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In the novel passage to India we see three major religions that are at the same

time completely different and completely equal. These three are Islamism, Hinduism, and Christianity. They all have the same two principles, but in the novel we focused in the first one only, these would be: all persons are born equal and you should not harm others. Even thought the three religions start in widely separate point around the entire world they still share the basic points that we mention before. Lets give an overall of these religions starting with Hinduism. Hinduism is a polytheist religion that has many different currents; actually they only recognize four of them. One of the best known beliefs of all the Hindu currents is Karma that is that every action has its consequences. One practice of Hindus that seems to be a fashion for everyone today is yoga, but what people must ignore is that yoga is an active part of a Hindu religious life, more in some currents than in others. Other important religion that has an active role in passage to India is Islamism. Islam is a monotheist religion whose religious book

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