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1 Compared Lo compared wlLh have exacLly same meanlng

2 Llke used Lo compare nouns or noun phrases As can be used ln resL
3 AbouL ls a preposlLlon and should be followed by a noun or noun+modlfler AbouL should noL be
followed by a sub[ecL verb
4 CapablllLy of dolngof **lng ls wrong ldlom
3 When and ls lnserLed for a separaLe clause check for parallellsm
6 Secure abouL ls unldlomaLlc
7 refer x Lo ? ls ldlomaLlc nL prefer
8 preposlLlons musL be followed by nouns and canL be followed by clauses
9 Lhe senLence openers sLarLlng wlLh wlLh are lncorrecL Lo work properly Lheyd have Lo be
followed by a sub[ecL LhaLs acLually wlLh Lhose Lhlngs
example wlLh flve allsLaLe players ln lLs backfleld ballard hlgh looks Lo shuL down opposlng offenses
10 Lhe facL of x dolng ? ls unlversally lncorrecL
11 use Lhe facL LhaL followed by a normal lndependenL clause

l was surprlsed by Lhe facL LhaL no one has ever won Lhls game
12 lLs ALWA?S wrong Lo use Lhls as a pronoun ln formal Lngllsh So lf you see Lhls ls Lhen you can
[usL cross LhaL cholce ouL AnyLhlng ln whlch Lhls ls used as a noun ls lncorrecL lf you see Lhls ls
Lhls shows LhaL Lhls vL88 ln general Lhen lLs wrong

Lhe only accepLable use of Lhls ln formal wrlLLen engllsh ls as an ad[ecLlve Lhls facL Lhls predaLor Lhls
noLlon eLc

13 lnLeracL MuS1 be palred wlLh wlLh lnLeracL beLween and lnLeracL among are unldlomaLlc
14 among each oLher ls unldlomaLlc (as ls beLween each oLher) you should wrlLe among
Lhemselves or beLween Lhemselves13 ln vL88lng ls correcL when someLhlng ls done as parL of Lhe
process of vL88lng
Lx [ames faced many hazards ln explorlng Lhe remoLe [ungle

16 Lo vL88 ls correcL when someLhlng ls done for Lhe purpose of vL88lng
Lx [ames ls llfLlng welghLs Lo lncrease hls muscular sLrengLh

17 lurLher Lhere are fundamenLally 4 dlfferences beLween as and llke

1 As lnLroduces clauses (whlch have verbs) and llke lnLroduces phrases (whlch donL have verbs)

2 As clause consLrucLlon ls used Lo lnLroduce comparlsons LhaL are real Llke phrase consLrucLlons are
preferred when maklng comparlsons LhaL are noL real buL lmaglnary (See Lhe above McCllnLock

3 As ls also used as a subsLlLuLe for ln Lhe capaclLy of Lg As Lhe presldenL of uSA Ceorge 8ush

4 ldlomaLlc dlfferences used as (CorrecL) used Llke (lncorrecL) / 8egarded as (CorrecL) 8egarded Llke
(lncorrecL) 1here ls [usL one excepLlon (LhaL l have come across) Lo Lhe ldlomaLlc consLrucLlons uslng Lhe
verb acL where one has Lo lnfer Lhe meanlng before uslng as/llke AcL as ls used when a funcLlon
of an lnanlmaLe ob[ecL ls descrlbed Lg ln Lhe flood Lhe wall acLed as a dam Powever acL ls followed
by llke Lo mean Lo behave or comporL oneself and descrlbes Lhe acLlon of a person Lg Pe acLed llke a

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