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OOMD Question Bank First Internals

1) What is object orientation? Explain the different aspects of OO. 2) Explain OO development. 3) Explain OO methodology. 4) Give some evidence for usefulness of OO development. 5) How did the evolution of OO modeling take place? 6) Classes and operations are listed below. For each class, select the operations that make sense for objects in that class. You may place an operator in multiple classes. Discuss the behavior of each operator. CLASSES Variable length array : Ordered collection of objects, indexed by an integer, whose size can vary at runtime. Symbol table: A table that maps text keywords into descriptors. Set: Unordered collection of objects with no duplicates. OPERATIONS Append Copy Count Delete Index Interest Insert Update 7) What are the purposes of models? Explain them. 8) What is abstraction? 9) Explain the three models and also relationship among models. 10) Explain briefly with examples(UML notations) objects classes class diagrams values and attributes operations and methods 11) Explain briefly with UML notations Links and associations Multiplicity Association and names Ordering Bags of sequences

Association classes Qualified associations 12) What is generalization? Explain with an example. Also explain how you can over-write the superclass features. 13) Explain ->Enumeration ->Multiplicity ->Scope ->Visibility 14) What is aggregation? Explain with an example. 15) What do you mean by mu;tiple inheritance? Explain the kinds of multiple inheritance with classification. 16) Explain briefly the a) Constraints b)Composition c)Derived Data 17) Construct a class model for managing credit card accounts & also write the OCL expression for what customer patronized a merchant n the last year by any kind of credit card? 18) Identify the following concepts ->Association end names ->Association ->Generalization
->Constraint (interest rate<=20%) & derived data (Refer Pg 57, 3.25)

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