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emotion and multiple intelligence darwin-emotional expression for survival and adaptation.

thorndike social intelligence howard gardner-iq failed to explain cognitive ability. wayne payne goleman-emotional competencies ability ei model mixed model trait ei model -k v petrides - personality framework salovey and mayer defined it as subset of social intelligence that involves abil ity to monitor own emotion and others too. daniel goleman self awareness self management self motivation empathy social skills IQ comes from neo cortex eq comes from inner cortex. emotional lessons learn as children at home and at school shape the emotional ci rcuits making us more adept or inept at the basis of emotional intelligence EQ measures the emotional quotient of an individual. It measures the ability of an individual to use his cognitive and emotional intelligence to get success in life-both personally and professionally. . emotional intelligence at work place... derailed executives iq gets u hired.eq gets u promoted schmidt and hunter refer intelligence in terms of general mental or cognitive ab ility (GMA). gma-fixed and ei state of emotions.

ei leadership styles

coercive authoritative affiliative democratic pacesetting coaching hapiness-surprise-fear-sadness-anger-disgust. positive primary emotions love affection happiness joy surprise negative primary emotions fear,sadness,anger,disgust,shame cognitive abilities verbal comprehension numerical spatial visualization perceptual mind memory inductive reasoning gardner multiple intelligence logical verbal interpersonal intrapersonal visual/spatial musical body/kinesthetic new intelligences naturalist existential emotional criteria for multiple intelligence 1.measurable 2.valued by person 3.strength wen person reacts to the challenge of creative problem

identified intelligences are 1)kind of construct should not be confused with domain or dicipline 2)should not equated with learning style or working style 3)based on empirical evidence can be added on new empirical findings!!!

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