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Nome:__________________________________________________n_______class_________ Atividade professora: Snia data_____/_____/ 2011.

1- Preencha as lacunas com a correta forma do verbo to be: It __________cold today. I _________at home now. They _________Korean. This _______my pen. My name ________Nikita. We _______ from Brazil. That ________ right. I _________ ok, thanks. Clara and Steven __________ married. She __________ a English teacher.

2- Reescreva as frases passando o verbo to be para a forma negativa e interrogativa: I am working tomorrow. Negativa -

Interrogativa -

He is living next week. Negativa -

Interrogativa -

They are arriving in the afternoon. Negativa -

Interrogativa -

She is waiting for you. Negativa -

Interrogativa -

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