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My name is Veronica Alvarenga, and I work at a bilingual school. This is the most beautiful job I ever have because it allows me to work with children, and they allow me to know their beautiful world. Let me tell you that I teach Grammar and Science in First Grade. Among all my wonderful students Ihave some of them Very Very special.

I am going to tell you a little bit about one of them. His name is Oscarito He is seven years old and he is disable, he has problems to talk, he can not walk or move his hands, so he needs all people to help him to study.

With this special students using the technology in the classroom is very important, I think I couldnt work without a computer, because he cannot speak well but he can see, and when I turn on the computer to put videos or a power point presentation during a Science class for example Wild Life and he sees the animals running, eating, etc. He understands perfectly what is the class about, and after the class you can ask him some questions and he will answer them.

When I put videos showing the Daily Routines in a Grammar Class he really enjoys them and he tries to sing and to do the routines he sees on the screen. Using the technology in the classroom is very important nowadays, but with special kids is so helpful and you must take advantage of this tool.

Finally, let me tell you that working with these special kids have make me a better teacher because I have had to improve my teaching method and take advantage of all technological tools I can.


1) How would you assign homework to special kids? 2) Do you like or dislike working with special kids? 3) Do you think special kids need to attend special schools for them or regular schools?

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