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Petitions to free President Gbagbo: 648,290 signatures in 15 days Enthusiasm for the release of Laurent Gbagbo is still rife

and top of priority. The proof in 15 days, the initiators of the operation "3 million signatures for the release of President Gbagbo," brought together 648,290 signatures calling for the release of the prisoner of Korhogo, (still on house arrest). Bamba Mamadou, President of the organization "Cri de la libert" took stock after 15 days of action that goes until September. At the presentation of that report on Thursday, August 25 at La Riviera Palmeraie, Mamadou Bamba welcomed the mobilization of Ivorian society in all its components and talked of the strong interest, that according to him, women and men show Laurent Gbagbo around the world. Nationally, he noted that students, farmers, workers, opinion leaders and even the staff of international organizations and UN have come forward to demand the release of the political prisoner of Alassane Ouattara. According to him, in all departments of the country, signatures were collected. For Bamba Mamadou, world leaders like South African Nelson Mandela are concerned by the prisoner Laurent Gbagbo. The proof, he said, text messages, emails and signatures are increasing to support its efforts aimed at securing the release of Gbagbo. The president of "Cri de la libert is grateful to the Minister Kon Katinan, President Gbagbos spokesman, for his support. He therefore welcomed Damana Pickass, Tour Moussa Zeguen and Konat Navigu, who, not surprisingly, are enthusiastically fighting for President Gagbos release. Benjamin Kor
Notre Voie - parution 26/08/2011

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