~t:ri:r.llBs ,a:r'e' curren:; tog-ether -, exo'e'pt; ap'!pa:re:o,tly ,for rr'[aJ,a.:i ..t,a_.

Ji ff",e:rent U'M.'t s ex:eh~~ ~t ,di f'f"e:rent; va·lues 'ibu:t tn~,8 ::I!"eno t; t,tJiie 'l',eaSOD, ;for· tbe' exi,is:t e:tl:ae of' t:.bes", di ft'eri ns 'len11]ths ,-the ma.:i:n :reaSQIiI, is, that they a.r's' freq;'Uuant'J!.,y '!ltJliH~ld ,,as 1b >;L,J ;Q,:rname'l'I,ti-"':J- a:ndi, Qa,. ...h "",al~~','i"llCi" 1:"'1;,; ',·'t'··,IL;.,"J e ""-,,,. ~ .,' ~ . -, - -_. ~, - -- ; _. ,- "'_ ... - ,,.,oil .Ii. ~_ '"' inj!!l; g 'o-:ne fatho.m, eto,~ :1Ls re,l"f;t'tedl! ,to t.h"is 'Use ~
~''U' ,1U,

]Jor :tmporta,p,t; ceTe:mo,:trial ex:el1Lang\i';l: s :h,Ol'I'e;Ver" fU'rth,er



i,n lSu,ch e:x;C:hange~B,~ In, GIE!,la. ::ii.,t i.;E!j, the '!alin.a. Ql'lo (6 rei, at'ril'i.:g~:Ii' ,e:ao.h () fath;o:ms:):i' and i:l:'i, M'ala1,toa 'th e tafU~] i.e.€: (~O :re~ st,ringl!1!l t 'i!!:8eh 1 f',~tho,m) On,e

~~o:nrvlE:nti,.O(ID.Q'JLly r.e,gard,ed


the;'s,e: :1t'ems al"'lI;: 'u.:s,$d,,~ (rIJlte of







uni tiS

sUiCh as 'tbe' t:a:f.U'11,G,e"I' may- ;he-of dif't'!9:r1ns' 1e~t,h,s: {rr he, v,e d:i f~fe~riliig,t a: '0 f' 's:li.'e:l,l,~ Al,though s"t,l,,:ll, l'iISime;d a 'l;:El.hliae; the v,ar,i,!.'l.:ti OIn wa;s, ,no,t ] OiS:t on, the na't i,ve'~ macki,~g the e:';lcha~ng-e.. iJh!ll:i:I, they j'"d~ed the 'Uni,t a~s, 'h:iL,ghI!a,lt' i! low~" ,a,c,c;oriing' to' i tiS i'n't e:rn~ u at'rue tU'l"~ t If' br'i,de i1'ri o'e ~'I1'l~mi;:\nt WE!'r'e g,i'ven by OT S p~ovi d'ed :for Q. poo :t'e::t:"amily f :1 w~ o::ft en IIermd t,t'ed t tba,t the v,acl'1!le o,t the' ornamEm't,s O:O'ilfl1:dbiB IIlowUo :rather th~n !! h'i gh il - lOne c~im be' >ert' :s:l:x stri:f:lg!:l, in:e<t IE! Q:f t,en,~ ai-a,

thaot un1:ts:,

as'iO"'e~t -l'" - -

""f" t'b~~ ,...'", r- "",.. v_


n."..~i,t,", ....,.. ,O!'.,. u,··,.:: ,.,..: . -' ........._ ... 'V,,,, G1" .!!. p.I.,ngs


~:fl..:'j;l-_ ~~,JL

': ,l,S

Prcdm;:t1O:f:\ ,of" the s.hil3ill. d:l sa et1"i:t'll.g'$ sa\ve rii~.e· t,o the mOiSt h;1gbl,Y srpElei.~li sed), lII.anuf,Bicrt,ur,i:!rlg w·oc'e SiS in e.aste:rn Me' lQl'iJeai.a ~ tbe. m.anufacturers de-pe:rrn.:Il.ngdilli'o ~t e·nt,:~:r\e.],y. on, the 'r;s,stul·t is ·o'£"'thl s ·prod;u!c·ti.on, and 'of f1 sbing t .

on i.n the' S ol'o.-m.on.!lS ·ee-II. wer.e Hounl.hi1 on. the. t eeu t:h~w,eat C:OBst Q:f San, (l"ri,E!Ioval :; Marau S,a'unti t O''Ml'rd t -t·n.e· s.·Qu,thern. Ii'l'od of Guadalcanal., and. the.· axt;1f1,c i,ell i 61a:M~ , t.he. :19 ou,tb.-weiS"t e.o~ t: <0 t; Jilalai ta~.
~hrele k1.nds o.f aitle.'ll are: 'use.O!. .... a whi t e moll:lu:,'1,C!: a blac'k t :musifI,el; a:r.!!di'itost, im.])o'ria:nt:ll the re(i.'-l.i p'lP'e. d ~,p!:indy].u:s. ~ T'he Mal,Ed't·a manui'8ctll,lrel"8 nad no. shell b,e,cia 0:1 the'ir own, .eIi. si tuat 1 en whi,oh. ]1 eO. t;o int ere'sting e.x~ha:ngeB~ Onel iEi! ou':rC'i9 of suppl.y l.a:,y' ·amcHng the i $land s en, the ,0 'Cher side of .Ma'l,Bil:ta;wt, 'the m.o,s,t im]pQ,rtant so·ul"Ioe .in ' GI.l·a,,~ TbJ! rigb:t to :fi eh i I'l c·~4fta.1:n areas wa'B, l"!I!i Slerwd ,t·o membe1"S ,of" parti,cular' c·lana. "he whttie shell 'WBS ac:tus:..lly gat:bereOl. 'by the Qela 1,0,1' sal e 8S nee. Iie'saary ;. POlL'" f"onr gal,l pa..'l'"O,e:l.5 ,olf' Sh.ell~. the M~a:i,t:a 'people 'Would give, one 81:1"1 ng 0 f the f1,ni she:d Wbi te p,roduo·t:li 'w,a th SJ. lit tl e· black in:t: Etl"lsqpers,eOl.;. A bi.i 'ibeu:ii'!£:et; 'wcliuld ''blr.! ng (l1'tbe.:r product,s;. aueh - as ·t;W!I;!flty lear-:ri.ngs (:I,t clam, sbe:ll,. ,0'1" a. nwnoel" of rine ermlet B..

1:1".1id!1:ng the





The thre:6. 'c·ent·;rIEH3i of

It i.a po'~a:i'bl e tha't the gI"es·toe:I" va l'ue (I·f the r'l!ldi. ahel:l we;;s. due ,to ,gr.e,a.,.te:r dif'fieul t:itua· o:f co,ll,eet.ion.. ~bie Ge,la 'poe s:e.,e.·s,ed 'th@ m.os t, 1mpo,rtant beds but we'l"e 13.0. t jpl"epar\e.d ,t!O U:l'iIdJ,ert.ake·he di. f'fi;oul t dii ring t reQjuire Ii t·o ,pthel" the She:!:l.~ !lbe' Kalai ta pe Q'ple d1 d. tb'l is bu,t expec't:eCl!. the l~l,Sb peo-pl,e to pl."Qv.lde t:hem wi,tll foo~ and hos'pi tali·t,y during the visi·t, 100- cQl:l,ect the 'sne:ll a~d. they . re.C:i1.-[pr'O cd wi'th. pre s:e.nt·8 of the lini sbed :produet. cat

So highly w'e1"etbe Or"lti:!llII8U-GB va.lued 'tbat 'they exer-t:ed a. ,Ci!;msidera'bl e inf'l.u.iulc,e u.po:n a mall" B beh.a.:vio·u:t". "be me's·t db:-ect me·'t.hod ·I)f· o'bt,ainin,g them W88 by :matJ.lllf'G'(rtul:"e _4 thi.:s, 'WaS!1mi ted to the i'nheib:i tant,s o:t only a few I select lo-cali,ties, and bY' c:;x>c.han.~:~;, Also, the p:n;H;:;es8 ,pt manu:f-ac,tui"'e 'W'a!ij, ,ll"O ,t edli O'u;s, a.nd s.k:i.l.l,ed -tha,t " 'un11k;e ,o·tll,e·r :. el.8~e'si,Q'fI:'i, !1uu1:uf'aoturera: t. ii: was a full-ti'me ,o,ocupation and! coulQl, no,t be ·un.Ii.e-::rtake.n in C onneet i on ·tr.lth euppl e:me:nt,a-ry 'pu:rsu1,t is.

~ t a"pa.:rt if'rOom m;~'u,]i!!J!;faeture m@n WQu14 gO' t Q ,0 Oiit'Jis,1iB:,e rab:l,e le;tl~t'~'''', t""", ""'1"ft,,~,"", ,,,:,!,,,,,, ,oII.'h;" .... "" ... e:n:t-;g •~ ... ,t"i,u-:,-:,l_ Y. ,,._.:, a - -~ ,~~""' '" ..... ,~ .... ,,.. ,...,._.. - -- . -_. -.:1,;',[;1,,,., ... ·,PJ.! ...... ,ne'iCeE;;s:ilri.:ly l1mi t,ed t ,and :al.l wh,Q -y,Ianted tilHf:m CQuld, ,:nlo't, o btsi:n. 'till,em, Ln e~:x'Chang!E!of f"O'Ci-l:liBtUf'f~ t ~t e;io M'O Sit :!:li''i'iI,;,;" .. 'taJ ...u1 ''''''rlv " , , 'm.... ·' 'w''''''~''l'''' 1!ll!!",p;"!2':rn'i'"' 't'I,-;.'ti!lI"'i, B'''', 10..., .,-""'d· ,moo,ney "' ,----"';.-',-- i' .. -- .1"9'" . --"" ....,_.... ,., n "' .... 'I"I!. ........ - it-"I!' IU! _"'" __'"' ~.Ii.,Q"" ,ISi:EiI, pa:yme'nt 1'0'-1"th-e DiiIJ;rde:r' (J't' ;S,Q:CiIE!'one' no;mina,t~d lby 't;h-e' ,gi vel.'" - 0 f the. Q:rni!i-mt!'r~:t~, for th-f): P(l"Q;vj_,$i,on, 0. f a ci5l'pti'V'e Ol" f'o:r e sacr,if'ic;i,a], 'fe:ast. Sl1'nce 'the pOisse;iii:si,.on a,f' :],a.rge q'u.a'nt i,t,i ;e:s, ('iI f tJ\~ '~j,'b;::r:-:ingB 'me~~t1i'ttbe:!! tne' -POiB see Bor l!!ad n' ,,_ _ _ _ ~ ...'i'"'i'--""r'"',·· b1·;:?'k -,:."_..,..... \o" .. ~...: ',:"<0" 'Yi"'''''i;r;;'iO'' i' ,__ 'i!>,erm:iiII. of'_ tlle :liv·;a.,....,......"".I:, "" ',",U••" "':t GU' p-~, ID':&" ''''I;:., "'.... "'M' __ _ __ the Ili05 s;>es si-o,n ¢ f iElIliil::i!:l:l d:l.,IS,IO;:S 'lilla-a al,s:o. 'th,en the sielii. 'Q'£' pe:rso:nal pOiwe:r ~ p-Qli 1:ica,1 :p:re'B,tige t or c:hi~tt,tms;b.Ji'p 0:1;" be,, p 'he pu,bll,e ,{>.ff'e:r' of :sueb, a'rtl. el ea lon, :Ma.'lai'ta. CQulOJ, ';t'I@a(::n tn.e ears {),f;' Q Ge Jl~ rn~:, who W(fllild, t:ra'v,e 1, t 10 :S~vo 0'1' S,i;U'j.'t,a, 'Ysa1bel. t,o.' ~c:t;!' 'tb~ ,c,la:iming: hi s rewa:rd, ~ Red, ~n:ey c erta-l,:nilY 11 v-ed up to it is: na_m.e" .. b-:I\.OQd. 'o,f,' 'tbe mlm,1II' ~



TherlE! 'WE!lre ,a numiibe.r o'f c'tb'i!!i'r C E!:rerI!H;;mi al O',ons (J,ur1:ng wh; orn.MiI3:Iiita W1ere 'im:iPoMa~t., '!rhe:y 'W{j::r-:~ d,u::rable ,ar.!d one Q f. 'U!!.'~ 'V'r;;!l:ry' t'e"" :~os;s,e~;ei one: ,o,f' 'tJ:l:e.:MIEi! JJ.,iane~iSians, lr whi ell c'o,uld be' 'pa:Si~ldI~:(lj, on :frOm, ~enera tiOD, t:o genera't,;iLQ:r.ii,,., fiih,e:n pa,s,Si'ed en th-sy 'i'iQl"iEl o:tt,en re',ge:r-deg a's treasure d be i OoiDs :e;, 'W,e'r,e o::ft,en pr'e:e !5I·;p,t lI;l,d a~ an, ea'l"r.ll~:s't; 0 f g,oodl f' .. '5::y tne~ir :mutu:al exch~n!le the :f~i:J!.1,es: o:r (l1,SinS: , "",po ... .., ... D""'''l'!lf ui\Cl,";lln W""'I11·'''.:i .di~~'" "".. ..-t .Al .... ,n"" ... '''','fI' 't--1i...,"'"'i, ...., ,ii''i'Io'-'d Ii! 11# 1I11'~!I.Il.Q _'_II# J::..Q Ie ·Y·.IIl"-'~\ .\l:lirvl" e.~~. fa-1,th attd ~:riIJ:n t,s 11;1' that the::y wuula, ,ilo ,all in. th.eir po,wel" t,o; ensure the' :succ e:s:s, Ii) f the !l[jarr:iL 8J!e • A man ri,51,ng ;1:n ,the ra:nks: -0 f th~ Ge:l,1il,Ma,t:a'gl,'bilila S IE! ~'l"Ie t is 0,0:1;e'ty : WQ,uld gi ve' Ol"nam9nt,s t;o hi;e;, :i,n:!!t:i,;;i:,t OiriS.' ~h,e se W'ere' not paym,e:D.t :i"n S! (::om:!!l'erci,al s~l'i!:s,e :S'O much. as e-Videnc'S' of ,g-o odiwill,~ Siltii:J1,ar:],-yJon. thEt. a(lQ pti o:~'o'! a ,child a Pres e::nt 'wag 'Illaa 11;)' 1.0'0 - :i,t;s er,e t,'rlfii 1 parente el Qr ca p,t(:i,:r ~ th.ough, 't;he chi,ld was cO'lllpl ~,t,~l_y 1brn~g;h:t in,tQ the :falnily ;B:;E!i, i.:f by birth. altd, tbel"E! '~S! no s,ugges't 1on, 0 f ;fI ],ave:ry i,n sUCih CQseiE!,.







..... ~

Si:D,c'e: th;e so'c ial pOiw1er wnl,(':h a:ttQche,d ,t 00 'PQ;SSeS ai,on, o:f -~''''l'; ..'1;.;.,'1",:'" W"'''', :...;0" ~_. -, v... u........ ,.,,.. ...,... '"'"" D'r~a;t,. ClYmer'B, -we're 'I"i\I"€::'r'iarea to . ,gi ve thEi:rIi: '!!liP onlY' in :return f,ol:r' v-e.rJ! s'p;e;c:i,a4 s'e:rvi ce::!~, ,A;e, p,ureh~s.iing p,o,w"er ~ 'tbe ornMeli't,s were' lilld,,-t,e(iJ, to, 'Viery hilg'h ex:,·e, w,]:ues.
"'1;.;.",,- "", ... ~S 'Ii' n
,f;' ~ _ __

Eur(]i'pean, ,cur.:rency- is

rnaki rue :i.tIIt'QQ,ds 1 in:t 0 'th,'etradi t,i,orlieil

ex.changes - eV'en ':l,n the 194,0' s some :s·h.11,.ltnge. and ·doJ,lB_l" nDt (lia ('~i'ux-i'n.g tbe sIll fila (H:=o-upa.t:l on) 'Weir'S' i:n·c·l'u.d~d with t.he bride p·:ri,o.;e.; P,!3:,ym.ent, 01 iah.ell is,tr1Dgll!~, Ther-,e' :bas be'en a c'o,:ns:id"el"'·ab'le deC'line in, 't,be :nwri'ber (rt U;$ es to 'wh'i eh the 'o,r:namen.ts caD be ·pu.t. With the iDfllll~Dce of Cb:ri"ei't·;i,IE;l:ai't'1 and the. 'snfo:rc.-emellit 'P.€ l,aw and 'order; ~ :ri t:ual,s.,. e 3p~ cdaJl.l, sac.ri f'ic:1 ull. on.e:s i' are not, o f tbe. same imlPol"tane 1;1:.. The g:rea t w.a.,r ClI;U'loe 8 are al BO ltO ],onge.l"in. uee lbu,t the eb.ells ,are ;9;ti.l:l c:f PI"im.e .imp 0 rt· i,n cns c:el"emoD.y - 88. bride pn ee • Al thoU:g'h PI:"Q'QUc;tiOR of' mell money has ce·~e.ed. in mos,t ·of ·t:be· tr,ad.l ti o:nal areas, 1,t i,s still ·l'lI'I8l'D.'lf,s'(!rt·ul"ed ·on Meil·e,j, a. It decl i.ned i;n· 1950, '.8! bu.t ::it is now' a t 'flo,uti;sh'1:~ i,;nci'u:s·try d.u,e. m.e.J.rlly 1H" the :lu.'cra:tiV'fi· 'Eh:nlga:~:nvile lilil\l:"ket 'W'here It, i a e BiilJ;tn'li,t1al 1:n 'bride l pri ee ( 'CO(ll'pel" t 1.9171, )I.~ It 1·8 uSiea. :for thi:s purpo,se on Ma'Jl.a.1 ta a,nd i s al~i:H) finai.~ ·ElI reooy !III.e.:r-ket in the ,syraK'eni;ng ·!Urope·.sn in"tH!!:re~8t i,n, such ·arM, .fact Ill: ~ liib,lt Oli"aphy

ChSJ"nge is in He·:Il"rloom.Je."e~ll er'Y' in the. C'e:ntral Solomons. .... ooeania:, 1950. Be:lshaw;o C... 8., iooDO'mic 'Cont,ext 'o,l S.he,ll 'M:oney' li'rod'lllctiO'o .in :Mal,ai,t·a, Qeeania."

Co,oe'r':I' M,.

'OrB:B.~i ga, t,ji one.1




A1Ppro,S;.>ob t,Q Excn.a"nge mil er t 'D~ -

l4eci,a. -

1"'Etpre:s.en\ B:U.v,e· it eme, - Paul Dillingham' ilS, Ii at gi vee :rr'om. .Afl'"'ice .... 5 d.i.t.Cere:nt pas;s tr·ad IE! _ bead.8 ·81..'5'0:;
~l:B By

!!'0lR. 'THE JONJi'mt


f,oll" tbo~,e

wbo· "liran,t 8" few


!U~lnifQo" ( >0 oin, 'w,i th eo·~l) Nd.:ge:ria IJ,t b:r·eH';i·s beaOl.i! 250 ent,s ee. ~:" 'el()'tb money 12 ]:I er f'oot; Qee.arrl,a, _ OOllUiS she,ll ii so .".1, pl.I!U't,aci fi ibre ;6:1 jpetr foot ~ '011ve sbel1 :82 ~ cl.o.tb i;2' j .A,mer:lca:s· - 5 t rad,e for $,2' ,. t;r.ade pi pe IS ,,2' ..50 f. Sl arm - ;small 811 V'@lJ:" "i:H,lll e·t; mo.[IlI:~'J' 11 ~ po:ro1e:JLain 891mibling ,token 12" (rpium, weigh.t ._3..,50;, CaD.Q eo


:8,2~ t ekt,i t es 81.

IIMd a:nol Curi,oiuS~':m:o:n,ElWC'Illb'l


from, 'the 'Clta.i.:rma.n, of


I:ntlB'r:natio:na:JL Prjirni tive:, N'um± sma ti stEl:"

:De'all7' Fe:ll,olW A;r;()!ne,o -Iedihfiij'lo~i"c:al

ii,'he n,ee!c. 'for. T ...[ ~A ~ :is :B.J,JiP-all:'\e:ttt ,as :il'!!.'te::rest :;qp::r>i;!:!i!id.=;;i :a."t'!Id :~pl~c,fuali,s e~d are:ei,!S :r\elqui:Jr~ more res e,s,!J:'Ich,~ 'Whil e' t:b"a :[:n'iIH~ln'l,a t,i,onal Pr'i:mi ti Vie t II Q&d & Curi'Q.U'B,i' Jt'lO;f:liey Club. :st1,ll e;(ji,,:s,ts (wi th tMnk~ ,to - Col,. 'who 'b,Y''tbe wa:y: , QdJi.:ted, the! ,~ournQl'l, ,fQr t:be: ~aa:t 2: yea-:rs-w'hi c-h. wauJLd Q t:he'J'wi s IS :!b.a;v'e: 'be e(H dQm~,t) ~ thij: ~r~~ili,t:i. onal :M'Oin~y' AS!6,Ij,ei:e, t,i on :i:~ 'the b€l:gi:nHiIilg of an ::i.'m:-port ~t, 't:r,e;n,d-; :furth.~ri,ng rei6 e,areih ,and in,t'i~::r~st 'tn;iis fi elC!,~, '~he in. :Eui£lo,p,e,~n Uni on to S €'i:l.l'Iqh. £'(1'1'" ,. C0,11 ee't ,at,fl,d Pr;e::s,~r,,-e PI"iIJiiJ.-ti ViE' and CUri(;lu:s :D_j';o.neyia: ano,t:h,eI' e,:i!::~mple' of , 'pr(:lvi,nciaJL tnt ere at rnMi fest i rUJ l"nt"o more ],Qcali sed ,ij,r'g:etni ~i5It't,:i"ons ~
] 1i::r-us,t ,t:be m'oneY' '01 u b,
C! ont,i




J:nt,err:Ja:t,:i, ,o:nal hi:m:i t,iv\@;. .. Od,d & CUI"i OUS II i ia; c f' ,0 O'!.:tl'"S'S tl~,e- o:r-l gina'], wi 1'1. :i"ne:l ud.'!:;I' al]. 'membera, :f'ro:m Qthe:r O:r"IBemi SQ t,:ii, (I(I1S •
'i",i'I!,n:n;i sma ti c,all.y ~

Sawall in,t et'leating

:D!";; Hans, Runge"

em P;r-,irni t,jl vel J.lh'J1ne:y = p'!.fbl.:i ~hed '!by' t:hile Sw,i !;i:S, ~:red i t Bi;l!n};:: B!i.l!11et i"in a"f ,j!j;uturnn':Ii' 1974 ~ $o[flJ,e ni.'!:]!if' i 1 :h,u,-s:ra ti,Q\it:lis, Q,t C.hi,ne's~ :l\\t il-nd Af'ri c:an b:r,a"c 8'1,~'ts ~ t

,al"tj c,le: wrH;:t en some ;V'i2'arii1i, ago !by' rnembel

,ILlso ~aw th.e ca tal,o,g:ue



eo lIe ct,i on '''''Has >O'YInEi,d b,y' a:ncd:Jh,E!;[, me:l'Ilioer., Hudi S,eh!ri:e,;i d,e:r t ,and th.e ea:ta:.10'g}Ile .na:a sOilli!e SlU!.;pi~ri;ibph;,j;t,o,~r--ap'hs. Q f hi;;i m.a.~:s:i'V\E;: ,Ii fr:i,c,a;~, ro,,11~~ :!mid hOle EI, :emd n:ibc e Oc:eani.'c Ji to e(l'1Ls,~,

t:he; EUCOPRJi:MO -

'Tile' exb:ib~,t,iQn '!ffa~ 'uDdll1:l'" 't:h:ea,;,uspie,'I';l::~


~luring :M'a:rc'b anQl, llpri:l by a 'b~:

Priml t1,v'e Mone;y Club ~


the c:ol,la,c,tiQg,

,of' Fri:rci,t:i'VIa





'but is,oms lu,olky periElo:n now :b~s it in hfus col,l'lf!~itio,n~ Oth'lal:l" i t'iElm:l;l! :t:I'\Om hi,s 11 page 1,i:~;1't: incl,ud'E!' 'be',a~i!;i, t Kata!ilga eros s., Ai:r i,c all, lbrac~l!1il!t.:!j,-a:rr0. 'W'iS-a::5ii.l t, t ce e'arl.i e neckla~ : 'Whal E!'S to,o,th-f"ea ther. s.ti ek:s-pe~x;Ji.. 1:1ah :bo,ok:ji AlDe.ri ~:a.s c O'PPE!r:r' (H~:l.t-,tea:t;h,e':r mone;y~.Azt DC iblell mO'ne~l"', O'r,1 ent,al tr~i"W1I WiBiigh.t s-ti ge(X" -t ongu,e-pae'!I!Di$,ad,d,le, ,e't e ,;. ;f}1JH;: ,CoPY >0 f 1'1:i;ti,t ,ca;'n '!be o,"b't,eQ;, fJr.(JolIl, Pa.<uJi.,at, P ~o,~ Bo,; '14,0227, n,s,shv1'l1 e :~' fe-Mens s,ee,. 37'214" U' ..S, FA,.,

A'pparerJItly mys'e'],:f:", and nearly everyo:n~' .1 Bi!: jI illll'illf!:d:Ji at ely se:I],t; in, 01otr" ,o;:r4er's, t,o, Faul Dill,linghe:m for. :bis Palu :Isla.nd '9 inch eire '. st",:J(!I1E! ring ,a_,t S2 5 ~ I ,and), ma'ny otl1~r5 m:i ss ed



f',e!f!il lWei e'tlt ArtIS 11,'s,t,in:g,~ ~ In.[~:lud eo w,ere :lovely Cong'c, 'ikni f€:'" mal,ayi6:i M Kl'i is ~ A!Z. t,ex a:x:.e:~ '950 B. ,.'e:~, 'EWpt.i e..n S Q,ara'b,. .3,. 000 B,.l; ~ 'Ciylji nd(u: S,~al tjl s,mall :Ka:t,anga Cro ss e. is! j! dog'to'o.,tb Iii;E;!,o:kl,EaM e , etc, ~ etc ~ Iy ",j"f"e ,o' n1 e e Bi''bli ea1. Mi acne Ea.'EI t 1st ~ Ce.nt ~B..C ~ to 1st Ce:nt ",A,,,,lD GlasB b~,aoe:l,et ~ fo::r h@r eol1e'c~tiQ:n,;. tt,s:t& from, r~ '. !ox: 2728; ,Aiotb,erst St~ tio,n, '8111'f"n10; 0 :1N'ew ,!,o;rk" 14.2:26, lL:S, ~A •
Sa}ft nie e 1 te!l!hs on tJb.e, last l,ead ':r.i n! m!l)n~';y;. ];l.J. e:ra:ty c f ,cas.h co,ins 'f Japan b san c:,oina]' JPUrchas,e.d, SQm~ 'c a'B,h e;![J:ibedded 1:1\ Cla,y ,from :,' wreck: ,and :he.,Vel ,enjioyed the' ~lu.'cky.' idip'1! ,i:r:l, cl,sa:tung: t,hem,~ 'or the' ad vane eo. c,ol:l (!llo't,or = money t:re e:s ~ ti. forts from P".'O~ 'Box' 130017" N'e¥i' Orleans ~ LA '7018·5', U ~5 .A ..

Sccrtt Se'manB l:e;,tes;t, :11,ets,. Also not;1,eed s(une l,o;ve,ly Cbine'se 'knife ,and i~pa.&e~liIIo:neYt :Mon
from '!hailand

I: 6lbta..l,ned,

t;'lJ.lO' lo'v'€l:ly

ex, one,


C Qrl"'od,e·d, ib!"ODZ €I: a~rings

~~ a] so' l'ia've ,a_, d;eal,@r ~c t,ually e,! tu.a ted, in iJ!'hai.JLand - 'I.'thy e :n'C;:l"it t r-y Ur.~, Lee Shi'ft SOf'],g:,. G ..P. 0.. Box, 2'5, 91" S,1lorn 'Rc:u~.tll' Ba:ngkok:, !!J:!bailand .. FQr itllifli bell1l.'Iil!'tlJi., t Q f' our' me.! 'I i"e'qu..'i.'rre. 't:lame:l;l ana, addr.e.s'se,s, of a'DJ' dea.l,ers: in ,our' fi a Jl.d or o.f II ersons wh.o r;ggula:l'l~,. se 11 Primi 'it i V9 t'o:ne:3fs.. AJ!.:ilH)< o:f' 3I1!lct:lt ODS !' et,c ~,

fit ture - mem,bers,~. 1 ''I'I\o.o1d 8:PJll!t"ec:~,a..t,e an;y :l:it'iI'f,o,rmatl on in t.h.i IS :rtBgard f,o,r' 'pub] lL.'esti on ..
ill, th,J!l:
t ~
iii iii ~ ill'


GemalliY' _.'

('Quiggi.n F'.-60) and dts ~ b ~ MlOt611 j' Agh@S itI. egal!




b.i ,;1. ; !If'S Ii aha lei! :l Ji h'!~.'s f'Ij(;r' Q f1'e.·r· M~n:ilIas, Tio;@:os.:t(,in,1;:·~·~,,Al:so halS a hu:s'iba:nd IlCho c'oll~c·tiE!' and t::r.adi.eliS !Co:ine ·and :s'tamps .•
. .. ... . . ,3825~, AJUstr,al.i,a,. wi,~be s t 0' tr~.e '0'1'" ·ptl:i;' PCil"c'eil,ain. e'o.ins, i' lll;e:O!.al:s (;oo't 51 am Gamb]'irJ1g T¢kena, J ,~ .:Illso a~f·t Pr,illiti,'t,,s, er €:'s['11" iF'SJ;c i:f:i e and. Si,am ~


LS& EU:_; hOL! libU!; $1'1] g laUJt" tiL $ ,It g vet J' M:o<s~~;~.; t. 2'0168 .AiUBt:['a11,:L,;g.ui:r'es t o'na,Q,t e"t;'e J ];):1"e-J.. 30 Aust:r,al.i ~n 9 O'I" N~w .Z,iE!la1anQJ, Share

GerrnJEii,nY' wt:li:lbe e, t,o, (i''btai eXiBm.ple;s 0'£ J~re.\~' Guin,ea

............ ~ ..........


Ue::rt i :t,i c~'t es ·~u·.I;dlE.'oDds·,~ n .a; y.'a;p St'o:n'iIi!l B:r.l d,e' 'P:ri e e.~
~~ ......

M'O:r;!Iie!;:Yacnd. ni.c'i8·
~~ ........ dBmt



N·etbe·'rule, 1,s' aft·e'l" '1i t e':r~;tu;r';e: ~d ex~pl.;e;:sor old. c.oul.irt elrf'eit·s 0 f' Prim:i t·1VE!: M'oine1 :~·uch·a.1S PO:1"C e'JL~'ill, ,.~ sibe·ll <Ii. s.C:s!1 SItld '',~1 is: {he baa the uSiIlial lP~M. 'Oooks anti 'et ,srt·:i e· :f'::r.0'!)]!E!,ead Jo u::rna 1 ; Vol 1 ii' NO'.. l.~ 'Vol ;2 ~j N'o' ~ ]:j' ,and ''1/'01 :3 ~ No ~ 1 ~.iI~,.al:lng t:II'l!. c.Q'ill.nt iI!:'rf'i! i t !Irlii::me:~,. ~, Hi!: lid.. ,) :M SO ha.iS, Ai.:r'.l,C! elin Im:1l,ve~s~ S'Ifi'O':r'Oi,!;j·, weapons: :fo:r" tra.d.e !l)1' sa'l.e,
4802'5 U ~S ,~,A,~. .:s- lo,oki.:ng 1 "V':, '-1*"a (.,,5,U)CI~ ae., "iI-'7 - . . ,·f·' . o. ·... . y:i,;. ". "'JlLt[!!,a,e 0

III!),. Ii I 1"11117$; C? P 2 --- tt ne 5 P) _71 -.nham~" ),l9:2.1, A'ue·tra·li,e" ,i~ :af'te'r, 0:£ al.l things~, 'O.ld th.'i:!Is,·tl."e ].U."og:ramm,'il!:~ ... CIM. anyone h.e:l p'?

["ol";s. of' ·\\!, 't-'I:.,!· ,II'> _r .. :1 t-~ 'b e s ,', u.e 'lU'"i d' _l" . ~•
.;!" __ .•.

:Mi,ch. ..



;(~;nA5J, My' other wi.'th prt c·>e::s~,


,lea~esend 11~t

.'eO. :6hel JL mo,n,ey



l' been ;j}. ff'ered, IS,Orne l-ov'E!lly OCeM:l to 1 to e:IliliEl! T@ o,' f.' th.~· neee s~.a;rY' ea.~b. I' arm. t r,yin.& 'iI;;o a,eJIJl. tlJ;u.p::ti..'oaII!: ~ t :1terns f'rom my' c:ol J!.'e c ti,o:n .- lBo'rneo ,S'On,g$-'buf;fa],iO ibel1~-, ~b.i5::J!.1:r1:ne!S ...ui\'Ils, New G'<Ui,nea. haft e,d stone aJ::es-t o.';a:e.sbell. ri.TJ:€Ei Austr.~l i a.. ola l)oQmera:l1g ~ ,many more ~ l:f:1 :t:I:t e~l'Ie t,~,d ~ s

plEl'aiS,e; wri,te sn,d I t::U

of 6 f"~~t t and 'I\~i 1 probably 1 ,M;V"EI Slnc;;l"therf'Q'l:' sal" a,1; .A'I,SO {much 1,lE)IS S than 1,'5, p~r :foot tor ,o,ld ain,l e: s't,re.nd, aapi ) .. If inrt;ereat ea or. :n.. ed ~,ore: in:f'o':r.~,tio:r,I, wri t,~ ,to e
Ch:il D!l!!.v1di;e,Ii),n;., .)Ma;tbQUl'8.

l'i,st... 'Col, D-a'vidsoIl;!o I am o'bt,aining t,or rn,y own, 0'011 e~ct:l n ,S,\ 50 pl'us ye:a.r o:ld o Solaman '!' B '~afuli:a~ '_ mul t,i st::r.:i:ng :a:hE!:ll mone'j" in, exce B9

Pl,ace':, ,ijrWl,gEl.

:2,800; Ausll::t,'\Elilia.

ii,i!H)IJ:t CATC.JmRu

O!P.i lB01lNlJO, - U'iH e.iS of" :6rone;y 'Gonp'lii

!he: Dayo:n£' ,o'r ,soul catcber 0 f' the' Dy.a~!!i IQ f EO-:M'l!eQ :il,~ o.:ften 'paid t at least i,n part ~ 'wJ.'t.h IgQngt!l, ,e:;ei, pa'rt of' hi:a

:f'e~t in C·El!S ,of S!8velre'E!I, or ilttlllin,El.nt, ea,

d, :f:rcrm !iii,Ys'te1",Ji,{:iu:s ,t}l'i,gi,ns 'the D~:ti Ve~B bel:ieve that the iEm:rferert!: soul naa, Le ft hi,s, 'body a·nd the lDa.yarlg :L,S, ca.ll e:d, in :for 'c:onsu'lta;t:1,Q:t1,_lUi. cure ~

a.j,'vi ~iQ':p, Q t' m.E3!Y - 'be' call e,d by' a DayOitlg an'd quensti,o;n'ed -ae tlOo th"e ,d,~ad iliM !'s ,int,entfuoDS a SlH~J.'JI.,owcii Bh _, ,o,ft eln a gong ~ :1a :pla.c~ed, :n~er- t:!tt~ s,o,ul.

:p:rQ'pert,y of e, dead 'man ~ his


A'lso in, eaa e's 10 f' a:ny d:i spu:te



is pleoed v~rtic.lly in the basin:, ,tbe ws-t e.r cQ,ve1[",ins it is


and_ a" r.i:ng, ,. sb~lled arnl eft 'of she,ll


fin,e tl,breiB, of the cot'top, 'B,eed are thr,ov.ln ,o:nt 0 'th,e: 8'il:rfa.c~e 01
,the, wa,t:el" and in


A f'E!W'

I by til},;pping on thiEl: p],anli:s, I

the: pe:o'[ple k:e e:p- 't,:n.e'6.


1:1" the; tbr-ead'~ :float, th::r.o,ugh the l"i·ns:, t!h.a,tis conelusi ve ev.idence o:f t:he preiB,e:noe .of' this ;ghost _, othelrwl,e,ei th,e family is l'H)'t sa,t'i s:f,l, ed th8,t hi6 ghO:B't i:s, pre:$ e:rrt ~ From _, '!rrl bes: of :Borneo ~' H:o:e,l;l:& :MoeDO'"gal,l, :191,2,. '
iI iii ~ •








"be' ~i,oel.L t p'J!. te:r' ,Au,e tio':t1, XI held May' :2'... 4" 1980 i,n Sen, 'il'rall,Cl, see brought :~ome. l¢'Viel;y i,terns 'unCi,eT' ,the hammer", I hcrpe 't,o ,o'bt,edn,- the pr1 ees r',~ali s~a and w,ill repo,:rt ,in 'tibe' next jj,o,u:.rnal. Included, ,i:n 'the' IJ27 :Lot B 'wer.e Ma :i:ent coins, ,a:.n,d (.Ii'ver 25(). ::i,t-ems of" :1P.rimi t :l,ve M:oney - Jl)$Qr ::r,~e a:nd, !!i,upe~b o:n'e s.. ~e~,e ineh,td,~,d Cbin,es's' - ~ni f,e.... pu.... br1dgE!,,,,,ker,y...syc ee ...j'ade ; ,P:re-C,ol~bi,an ~ (10 bSli,dJ i,eln-ca:rV'ed

stone ana j,lli.,d,e...a.nd Azt ee :aXle'S! and ,Maya-n ibron'Z,e, 'be,ll'a,~, '~,rQm, lEur.'opes ,_, 3'w\~di~ Plate Mone:y-Ce:lt,ic 'brae e'l'S't s ~ lovely


20 'Oc,~anle 101

'bro.n~e 8."x,elii.'Sad '. Atri c,an boO es-'1braeelet,s, ~eigb,t::s - ,Anci e,nt Mld,dl e East 'broon'zes



abO'u't $,QloIDQO'!' $ ~he'll money



a:r;mib~ds '. PDTURE AU:Cl!'ll'(lrN'S

from, Joel, 1.


Erotl,c Art" iSe:ptern'be~ ,2'8th~ A'lso Auc'tiQn IY:, 'on S'.':p,1b;~!IIiI:b&il'" :27'-,2'8 !:nc:::n,ud,es shrunken, :be,ad:!:;!, from .11"1 v,a~o,s, many slav<ery items J Citti:nB,se cash ~ ,enoi"E!nt seals ,end amul,etlS, ~ ,J'o@l ,Mal 10 ~::r al:!:;!,o h~!!lI, jrust :j.,siI!5u,ed V,o,lUl!l;e: 2' o:f thE C,oll,ec't or ,t s JO'U'mal ,of' AnC:i rent: A:rt ,_ arii 01 es anQi; 1:11ue:tra,ti O~B (lIiiWea;pons, etc. 0:£ :a:nrei en'" NePilr :E8S!t (.3 'j' 000. 'B ~;(J~ ) ~, 11,80 Ant,i,qui ti as tOl(' saJLe for th,e ad,vane ed

t"'r ,_, C"" ll;". ,..- --' -_ ' .... is ENFU a: t 000


:",,.,,':i'I;~r'b·. .......,.. n,'z"" aX!"'"" ... ;"..Ib... l:2, t·O."'0. ,.!iii' .'_ n tIt 1:; ..... '\ "'''';',!t''''''' ...... ,R~,Qt, ):~ E!!to.:t Ro:ma:n gemstOJlei5, ,I' "90 to - 11 ji .000 ... F<;,r i,orl ~a t 8:8 'c,o:nt act, hi.m ad); F ~"O;. :Box 17"'1' j< nl ~,,,,.'I;,I'; D' ~".......A '.. ~.!!c1n(!i; .....'-lif"·. _oIi" !/,;IQ "Ii),;.-u",a." ~,_ j"~1 ~ '.'




_ -_ ......


... '........

~ -'




e.n tUl."rd.,ng' '\l,P :i:n ,siEill,es ,in Syd:n,ey - !it. f«" 0 f the i,tem'B :and. ':prie,ei~ 'brought ,EtTe :~,et ou:t: 'be'low =
_' T"ine Iii •. S ~

~i D_~,.

rec,~p,t 8u'i:;rt:i,o'pa
... 1""-~ 1


number of :m.,c,e i,t,e.iirl$

''fi... ...: ..... ,LV.i..J.Ii"", -:


'8 .,,'11.. ""t u.,·..... , ~~ 't'-l if~ .., fiW;_~~

.~~'_ ~"}

·t on :!,)",,;io,_l..., __ ~ ,n "J!j_~ _

IDm __ "

11.ot, 175 ...6 , Lot 1,87


spears ,Jl4,6 em 'each ne'w' Guillea. st one: 'bl~d,e. adll,e'

11,0. '


Lot ~OO

Cen,t,l'al ,'f'r-i'Ciap,

'm'th I'e,a,thar hanal e Beau:t,i,ful Conso. Cere:1lIl;oll'iial


sup,erb, 'Congo



'kni 1'il!:


1100 lrni f:'~ '110 8;11 over 1100

11 N,ew' Guin.ea DO',P tooth Wld 'shell 'n's cJd.,9iC e ~,11 ~Hit;h-itorm_al. t,p~ _11:20 t (an. abno,:mal 'pri oe.=usuellly 160-1,70). Lot 2,81 NeW' Gu1n.QEl (h;ti:,CUI(Ii tooth. neokl.a.ce-6.0 Lot 2,85 'Whale tooth ne:ckl~!ll":~G- 16 teeth (,t ~'e't,h. wO'ula, 'be abo,ut 80 ~,) 1.3)0 Lots 286 A, B ~C'+ Nt e:e ji hut, o,rd.i nar:yi iC:ommon

Lot 271

t e~etn, sbell



;o,;oli v'e abe Ji"liB:J sbu·iks· di sel~

~- ;' t $4 5 ,.860 5


.Ax€: -:fleJ,li'k

:fl"omlu~,fting' ,Lo,t 569~1,8 Ma\prlk Bride~ price' -Turbo s.b~ll Lot

$40 $20-640 .8;20-;40 54·[5 90 60

Lot 519-9"

e:m1 'W'ov\an cane

L.ot 643 Lot 644


Lot 611 :tot 63. 6-

K'1na. she·.ll (ISmall) SJnell ne'clt.l.a,c 8:S f' S,epl k

POttery bowls Kina s:b.ell


it,at et



Jo.S: t oo·t:h. neeklpc·Q


S ep'1k ,S:urer'b S'~'7'_1~ ,mo:el" ~i~g , .. B:ri,de 'PI" 'C Q -abou.t Ii-- th1,'Ck i' :8.-10'11 dlL,a. V'Ii;I,ry h.e·a:vy Adm:lra.l ti 8S Er1da"J,. $nell s·t.ring

1400' ,&25 elsah

Lo.,t 66.:2 ...665

belt, -20' str-i qs

iS~.a;]Ll atOrlle

a,xe, 'blad,es-!N' ~Guinea

X eJibo·ut


Th.e J' mR •. Lawson Sale' in Sydne:;,.- an llthJ'uly Lot s ']1.--1.3 Ai'!lstral.l aLl'l!b 0 Q:me·ra.n,gs -1'9 th &. 2'Oth Ce(ntur:i es -ene b,r,o,ugh,t '150, anotber $'jN).~ a. t.hi'l"Cl $90 ~
the :r'laimainder :fro.m SlOO~}tOO (ave1rag1irfl.g


Lot 43-45 Lot, 47 LQ't: '51-'54 Itot '517 Lo:t '58 :Lc)'t 62
-'1',:,."'.'·, . .. ... l~ ;Oln.'C.·1 se 1ij!I:'iL"" ...... "."'l~,·t,.~i't, ~lpA. ""··"h"':iI':Ir.iil Q,;:!, _.' ~~_'''~ '" S,t one' Cb:uri:ngae, or ma,gio st ane's -oefllt,ral Au:s.'t a:lj,a, r
Q._ Q. 'I;I<;>O~ '_'1;1 ........



gl,u a :a:nd, POl"ce,:JLain,

1,aI9~) hai't e,d, Ki:mber:ley

pc"l:nt S olf



Lo:t 6]

bO't 6'9-73 Lo,t &0

1, ..... _ iP,,",'_.!i. ::!!Ih,ell_ - T-"'Dka . 1[-~tlk-a, ,tj''::i 20 "","'d' --~"",.,.''11 __ ,M",_ ,.!ill...-, q,Jiih!agi C: B:"t(ln.eiE1l, ...,aElll'l ....~ ra.:i:r:wak,e:r!!!!fV '
''1';,,; .... ,.!i,U:'"

Cylcon ,-o:Ld magic ate,nte S,t,one lOU f'e '-,An.'n,ta, t 1'1be Wooden :Me ssag>e sti o'k
~t';;' t ""'_ ...





h·~' ..,,.;,91 .... ,. ~ooo n -,('Il ,r! ~ _ _ _ ~"~!I -, Lo,t 81 'Lovf:'ly Qbsid,i M !S'pei!.1l.rbead or' 'ch~:ppe':J" :trom East er ']:sl,and, c:aned R.arge'boa.rd~ fr'Olm, Maori. Lo,t l:04 M:elst :l,ng' HOIu's,e 1890' s - h~s~iSi iD, a.t $2'5; ()O~) S S epd.k,~ 'iM'E;!W H,e'tiride'::!, Lo,t J.,O'~'''''lOl :He-wIrelanQj,t, H'Uimatl 3k,ull So 12 •QOOt, Il,:t 400 t 500 (J~'ed w·o,oc],e;R 'pi,g U:S ed, as b~te:r Lpt 145 ,g:bj ect in Tl"'O lJiri andre -,14,em lo,ng &3.5
Sri.::!1 _ili.~U,
.... '-II

:Lov,ely Egyp-t::i an ~t o:ne: ax e:hifN!d,


-;2 ....=-;p 'II'



I heve 'be e!t\ ,t alking: w,i,th other 0011 ect,O'riB, enu sp,,ently the alJ,o,v. pr,lLC;il':'B B're fa:i'rly no::r:l!l!al wji,. th, Q,Dly a t"'i9W
t O'Q

e:x:cepti ens , I wa's is'i!trpl":Le,ed, 't(be' :ih:lgh pr,i cea obt:a:i:r:te.d to'I" 't:he' Aust:ra.l'iia\n ]J1$:t.e:;t"l.,al bu,t be:ve 'belen, t'oldl, th:e;t they'

f'uFly r'epr.ese!(J,ta,'t1,v'e ..

I t ve be en ad ve::rt,i a:iliig 1"0:1l.y 'e:Kt''1:nGi wl.:y 't,h:r--o,ughO'ut r He iI;!'a:n;l a. ,a~n.d 'h,:a',vt!: l"18:cHeiv'iI1:d only on,e reply wlii'en B;e;em:s: 'promi aing,~ Qthe:r :i"t,sms 'tb.a't, :I 't've' 'be'lIJ!n offere'd, ('but - : -iR'.iI/' .; J ean· 't B.;g;;g; Q4'!;..I! '\- are "rom l!1j - iIll ";;;1 ............. ~ :2~';o.... "" "29" j._ ... --~.,'e ""_ ..!J,iV~~l1"" _ ~ _~''''''lJ, ,",~",m,
C" -. !Pi, y

st one a.:x:eused in, r~in e eAiIliI.ony :tQr 11 t ;00 ,t an, g,ld. SG l,mnan 'Taf'Ul'i SJie (nml't i,pJi.e str1:~g she;ll mone.Y)1 Q,t 1450 ,and a l'o'v,~l,y' ,pi"ec:e of Sw,'ta Cruz fee.tllle!:r' a,t il.lSO., W'ouldn t t, it, 'be m e ~ 1; 0' ,ha',vle' mon,ey''£'



i.n CQ:n,eeting ,a'ndj, a.cJiIlii,ri~·the :1 tems i.n 0'U,'1" co,lle'ct:ion'j' fO-'r'get the bloody' bi=;ltory 01 many' of' our i t·e.1IIiS which ma~t; th.'R ,differe!nc·e b'8't.we en 11fe a'nO!. d e·a, h. 'It 0' the v~r,1 o·us ·per,sons· who v:-al UiBd. t the:m so mPlY"~ SOIIIle 0 f th.e 1't,'~m€Ji in. 'C: 0.1]ei~t.jena ,o,f' :Frimri ti ve :Money' mu.!S t have ac.;tu,.e,'!11 be.~n. thif3i e &\l~Q. Q,f' tbe.; d e,e,·th 0 f' ~ny pe·ople .. Q,!'ten I fee,l t,ba:t,


,alB c·ol.Jl.ectors,

r.e,e·cently· 'Po.i.rrt eOJ ![Jut, the bip 'IjI'.81 'Ue Qe'i';!:a:rde 'peO'pleiE!l nlae eel on t:he;i.r. shell mc;m.e;r _. the sl".i:.el:JL 't:Il)o:ns!,v i:~. 'thi[~ case 'b e i,ns; the c·lem :$·h"e1.1 e f th..e Solomo'l'tls Md the Bal,er iah.,eil.lof' th,e Highl,ands 'o,f N'ew Guir.l.'ea."i!<


:1 n,o·ti·ced:twlO· re·port:i8 'in ,artio:lee

i,n iP/"..ankind llCn

'f'ne mJDie·t c.,OllU'RQn us e fo~ t:be' ma;re valuable :forma a,f' So:l,crmon ,s,b.eJ..l r:1'ngs. :e·w:::h as the mbakihBi. were' the .hi ring 0'1 ere aa.:,s Bl,bS o'r' 't]}.'e making' e t :pe~lce • A st ory iBUlliJfiari sed, :from Ii il'ton Ta'l.a.osasa a:f Mulndia illustrate's 'titi'Gutu.; a, ebi @.f of Nu $. a.. Rovi~a hi s br..o,the:i"·E!, G,o·'Vte,Elr.!d 'EarQ and to k:it.ll themf; B,O 't,bey. fled to


use :~

~~nt ea,

bia1t en

Kind:u.'fI ...

m'ibe,ld,h,e., a~d .pv'e :1t to t'K'O chi ,ef's at Kin4u eaJ!.l,ed EVSJ· ,la'niIJ.1: E!le9l'lie.,~ !hey in tiU:rn PIl'IO,mi EJ.ed :it t 1 ,t 0 tbe 'l'ella people Ji. f the:y "'O'ul.d kil']. Chl:1tu' s en<e;mi. s ; e so. t·,he' 'V'ell·a. peo'ple W@D.t; t (10 i]ioaJi.av,a,.ta ud ki 1 Jl ed. ,aI,], the pe,o1'1e' there an.d tJn.e'n, 't·oo,k the mba'kih.a, f'rom the chi ef':s, e.t

~Qal.8bv& ta,...

Gutu tbeto took: e


.ia,aion of' th.€l· 1930'21. ]i·ather w ~.,A RQ.;S,~ OblliH::!rwt.1,on of ~ ';3 the: 'ChBJ.i:p Cl,f' 8:v'~nts during ·tb'E) ci:rculat.ion of one l,
shell 111'u~tl'"atf:'s th,e 50oio,-eooinomi"c com:p.11,c:at1on:!;;

'r,be e e,o·o;l'iId. re·p.or.t, cams hom

.t;:be.' Mt ~ Ha,get1, ROl'llllan


d'f$:n.'t 0:lI" t·b.e ~1t~.:Bag en Local GOV8:I'1'llU€!llIt· ._ amp Iii a :fnthe':rr UG'Q,il i it in ,o,"btai:ni ns a.I wi:fe .for h:i S! ii,Jon fro:m one 0 r tEiLe Jikia, ,13 lMS • il! h(!ii:1'"all.i as !Ii the '~,e:m.di,. h~a:ra. ,o.:f t.b1~ ~\h€l;]_l of' :raxe: q:uekl,1 ty and ,oriEl'red

'Was ,t 0 bee

from EllropeH.n tra:n·aact1ol'lis.. In 19,34 'I in eX~lh.ainf]:e':f:o,r ,s, ·PElr.'t:i.,c:ule.·rly 1 a:I' !'iI!I: ~fiell t ·Ro. a: 0 ibts1 in,ed e a pig :from the ia.tner. of W:amp, 'who at a 1a t,er time.
O~Ii;:' Pl"cSi

flo.'~'ing unw:l,t't.1,n,gly

eeune i 1.

'Kw:i b~' Ogumuuulil:a
i on~ enUlY @ f. tne ,J,:iL ka.~~NUt Q. f. the :f'a tbe.':r' o,fano. 'ilJ)1i;!,J' rniji~ll!1ber (10 f' the C olLm.o;i,l" ill re tU'rn, f'Ol:" tha,,. 2h~:11~, In, Oct 0 ber o,f' :1;934 they did 80 'I aM, re c:,ei ved the ~!S:ll, ' to 'k,i11



One ,qu,.,;rry' t:ba t, 'o;ft en ,ar,i 2!(J S, fro:!!!'!! ii;::x:tJ.i bi ti Oin~, '\I'/hi ine:lll.ld'!l!: 9.Q.Diie o f the a''bQ'vemii;;l'r.rt i (lined :JL t e.ImS, ::Ii is that if 't,h,ey. VJe:t1e w,o. rth a :man' l:i fe se iIHi;i eigh.1;.y ye'~,r5 back \lfny ():,an th,e~t B n'Olll' be PU,'Jtchas:,ed 'for' ,e" coma.l:r-ati vely ,re:,1N' ,dol,J!.,ars ~ Tb.e ,actua.l. re}a,~o\n:s f'4I'r 'this ~e valried!. ''but th'ey !all '!aqua. t~ to th.e ;f,s!'ct tha. t tb,e:s,e. it e(t.1il1,are. no ],'er. 'vaJ"uled 't,o, the same ex.t ernt by the na.t 1VEll:


:a:nd. s,o' th~ifl' v,alui8: ~

!h'~ IbRlel" sbell:.1i were' ,"a~'Ued, So hi,gllly", im 'th.'e ,'ve :In:Ert,anc,e:; 'b!;iC~UBe of tbei,:r r.a.ri t;y t Altb'ougli;8 t,il:l v.alued'J the l'nfl'!.1x '0.'£ '!last qUQll'ti ties :h~s ,cau.:s·e:d! infl:8J:ti,on an,d, BO :Ell. 'l',ed"lc't:1 on :1.:0 ,!/2i lue. 'il~lJve~hell :r1:~gs,of' 't,he. SO],O.DlIo,:n:e, lost many o,f tbeir us'e:;~ th,e oom,pleit,e 'Eirr-,ad:ic!Bi't,i,().l'll, .of v.I,a.rf,Qf'ie a.nd headhunting ... tbe :r:ing,s 1.0 at t.he1r pl:ae'e' w,i t:h:U:'tI, tbe vari,ous cul tUl;'es


t@'ma w.b1cb, "beC i;1}U,S,e. t;bey ,s:t;111, h"8,,ve' .: i,n t,b,e. fl.ati.W EI,o.oiety t hi' not ,deva.],usd' "hut are st1,11 vSl'fCUiJ,d h.lghlyti~ the :i:ll.diigine. Examlll'le is of the:B,€!' arle the K1na o:f the New G\u:i e a , Hi,g'ibn lan,diS, 'I' UIi.e d.i wa..r.::roa. o.f N,ew Br:i t,@.:i,:n", and, 't,lIi,iI1!' impo.:rtant Bl'al,a;it;a she.:ll s't:ri,r,ilg;s _, ,the l:a..t,ter tV-lO of 'Whie:b" ~t, l', a,r'ill! fiit.i 11 be':i,:ng' prod,1J.l!c e.d'.. T.'n:li. S ili,oaern ~1"o.i3luct 1.o.n

'There are: mmy oth.!9'l" the'JL:I" impo.::rtant place.

!See~s to' mainly f,lll the demand o,i'tb,;€ :nat;1 yes tbe ,a~bo",e i t'Eln:l2 ar-e re'a's,o'rna.'Ibly :6 C,I!!L,:rc,e i:n c,ol.l@ c'ti,OnB o'f P:rimi t,ive 'Money ~
.Nb],:i,e1. made:

Davi dson 'J ,1510 l"e:member to salu,t IE! .11so r~;e e:1 veld SOIDii) very go,ad pU,blilo.,i,ty in, a National' in ,A~u;e,tralia in the" 'r'egu1,ar IC(lI:in C!ol U.mD 0 f our' m~mb~][" J'Qnr'nali flit, EIlI,teJi J!.a, P!Qlbi.nSQD., Otir tb.el'lik,e to i'e,t,ells.,

0 f' U ~S 'hl\~; 'CQ:i:8'ElI a'rul Me da'JI"s :i:-n t;b.e 'U ~E!I' and Coi,n llelll7i, ewe :i:11 AU:!l!l't:ra;lia. ~ A'ls'Q 3 tarn,p & Coin :Hhe'Yiif.j, in, New Zealan« ~ C!li f ·i]ie.mpl,e. sent me the: (mt;r-,;r Ln Wor.'ld Cain, NelUa, 0 f July lbu:t the gr!8i11l1in.s are back ... nc:'s ,again 11m Col'onel 'Col o


:Por ~r r~u.h" 1: ·ve' ,re',~u~ste_d that, a~~;~1:i~~_ "bE. ,ortf~}];"e f'o:r:matl.o:n of , OUI" Club t,be :follo,w:lng coo1n

s-c OI'r~S

'COl N '''OR, tIll , and

c'om: Nag~




!be' :Maori iOeop'JLe Qf iN'ew' 2l~'a1~,

'b'e ca'JL1'ed, :Prim:i,t,:i,'ve

,MiOney Ol" Cur~e'l'biC::y



i it,em wldl,cn can



1.t em clo'Si'$ $it t;o 't:h"i $ C a.t e'g,D1",Y' wou;!I!.d !be ~re,e:ne,tone. wb! c'h :lit :l,:s !11iom,et'imes !;j,ijJ.t}, tEl:v'en by the lQodern :na;t;:g: :l~,bued '"~th OU~ oul tur~l :l,deas, the t :1t W~, th.e mon;ey o,f tbe Jdaolr.'l~, T.hi is '1is q;u1;te 1'inJC: or:rec't, :as the st,ol],e ,e"t n,o t1'lIlii& 'w,aa,,a, 'c:o.mmon m'i;I!8SUl''E!I 00:[' 'valu,~s; nor. did i't act as a :mi!;!,d1 wm IOof' e:xichalliie, to, :f;ac:ill t8 t'e 't;r.a:naact li. ons 1:0. <:!"ibbi8::t 6':rt i 01e.s .JLt W!i'li!S 'I' hOlwe'V'E!:r :I' the lJIQ at p:r'Oml,ne;r:rt is.u:b:,::idt;a.nCE:, conCi8'l'tllied :li.:n t:ne veciJlfro,c,al e:X:'Iil!:h.ange o:f gift;Ei,~,
Th,iS Maori :had 'W'eil::L o:r'gal!li s,e:di s:yo;s,t;,erna ,o,t" e B:r"8(mo,nia]. 'p:r:esen ta,t 1on :!)lInd ,t rede '_ w,t ,a-ll, '!jI/e:r~ ibats,eOi, on, the. basi s: (j,f :ree i procal, el~chS!n;B:e - ,fOor eVE!':ry ,gi, ft :a:no:the(l' 0 f a't, :1 st f'qual valu.e sh,ou:ld be retul',ne do ~ 'i£1ii.!S, was tite ea 'princi pl 8' of' Utu o.,r 1l;:00mpo@l'l!:r;IJI8i,t ion, wh'l en 'pe rvad ed the wn~il,e: of" ' BlIOi:r1 Ii f'e '. Th:;e !;!;;e, 're Q,:i procal "t ransacti ooi'!I;shfi'V\e oft en 'been :J!.,OQ s:ely , (I,e:s,e::ribeCl, ~EI, 'b:a;l't e'r ~ ''bu:t thi:il> i:s a mi s Ej:,ppli c~ati on of th!a 'te,r:m. Bart er ~s se:n:t:i,aJily ilDp'li ii;!!:I;i ~O'miij a.grlijeill'l!e'r:l.'t ~a, t () th.e ra;t,eiEl, (J;,f exoM!r!J£e. t ;a" pl"t'll:C! t;i,,1j! IE:! qui i e foreign, to. tb.(I: :Maori mode of con.d'uct1ng: maot t,~l.":S: '. N,o, s:t i'pul8J't,ioD, was rna-de ib:r ,the d,oll1o:r as t,o tbe; e;m,'O'UR't o:! the o;ommod:1y t ll'WJ5!!t, be, gi:ve,:n i:n e:x,-che.:t'l.8et rutd no barg,uni.:ng' 'Or haggl,ing 'o,f enyk:i:nil! to,ok' '[pla.C:i@;.. Such 'wQuldn.'ot !be !rik:e, I ... ................ 1I'iiI U. I~r 1'1 ~ ,;" t 'Ii ""'pTi C>'''' .....,;, w e"', t'~.6 ~1.l1 9.'&1 r·I 'Wi"'''' ..tXt"".:: II!. ~iv.Jil.l £ ~ ~"11- ,J ,J!. ........ I ~J:r,..; . '. ~~ v.~ gfu £1 1'0'1' @i,tt ii'




;0;...... '" 1~.I\.dlll....



Sa ti s:fa.ct'i on "",rsS! uso.a]!"ly a"s,S'u::r.e6, 0 f" thE!; r~e1 pr-.o,ca;tory g1ft 'by a ta! un4e:ratanding 'he'twe'f:itii, ,t:h:e two part,lea, as t'41 'Ul!!12 ,got') d:~, 'l1!'hi c1\ ll/lOuld 'b{l~I1tO'i$i.! ae ce])'t ~bJ!..'~ '1/'r:ry ~ c'oiit!mo:n;l,j!" Q - 1t1:n,t ''ii'~QS! (IJ,:r'O,pped as, t'o, 'th,e: ,g.'bj ec't axp'e'o,ted or des.i red, - a f:r e,q;uen,t; !Ili,e"thod be'1,ng to0 [l'rei se ,:1 t :5. n a. S:1,gni It cant; manniBi[";; ''Fbu:s; ,t Q 8,d;[]]ji!'le 5Q!!]IBthi.:ng bel,o,:pgi,1aig t,o' :i'UI!,Q'th.e:r pe rsoa U!sQaJJ,!,y m~a'1l!,1t 'tha:t i't·'Uas ,1mm~di:a !!1ll:y' t 'p;re:s en't eOi, to the :[pel'lson vibo, p;r-,a'i sed !,t.,

On, the f's,c e (I J!' ,it tlti B ,OUBt om, could l,ea(3, t,o ii'!iI~il:l,p\if-a.Ct::iiCe and t,hi 5 ~aiSi 8Q!lme't.i:rn~ 5 t.h..e Ci!£B.e - but t,be:re W~:5, a aim]]]. e bu t, '$,Ul"e :rerme'd~,.u;s e'd eeeaea !i)'nally - th~ :r;;'t,Ql"Y is gi,ven o f T'e~ ]il,e:i,ngSi. o'f K8J.i t:e;i a 'Wil'lo '~a6 ,0 it ielJ.lH~h a. g:re.edl~

o:r ot:h~r '![Jl'od'Uc'ts he .alwe.:ye, hal ted, t,,b,em s;ay,i'ng, uI am ve::ry fond, or t:na:t foo,Ci!!' ~ ! was eq;tti'Vsl,en,t to a
d;i spo,s:l t,i,o~ thliii.t


a.:nyQ'n'~ '!,'IIaspa.sBi:ng 'wi tb


d1rIll!c't re'qu.,e s t aoo. ;30' the f Q{~d '-as aJ:wa1"3 ,!ll.8tlld€,d to him. Sot i r.e some 'lbeea:me this prac't i c Ell ~~e 'p~ople '0 r tbe di s't ri'e 'I!i; fi,nally sent 0 'war' :Pe.ri1' aga:l:n:sl't him a'nOl, ~l ElrW bim ~ One' i,!Ii, WllIiO at en't :i:"tl,e,QJ, to cotu:::l ud e :from, 't:~:li 'that S! ;li:n, 0,1(11, J. 'ao:rr.:i ~,a1~ii:!l :niS po:],1 t e,li!.'!:!: SS,e.d tbe, It ~,ne t ahOlJl1d :eliSi,y. ~ !'!i!aJ.n, so,one'!r t,,ban, hurt b:is, fee.l::!i,n~5 'by ,bi 5 rel~ue:s t: .. Further' p,:ro"blemii;JMeetS e 1. til t.h8' c'Qmin~: of th,,; EU:ro:pean 'when many' im'[port,an't gr;e'enst on'e Ol"l1mti!@rnts wer.e loe:t to the Ma<r:ri 'bY' t:he' 1,aok o:f un;;i.erstandl:ng 'by' theaik'!'i!llTia o,t' loc:a.l, oust om. '00 'li,u~d olid ,0 :rna'!U,'ent:511 'We:re fre'Clu;errtly gi'v\en to 'p:riOmin'!e!'illt 'pakeh,tllB. '!I'Jhe~itiI $.mily pl."£l:ifirtige, ~iEmiand,ed f

the vi:s,i,tci'1' ,should rec,ei'V~ :8., vicn,·th:r ,gift. A:t, ilim!il!ls tine dit wa\~· il'llten.d erd ,t I)). be :pure l,y' SYlli'brOl.i,c. :~uKl sfiQuJ.,d fi,a,v€!' be;<Etn :h~tW!ed !back la;tH!:rt w,t, ·et,iquet'te f'orc8d,e, the 'a,o:ri fam:ii ly t,o' ~,p,~a'k when, th@; :gu,est U'fnl'll,1 tot :irJgly.' I"atg,il'led t,.h:e i r 'P,;t;'l;i:cioU:S be,i rloom ,,. sp!& e~-af't~ (e. g.. lb:3"he per;s,on e,xperrt in making' t
st,o:r.J.'elii!.dze "'. ~
atlllf'~:rrs: bein~

l'In f",orme::r' ,titnC;l::I~il 'the'rB Wa;s little eXlch8J.nge of' ,~OOdiSi, betw,ee:rn m,embe'I"B ,of tbe~ :ss_me' tr.l b~ 'except ,1'[[\ 'tbe case


'El::t,ra c.'O,mI!!l:U:tulJl, ,e:l{eh~e

'tb.e' ch:ILe,f'

ws.'s. fa;lrl;:v
C'OI;oIDlQdH;;:;y ;.

'Q,ommo::n tho :food'IAli

a :lover e :i:nt erest -, be ,e"ppr.e c,ie;ted bi 8 hiSi 'V,jj,l'lage wa.!S! o£t,en trelEl:s 'which ,emauc e:d

!Fe th~ c,ollae:t:o:[[" (]If' primi ti W iIll,oney and t:r:£li"a,e.~ i,te:ms: t however, i"t, is the more [S!ubs:t.:an:titu ,a.nd 1es.~, tlet er,Jl..ora,t:i:q: type of' it elm \!lbi e.b ,:It.S o.f Il!la:in i:nt Qr,'4;I:st•
The, Me.o:ri of ee'sthet:i




down. evel1'l, 't;hough fi ~wQod e,@l!'l~i&erabl el a,i Ifj'tanc,e ...


of: 1:U:H:lUty ;and, had e. fa:ir' degree in :Ihi is :pOiS sea ai onB ,ana, envirorIment 1,Blnds'C,i;1p'!e' :;1 :such. ,Bin ~xt,en't t"' tha.t si't,ed t,o g1:ve ,s. fine v.iew an,d,

,hftd t,o 'be. t~t ehed by the

of' the aam'let


SOID,e (,),! the i tfi'lI!lS val u.ed M,d el~ohW'l\ged sa't ,O,u,t 'beJl,ow~ 'U1'lprepOSs'BSlsing 11ttle

Ma.ori, a:re'



or Poly.,ne'si an dog was an. J fi,i th a ,pointed nose and

bushy t ail I' whi eh, ~;WIiJ~ _ frQ~ ,As,i,a. 'wi iI;b, the anc~,~ iStQT.$ ,o,f' the Pol,ynra':l;liiall:: 'po!S'sji 0:1y bee:au,s,;e 0 f i'ts :ra.ri ty i't ''Na=;l he'ld, i,n ,ibi,gb elf!lt:e,em, and dogs'l'i:i:iI1 'clQ:alliD~ '1N~l"~ 81llioln«. a eliLi,e'f' 'I~p:1"~ fl c;:d 'pCi:~ ~e:a,S!:i0lJ12 ~ TbG: k:u:r:tl i j;;l no~ exti,not i!iI.'XLd Chi ef:s ~,Qine' c'o,uld :iPOiSi;;;!,eSiS, 'tills. PLU,rmB OF 'iiHE UTJJiIA. Dlac:[l{ t:ai.l :rea;t:I1!!i~:r~;m tb W:hit,e ' t:l. ps W,e:re o"ij-ia:!i"n~a f'~OIJli), a U.:mi ted a!.'r-;e,a. :iL the' :~Iro:rth, liS 1 Me. ,ar,i~, th,e't'1e ci:rculfa,t ed, 'ttiLT.OUg:ii!O'u t t:h,~ ~Qu:nt,ry • JIEl1!FALlUM i~M{ELIriS, Were' one 'o,t the :min,QiLarti'C 1 S S! >0 f eXiohange: £lro:m th'~ :;na,ti'V'~,~ o'f th~ w~:~.rte o:a~st e f' tbie ,A'ukLa:nd 'P en1 ns,ul.a;:r ,to ,the' J"n],:;I)nd "t ri bea ~ SIJ!ONE& f'or i:!JIi:Pl'e[[l,'en,t~ '\1'/,~::r~ ,oiften Qbt,aJ.n,e:d, ''b,. g,ift 'exeh~g:~' ,¥::1 tb t:~'i'bes~, ' s:rr!OO'lH ROtnID is'TO'NE5 :neeQJed :f.or the ,e,a-rt,ii. cvv~n~ WE!::r-e v,~l ua'til,e '~liI.& 'wer'~: ~:O'l~H;!:'t 1:me'Si ,o,"bt,aj,ned, as 're e i,procal gJi :ft;s ~ M:A,TA-~i[limrA (!IiI" O''b\a,i d::L,iSJ.'n weB :fO'und m@inly on the f:i,a~:!;lt; "eo~s,t ,0'£ t~he' N,o'rtJi-=lsIand anill, c'i'r'C:ula;t,e~, ii)V~~ the' 'Illbol e~ eountq,~ Fxo:m, th,~' a.ry' o.f J['sl,ands 't:i":l,eFEATMDS, 0'1i' THE C,AR'HlHT ~ ~a.e:h :ne,a_ t:l:y' d'r,e s:s,ed and, 1;l,I:i,;th a i51.: iek () WQoai, in, f' th~ qui 11 to ena.b] e :1t t,o be :i:n's,en ed 'iin tihe .hai:1r was Q read'i l;y ae c:,~pt;'ed t:ratie; :i t~[n~, :P'I!ME :MA,'!! t :F:LAX ,0LQ.AF.;S' and 5 PEJi.RPOI:~S 'o,i hurrm;n 'bon,e \ie::re' als:o eX!i:!tiange: i.t ems, _, thB 5'pe:a.rpO:l nt s 'bein.g kno,wn 'ib,Y' t,he' :naBIiI;:;! 'f the 'iPe]["~,o:n :ikiJ,! eod G .... CANOES au,so 'featu.reOJ, in, exC:b.ait1ge'but 'th'e :m.a;i,in i,ten'l, 'UiiIH;:;!ld 3Ln "lute l"iE!IC!:iprocaJ!. g:iL:ft lI;i'xcltaosEf.:S 'W'asGREE!NS~On. I~,ihi is '\Was o'bt,aine'Q fI"Om. tbe S,outh in bo,t:h 'the' worke.d ,:!i'1tiI.Q un'IHQ:t'ked ;C'Q,:~d.iti t,}:n.


'Boweni t,c (w.hi'c.:b;, is a type, o:f Ser'.iP:e~nt:i:ne,) '" It 'wa!1lith,(;: ,f'a.vO'u:r~d!,t:r.e.d,e, i:t,em Qf the, M'aiOri.~ ,aud i ~:~~nt,1 one:di i'n, Cook' :~, ~T"o'~mi;l'l da t edi, 13,th Nove,rniiber J 11'73, 'i' IlI'bu,t "th,.e:i"r ~l"IEH'~i;t< Gist 'bra'nob ,o,f' t'rade INa,s the gr~ en ,t a:!,c, o:r :i;l,'ton~ o:S\ll.ed by them Po ;enamO'l!o'o~'" ,AI thou,gh it l!:,QE!, 'been ;; ree,ot"&e'Q til!lIl t; :N'orth. ]:sl,and, t:rJi. be~3 aotiuall::v' 'Ill!ru],;e:rt ook iSllij"'If'e::ra] e:x:pe,d,::I!.,t ana 't,o t:h,e SOilll!,th in, :s@arcb, of" PQii.mstmtt, ! i :it. i a, b>el:i e'll'{l;d 't:ha;t; 'the ''bu'JUk: ,o,t tlbs jad1e us e~d :in 'tl)j.'i~ No,rth :J: ~l:a;nd, '~~~s (iibtai :ne,d in t,r"adet ~ih,i~it,r.i'be s' o:r the 'W·OI:r'l~'sl.!O piS ,a"t Wi€! fj,jl;::1Lau,aJ,~, 'Otago an.di, CiantH:;;I:r'bu:t",;Y' Id.evel,o:p ed, a . :full time ,i:~,u:$'t '!"Y' :!l,n c;Ci,Jll,e!t,~ting ,a.nd! 'do,rki:t:I.g it t,O t;r:iSld,15I wi't,b. t!h,~ :!1oli"th ::rsla:l'ul, tri'b,ea; fOol" f'o,odi~rtu:f'fS:it clothi'ns:" m~te:ri 9]:S ~ et Cl; ..

iJhi ~ is: a t e:nn p'e C!ul:i ar. t,o' Ne','''' ,Z,~alisl!nd d'r;l,s,c::r-1'be's :~ephri't;e {wh.ji,ch i,s,- J;~d'a'} and s:oJllIeti:m,es




~ ~ ~~

." I





s,erved, liI,everth,'sile'ss 't,o ind.i.cattj: di.'~1l;inil;d;i n~ 0.:£ ~ o and, 'power. f Onl:y a 'i'IliQ'rl ,of some i!!rl,po,:rta.J.:u:;::'e' in, a. tr.,i t'e 'w,oul,d 'poe €l-esS!a, ;fin. greenston.e 'pendMt.. MOirieOVier t c e:nsin, f',Q Oi:m.a.ttLen,t;a, WErre 't(be' propE!(:rty c'f 'l'rellknown 'f~111
!!!I,:Y,n,olnymouS! w:lh their t

l'm,pl.ement;s and 'C)mame:nt,e: o'f' g:rtHl!DS.t i),n'e, did not form. dI,efin:l:t Q ins;i,~a or cb;i eftanBhi:p ,Oil" r,aM but t:bey


ea and poa;s,es ~i Qn of tHem. WE'e, p:r;act,1,cally ti,t!.., to; lands aDd, SQ c, pri vi les'e,s '"'

It,ems ,o;f 'IliOi.lDMU· 'were halnded d,o,wn as bei:rloo:ms and were EM:1me!timee buried w:l,th the dead and, 'r'e't'rie'ved t\'ft,er a :Sp'~e of'" years. T:bi s ge,v'!I!! th613l! 8, peculiar iSJi9ln,c:ti'tNand,

!be :rega.ra.ed ,as Oba - treais1!1:tr'!!id k epsa.kes the tri b 8 t 'T~"eSe 0b ~ect s were the moet 'pro!rl!li TliEm.t ,and a"li:t:r,a.ot1ve :fo::r,1!I!of. ·w·iEulltb. 1:n 'tha' ~tao'l.'i co['t::r.~
>0 f

'c8u,t;;ed t:he·nJ to


amO~l'nt of b~mm&r:ing will Elbatte:r Q piece' of i'O'od. qua 1 i·t,:y· at.oM ~ .A·dded 't a tb'l e :1s i tlE!l 1;HI:~,a:u,ty in, 'th>e. wor'k:,ed f,o:rm ' ,am i.t lSi c!olour. whJi.oll appears· i.n. 'VariOUiB 19, o,f' gre en. to a yellow 'brown and y,elloiff green colour. :It has varfu OUiS oolours and ,~·i!d;:e~ 'ri'hi'C;:b.8l1iE:H:J' O),E!lt,e:r.mIi.:ne i t:s· 'val'!lre' '.'
of' the
Tbe'SH!' range' :E"r~m TIIla-pa.'te. or Tu'ta.,.~,-·k:i'o,ri (:t.lI!,Sl.weld o,r i.nier.lo.r jade) t,o 'IpBnga (wnite,loa'1 t) wbich .lLiS one

the .Pounamu of the :Ma.,o;:ri" is· a f"!;!IlInaJ:;r'kab:l..e ms:.t; :ria.l - ,- ita h.a:rdnes,s· 1:a e.nt t,o, IE-triable 1 t to e Slcra,tch. a· Eo'odi quali·ty· 'k:ittife 1b.lad'ii J. it·s gra..i'itiI, ena'ibl,e's. 1 t 't,o t a~e- f:I" kfJ:e-n e:CJge ,ana its t ou..,gb.nass 1'Ii;' :suc:b that no.

ma:t·!f3:r.i a:JL f.o,r ma:kfu itU& f1 'Mere ~


n:i ghly

pl"'i z ad pounElrlllU

f!.!r.Ld ""·as

the dleaired.

,in, Otago.oj< !hes El! ueas u:nd,(lu:bt JLy the "bulk of hi B j,ad·e:~. H,ephri t,e J' in. tb~ form 'Of" ,a-rti.:facte: t nl!i:1l "b,e'e~n:fO'U'l1d f'r,o,m ·tbe top {);f the IN·o.:r.thi,e.lia<.nd ,t 0 St e"'1a~I"t :1slant,. whl i·~; s outh o:f' "the S01!t th I B,Ji..mld ,"'
:sllfJip11. e d t:t.I!<!~ 'Maori ?Ii th

Tbe 'e,()iUr(H~ 0.1 this ma:ter,ia.J. w'aa limi·ted ',0· a. £'a;1':r1)" smBll di st:ri.'trt ill th'li!: SQUth 1 a,lM'a,,. Pr1:m~J"Y de'poiEd t·s w·ere f',Qund near the T,a.:ra:makau ana. A:rahu:ru !.i'vle::r-~ ::i:n. 'Weiliirtland.

and :near' La.k·e,Waka:'il!-:ijp1Jl


E!i:Jiwe:n1't;,e calI eCl Tang! wa.:l (t ear-'wa tel" f wat er- o'r tears J til" 'tlbe ~~ii)::r.1. 'was al'80 fOUl'i;.d 1:n :JI.:i:mi'ed lo'c.a;tl .. 'pf,!l;, Th.,e t o main, ,s.u,pply oame fr.o,ltI de;Do,si t s :tn, ·tbe M1l.,:r'o'rda\f'eH~ll,. l'relqu.e:nt ex:ped!1 tiona tOi o1bta:l'n t:h,e :stone ~e'r,e :rD.e(le by

CMQe 'by 'lJ crth. 'Ute NO'rth i!lnd Sou;t:h I'sl,and.

tri be:s ~

'!Fhe' n'l!ain. greens1lio,n,€: art,1f,act e: ,0 onsl:;:it e.d o.f the mel'lE: (a. 01u b'ti ke' 'We'a.po':n):~ 'tbe takj (or 9i~ ze ) :" ,chi a·el s ,. 'V8.:l"ious @ar and neck ·penda.nt·$ ~d. tihe n.ei -t,i,ki 'pendan't;o,

THE MERE ( pa't.u.pou:~.u.) wa,s tne a,nl:r we!fl:.pon fas'hio;tu~d l.n jl8"d:'e b,¥ the Maori.. Oftien. a s:ym.oo:l of rank tit wa.e th;e, most v·~l'IIJiEi:bl.e 'pOil!!l EiI,ere,ai,on, .of' B 'warrior Md, for thi rB r'e·aiSOJi W,S,;Boft en p{ie fr\om. tbe prot zed inanga\ V'nri !S·ty of ne phri t e ~ A short hand weapon ]Jj,e,as:uring a:ppro;xirnl!.\l,\t ely 151:;t15:i{1 .1nch. ~ ·the' mre"r'e 'Wa.s owe! !!iI.~d 1.e:ns.~ha'p€l:d i:n erO'BiB s,eo.,tiO'n w.:i:th ill· :hO]Ae. ·a.rille,d ·Q,t t'be: 'batt!


slab~ I:t i,s, SQi,(], thQ~t 'tbe ~en'eral pa;t,tdern of" ,thoe :m:ere caLn 'be 'trac.ed back t,o, the ooast s. o:f. S,outh Chi,nQ, Wihtere: the ,anoeiElrtors 'O'£' ,th,!!!! :PoJL:ynes.i,a!ns 'we'r'e eis't,a(b:Jl.:ii, shed, s'OIile 4- ,~OOD ye:a:rs ,ago

;a,ttachme:rut,of a 'W.1,iS't corCli, - :it :req,uired s, 'mo:ntb. to il;it e' Q mere out of a ::rQugb ''but, a.:pP~opa,",i:at ely aha,pea

Me.n:y' :f,'amO'uEI: :me:r'E:l G ,han, ,t;:he,ir Il).'WD, l'i.lEUii,8~ !t ,i.s rtIH::=,ori;e:d tiM t Tu.-;te-;rarJl!1='kllJ:raoE!':; a" chi,~:f' o:f' :"fS!lIii=tliij! WQS sla:1m by ToeWltftka,tonea who e,ut u,p the, body ,~nd d,l et:ri lbu,t e,i;i the pi~,c ~:a, ,.o'ne: t.neir v.a:ri,ous, o:l:e;:n:s,~, Same t:Jime: la.,t~l" 'Ngai, ...ta1 ria'd'e ~,~d tb~ h.ead 0,1" thei'r ,a'hi e,r lb" 81 ri:ns e, ,greensto,ne h;t,u, known S:~ W'aw:a.nir.a:iriiii for :i.t. TH18 TOtC!:' ~r Ii!il:l" ad,ze 'WQ.'S, Ell so v'eit'y' hi ghly vaiu.'s,a and, so~,e o:f' th'~ 'Older pn.eiB, famed in, :morfu, tr.adi t:ji,'o:n;ei • T:b.'ere 'v,rs!'s a. e'~:rtai:n amoun,t of' tapu.
p e:rtai:lt'li:ng

'il!fliie ,f8lmOU;s, ones us e'i! 1:n :Iili gr,e"ti an to '!N'e~' :z e,:!lla:Hd. - -.:.,'~, - T-,-· 'U''''¥',:.''''I'l'i,"''.· ISUAJi,LJi, , 15 ,_,e ,!1,!.~ ..uO,Il., .... , .... ~ ,"",...... ... __ _ to. be' 'V'iI!:l."'~ 't8:~' &d""",,,,, ......, .. ' ''''a-~I,di, __ __. ... _ _ ,!.. __ I.. _ ~ ....... :!IJ&.I!1!e:a, e:f :such J.;i,r.i,z;ed impl,eme'riI,t So o,f't e(tl, Q'PP1E!Qlr ~ :tiL SOhgJ;!.

¢onat ru .. ting 'tbe :f'Ol" the: e


8Qme of




0 f t ool,s u~,~d by tbe Ma.Q:ri, CO'Q.k: aays ~ their :a:"d~i$, they value: above al.l 'tJJia they PC)S!!S e'se J an'li t :ne'v-eI" 'Wo,uld 'pa;:rt 'wi t'ih, one 0 f; them f,o.'t" My"thing' "th.a.t, 'we:

In hi a acc'lj,unt

OQul(J, ,gi'Vie. '"'... ,tint S' i,1Ei es:t,e-ei!l!l,edi, a 'pre'c:iQus ,art i 'Ole 'b,:!f' tih,e-m'l'l' .' :Ma:ny' o:f' the' c'ommOnll!rf' adz iBiS w'ere: mad e: of the: :tlalWea, tY'pe of' ,g,reellii:lit,Oiril;r[;! 'l,!.ihe:re\iI3:-'!;!. the' lB-rge-r c:~re:mQni,al Q:n,~ ''lN~l:re s o:f"t;en, o:f :h'3t gh q;,ual:i ty jlade w:i,:th be:a.u t:tful W>Ol"ltUl'!!:shi,p ~


to, l:ar'ge'r'

:ad'~e",'lili·..e' 1mp.lmiE:'nte, t,o. gouges,. small,er. onEl'S were liLa:n. so tha;t; tbey c,o,ula eel l)ern.da~t t,o, be' hiW'ig fr.oJii. tb.e ,e:a:r' ,o:r n,ec::k



ki'r:u:ll,s r.angi n,g' tiny' so:r.a,pers :s,oDl.'e the of be 'u~ed, a:a, is!.
,s,o:t:I1Ie,0,£ th.e Ib,et'ter

EAB AND l'mCK. ]t1~1{D'A!N!'a,~, p-oJ."J!.owi ng' are

known, gre. eJ.'is't o:ne' )periita;nt $ :' . small :ho,led chi,s,el a, .......~Iuril,lMahQ'ra, _, :a. air,aigb.t :r\Qu:nO!. s,e c:ti o:ned pe:n.dant, ,', ' ,-- ,tt.-uru jpa:pa\ ... a. :r;;l't,rai,gfit :f,la,1t t;enec. 51,ec"t,i O'Ii, :pe.nda.nt I'
Il!5!\l1!. dant

ceu·' p, , _, """~~'''''''''"'d' B.,t, th@ ,J1.oWl3ir e,!tIi~, ("the' i{,.I' ·n eVelll wbll;lrn 'llls.ed. as: ,ear' pe.ndM't is COUld, ''be u,p to i,our' or ::Ifi'\I'\~ iit1.'cbe'B :1,o:~')',
,__ 1[1: ,-:-.--. w ~IUru ~ y.' ...... '" '" _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ ., ___ _ .....

S!. t.


Kot"Qpe pe ,and Ma ta.u, = appear ~r-'!Jms 'o'-1:r~ula,'t' :f':i.i6!iho~k (,g,e'nu::Ll'!!,G .:;.-m--"":lu _, -- '"' ... )t'w'o,' ""';':__ , ..,' , Iii....... "" t1 Ii'",Eil,.... .. ": , -- '_ ;'; r--et;o ha.vE!' 'been

di,E!'ri ve:(I!, il)lOi, 'ex;;~;mpl'i8s of the's@.


'bone wh:i e!\ "I'll-as,'k~:'Pif!; ~n l:he: l.E!'g of ,Q_ t,Q'IllI!E!' Ka:!k:o" th-e: '~'ii;!!W Ziealand ':p:a.r.rot I' ;$,,0 t(1'Ii~t a. c(I(l"d, could 'b e e"t,t,Sl-Oh,ed,wi tbout

--, Por,i a -,


e la'bora ted



f the ri ng

f' s't one: ,o,r

us,e,d as a spreadier on, the: d;et,acha'bl,e, 'part fi shing ] l,ne' to. which. flQo\lr.a were' :S!;t,tac~hedt M~r,akihau - a.ppeQr.s to d'u'pli ca'Ii €:: the t,:rMi t'i ona.l 'Y!I'oo,dica::rvl,ng pa,t't€!!tn, re'];i're,aent1n!8;: :Q 'llIzy'th'ical s,ea m(:in~t{f.:r, (the. '!flO rk" e'kl11 a'l'l:d ,t 1~e inv-ol y,ed made' "tine r,e:r:i ty ,a;nd_ w'Jlu~: 0 f' theiiii e la~l't two ,1t,'ems 'v-ery ,h:i fi } '. g

i'n :iu~i:ng' 1he lbfu,ri\ ~ of

..:.= 'Peka,pe:ka. -,


pend!!lU', name d K~ukltj"itmla,tua :]1,,1, buri edi,'t\b tb~ es t M1i11er 'the: larul,slide whi cib. ovel""iitli,.e'lm,e,d 'bl'C'II ,and ,hi s 'pe>o'pl~' in 184 6 ,ana ~11LQ'th,er 'Was u:s,ed, ,dur1,:ng tbe :f1gh,t :1;ng EIi,t Rua\-,t oki t,O' ]jNllI"(l!h"as.,e a rnml·E!, 11 f'ie ill"rOtili: hh::I, capt,or,.
An i~ar

~;r-e:~t ~au:p" ch1,'i5!'i', r'e H'e'uh~u

'lI:!:J1KI 'f(i.:s s1. lily t!h~' 'be:st ii:na,wn, Qf a..l'l :foma: o f' '.. gu ens-t one 'pe'n(l!,an:t,~:1. ~ 'tb~ h.enl t:ikl ( Q it en, s\lb.ttLply r~f"eTre,d 1;1 Q as a t,iiti M:M.Y' 'th e 0'1';1 as to wlla t ,th,f;j e:s ,he'l. 't1,ki ::r.ep:re:s ent S! h,.ave' be'en put :fa;r~B.rd -, tJi.e:t5 e :r~ge fto:m i,t,'sent::ing ,an embr,;V'o {a'nO!. thus a :rBr-t]ll:j_.t;~,. ~E![





tali ~ma:n) to, j,tbe ;~!l:i:rn];lily la, e o:nve:nt i Qnal WO(l;d, ,carving f,i g:r!X:re. of S!. mM, t::r.,acns.f'erl"ed- "t 0' gre,e'nst o:nl 'wi th C o:n's:i,d,f're1bl,e, laibou;r 'B,av1ng devi,,c es '..

(],E!ioliareiiS t,:be :name of

name hei tiki


go,d.~ Mel..

Ma.or",1is to


~ c::~:r.vlli!id r.E!'plr'e:s'en,ta:t-ion. ,p'i th-i2 human, figulire:;!> t 05,0, po,lt'!:s:i 'bly thEi hll;!i:i t:1Jei 1,~ ~imply Q 'f'ig!ll:f"'!8: t'Q' ha!i:1ig ,!:U:'Q'Ql'l!d th.e n.e,c'k,~

:g1'v~:ssomB :i:nd,i oat,i"OID, - mytllology the: f,i'r:el't, ,human '~'rea t£iQ. o¥ the 'iYa~ 'tiki t ,and the w'Ord :1e: :bed, by the


~h,e manu:fa¢tul"e 0 f the hei tiki b-elo:ng$';; C,O.Plpar-a,ti v)~ly 0 'lIliod,e:rn tittl,eiE!, 'bu,t :in :],770 Ca,p,t,a1n 0'0010:: :ti!,O,t edi, the t, II 'the men W,~a.r a 'jpd~~'c,e o,t' fl]["e en -t,!tl C: ,O:r' wb.a:lebo,:ne '\!!!"i't'h -tble :re:s e;m,bJLanee of ,a! man c;a:rvs,d O:~,it, hMl!!l:ing to a" iat,ring
a:r'Ounlli, the n,ecli::iI,~ - fa~h'i iOIl!'lJ, was :i',airly soen aft e.-I." thi:$ date: ~$: in, (jin,~ S:Dta'll o-tagQ 'village t wlti. eh waa: burned dIQ'Y~n 'by s,e,a.l,e:ra ,in ].8],'7'. :rII,Q f'ewer t.ih;a_n twen,ty,-

The bei

t.i:k:i h~v'e. be'e'll. .t.oun,a,. FX:ior. to' 1800 th€t.5 iI!i foul" _:1nohes (fr@m 21· t,C! 6i inc:be's in height) ibu,t f'!r'om U~'1,4, th.'BY are ilQt;,1oe,a,"bly ismeil.l,er wit,.b ,o,:i'lly one or two ;0 f 'th.'e la;p,g'18 s,t !B'ven appro,~hing :fou.r i:n"ehii2=r;:; ..., thre'@; hei aV'!;Irageai
0. V 8i1'"

of :i ts owner :91S· i·t (N)uld. 'emly' b'e' tr-a,d'!EHl or f @'u.'c.b i t E:m~ ,alE! f,ea the.r,e·:~ '(iib:ai,dian; flax 'Il;: lo·IiI,'k;s, a.l'l.'d the d,ri ed. :f,I,j,od s.,tuff jI 'KJllllar.a:. t EtY. tne f:ll.,r.s. t decad e 0. f 19~,h. c.entu:I",Y- thi, s :s.. tat e. g·f' m.f~rai.J["~ 'oh~ngea. radi. e a.l],y 'IP Pa.keha \'dlaler.5t a:eal,er9 ,and. e.rG, f'a~eina.ti;l:d "b:Y'the "beauty 'o!-r'e~n:s't,on~ awl tbe: nCl'vel,ty of to,ol's s;nd, OI."D8iment s [JlI3".... oI,i,efrom i't, W,el"'e' 'F@:'pare,d to' gi ve: in. ,excihange 'bl'!1i:rn.t;e:tS ~ st e €f.l ,axe's t co o:k:1ng 'pot sand i :r'OIn, :impl eri'!'l!E!~t,s,.; ,all, ,of w'l'iLicl'li,Erp;T'e~ent;eC!. unt,o.ld T)ee' to the Maor.:1 and r a rna.r,[k~d o.lila,ng·e in their 'Inay ,o,f i.if'e..,

Wi'th 'tb .. c, (1 f 'ith.e pakeha e (I,r fail:i:t@; ,man the trad.e' ec,o·l'iliOi'IlY' f' the MaOJt".i 'lIlnd erwen,t ~l"e\a.t oib.ange o Si in ,e,arl:i er 't,imes gl."een~t·on'e did not .grea.tly :im.prO'v{!, the ata.n.dal"d

of living

Tbe 'pa.;k:e,'i11.a. t:s ,d~mB..nd~ for


he:irlo,om.e, ,. BCH)'d ne:lPhrit,e ad.'zes ·g,t tb,e pa:"e~E'Il.l:r.ope.atl .are no,t if'Si.s:1,ly oTbtain~d ~ l't 't'ra.di.e.d. ''biY the ·pa.:k:eiba 1 nc:lu,dedi.',n boo ps ~ pi:~lS t

pe:ruiants" eS'to,e'~ially the hei t,U::i':II gre:a;tly exe eE!'d tho se :tor a.dsea ~ It became £!'Il prQ.:fi ta1bl~: :F'cfI' ,0 raft amen to ,mak'iB ad.z~:a i.nto h~i tiki Md se , unle ~s. tb.e·y h,ave' be en u.nealrt,b!ed or p:r@;$ e:rved a~


pot:eJ;it,O~5 t ca."b''bage SJ'EUHl, maize. t, axe'a" o.J!.,(rtb t b.ammers t giml et:s ~ C!bi sels t sh! rt e , m1l"l"Q:r.~;o :glass tH~~ads:,:mtillsk:e!tis:ll'

:nON :MA'ORI LA.F,IDAll:i ~ ,aa.d.ElI in. Hew Zealand Wr;:II"S 'when, in 18'1'8'i! Te ijra_r,~. Y,1,ra. e,olmmi,~s·i.on,@QI, James R.o,l,fe of Nap,ier' Q th:rre e hun,drilld;vte igh 't bOillld e:r Q f nil}phri t e :i:nt,o Blabs sui taibl,i';;Ifo r 'JLa.t e'r iI:n!.l:"ving: ip,to. mll;l''l''@lS 'boy !l;:,bi ~f 'I' fl! t,ri D'E!rEHiti,en '"'
ii). f

1111.8 iB.'ial":ll ..1; st

ree ord.s. of a:n :ElU.'r'IaiI! ean el'lii];llt, a:t,

C.hlL'lii:f th~

twel '!Ie

t,o cut.

'The. £i'l",s,t· faeto':it'¥ ''lIas:;un i:rn. tbe. Bli'.i.l"ly l.a9('P is: in, Dunedin by' ,Andr,e'W!' iIiL._d '7'bomas, D1eiYl:1:n. By the e·aLl"'JLy JLgoo';s,

t,hel MQo:ri· had ,di Boa;:rd,e;d, hiG st,o:n~ culture ,and n,o,t ,O,M e:!r-e.:ft S<l]'w:n :re;'!I:'!l€l,d. Wihi.o c,ould fa5hi on j SiJde • ~!Q be o.ontil'nl ed. in tbe ne'x't j QUI'Ml)


1,:;11 '~I



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