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DUROOD-E-DAIM ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA MUHAMMADIW WA ALA AALI MUHAMMADIN SALAATAN TAKUNU LAKA RIDAW WALIHAQQIHI ADAAAAW WA ATIHIL WASILATA WAL MAQAAMAL MAHMUDAL LAZI WA AD TAHU WAJ ZIHI ANNA MA HUWA AHLAHU WA AJ ZIHI ANNA MIN AFDALI MA JAZAITA NABIYYAN AN UMMATIHI WA SALLI ALA JAMII IKHWAANIHI MINAN NABBIYINA WAS SAALIHEEN. O Allah! Send blessings upon Muhammad and upon his family the mercy which will be for You a pleasure of fulfilment of Your Right and grant him Wasila and the highest position which You promised him and reward him from us what his is according to his status and reward him from us the highest what You rewarded any Prophet, any Messenger, from his Ummat and send Your blessings for all his brothers from the Messengers and pious people. The Hadith of Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) says that if a man recites the above mentioned Durood Shareef 7 times, for 7 Fridays, then the mercy of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will reach him. (The name Daim means permanent. Thus, this Durood Shareef should be recited by every Muslim permanently).

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