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CHHI DB2 Read Ferguson: pp.

160 - 168 and Cyprian: "Treatise III, On the Lapsed" and "Treatise I, On the Unity of the Church." Then, answer the questions below in a new thread containing 400 - 500 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday. How did the periods of persecution cause the church to think about the doctrines of salvation and the church? That is, if a baptized believer succumbed to persecution and gave up his/her faith, did the church believe salvation was lost as a result? Also, could the church include Christians who denied their faith? Finally, reply to at least one classmate's thread in 100 - 200 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday. NBST DB3 Describe Pauls gospel in regards to the elements he learned from the disciples in Jerusalem and in regards to those elements he received by revelation. To whom did Paul talk when he went to Jerusalem? How do we know? Show the similarities and differences between tradition and revelation in Pauls gospel. Compare and contrast some of the elements of Pauls theology with the information found in the four Gospels. How are their contents similar or different? What areas of incidental contact are in your opinion most interesting? Give a summary of one element of contact and how it can be applied to Christians today. Define what Bruce means when he uses the term mysticism in regards to Paul and his visions. How did the mysteries that Paul received relate to his ministry and the church? Was Pauls theology based on mystical experiences? Why or why not? How would you respond to a person today who claimed to have mystical revelations from God with little or no reference to the Bible? According to Paul, was Christ the goal or the end of the law? Be sure to offer reasons for your answer. Briefly discuss the various interpretations Bruce offers for the statement that Christ is the end of the law. How is this statement understood in the various traditions? Which understanding do you think is best explanation? Why?

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