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Amlodipine Norvasc Classification: calcium channel blocker Therapeutic: antihypertensive Action: Inhibits influx of calcium through the cell

membrane, resulting in a depression of automaticity and conduction velocity in cardiac muscle.decreased SA and AV conduction of prolongs AV node effective and functional refractory periods. Slight decrease in HR . Possible slight decrease in myocardial contractility. CO is increased; moderate decreased in peripheral vascular resistance. Side effects: Most common: edema, palpitation, dizziness/light headedness,headache, fatique/lethargy, flushing. Health teaching: -take as directed,once daily. May take with or without meal; food helps decrease stomach upset.avoid grapefruit juice; increases drug consentration. -report S&S of chess pain, SOB, dizziness, swelling of extremities, irregular pulse, altered vision immediately.keep record of BP and pulse. -use NTG SL for angina as directed; report lack of response. -use caution, may experience light headedness or dizziness. -ask for genric cause savings. -keep all FU appointments to assess response and adverse SE -be sure to teach the patient to change positions slowly to minimize othostatic hypotension.

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