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( Introduction of accomplishments, and synopsis by me.

Your Questions. 1. Tell me about yourself? Married? Children? Current goals?

2. What does your training plan look like? Do you use periodization, consisting of a strict schedule or do you design your program instinctively. 3. How important is nutrition, when it comes to improving performance and recovering from such intense sessions for you?

4. Where does your motivation come from?

5. I dont know much about the triathlon but from what I understand placing 3rd place in the Ultra world championships, Is a big deal, nothing less than amazing. But for our readers and me as well, enlighten me, what does it take to be qualified for this race ? How big is this race ? Personally what does this race mean to you ?

6. What was your mental state? During the race? What kept you moving regardless of the distance? 7. If I was a fellow recreational athlete, and I had the goal one day to compete in such an intense environment? What tools would I need to be a successful athlete like you? Both mental and physically ? 8. Do you believe that we set mental limitations on ourselves ? If so, how do you overcome such negative affirmations ? 9. I deeply appreciate your time. Is there a way myself and our readers can follow you ? ( ** Blog ___ and anything else you see fit. )

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