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September 15, 2010

Dear Parents, Students will be responsible for completing three spelling activities each week for their homework. Please note that your child will not have homework if it is a short week and a pretest has not been given. Students should use all fifteen words from their spelling list to complete their activities unless space does not allow. We have gone over most of the activities in class, and the students should be aware of the steps necessary to complete each homework activity. Each child will be bringing home a packet which should include their scored spelling pretest, spelling homework activity squares (one page) and the three activity sheets that have been chosen for the week. Please encourage your child to complete one activity per night so that they will not become overwhelmed with completing their homework. Please disregard the due date on the top of the homework activity square sheet. Students should not return their homework on Thursday. Instead, it should be returned on the following Tuesday which will be the day of the posttest. This provides each student with a week to complete their assignment. Please note that spelling homework is NOT an option and I require all of my students to do it and turn it in by the next Tuesday. If you are having issues completing this at home, please send it in with a note. Thank you, I greatly appreciate the "at home" support!! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.

Mr. Ferrell

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