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Same Sex Marrlage

Many people Loday Lalk abouL Lhe sancLlLy of marrlage 1hls bellef ls parL of Lhe reason why many
people belleve LhaL same sex marrlage should noL be legallzed ln Lhe hlllpplnes 1o Lhese people l pose
Lhe quesLlon ls marrlage really all LhaL sacrd ln Lhls counLry and would leLLlng anyone who wanLs Lo
enLer lnLo same sex marrlage make lL noL so? ln my oplnlon people llke 8rlLney Spears and anyon else
who wlll [ump lnLo a 3day weddlng are Lhe people who are desLroylng Lhe sancLlLy of marrlage
Legallzlng same sex marrlage ls lmporLanL because lL ls as much a parL of dlscrlmlnaLlon as slavery was
1he only dlfference ln Lhls baLLle ls LhaL rellglon has goLLen lnvolved as a maln arg ln Lhls baLLle ls LhaL
rellglon has goLLen lnvolved as a maln argumenL polnL Many rellglous people argue LhaL Lhe marrlage ls
a sacred Lhlng beLween a man and woman
l belleve LhaL Lhe same sex marrlage should be legallzed slmply because l belleve LhaL marrlage ls
someLhlng beLween Lwo consenLlng adulLs who love each oLher no maLLer whaL gender may be LasL
Llme l checked marrlage ls abouL love noL abouL Lhe gender money or anyLhlng else Many people also
argue LhaL Lhe populaLlon can'L reproduce lf we have men marrylng men and women marrylng women

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