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raditions are important in companies just as they are in families. And, nothing is more important than the annual traditions work places establish around the celebration of seasonal holidays. A holiday celebration builds positive morale which results in increased employee motivation. High morale and motivation contribute to team building and productivity. Productive teams are responsible for the success of your organization. Here are holiday celebration ideas for your work place.

Traditions can range from costume parades at Halloween to food drives for the needy in November and December. Lunch celebrations, evening holiday dinners and the wearing of the green for St. Patricks Day are annual traditions that people can count on and look forward to celebrating at work.

You will want to avoid celebrating specific religious holidays to honor the diverse people in your organization. But for positive motivation and team building, youll enjoy creating seasonal holidays and celebrating secular occasions you designate as special in your company. Here are ideas for the successful organization of events, mistakes to avoid and ideas for traditions you can start and share.

Form a Guiding Group for Holiday Planning

In my client company, a group of people spear head event planning. Known as the Activity Committee, members from across the company plan and orchestrate a diverse series of events throughout the year. Because member continuity is strong in the team, traditions are honored and continued during each passing year. You do need a group, with representatives from across the company, to plan and implement your events.

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