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In recent days the stalemate between the Libyan regime of Muammar Gaddafi and the rebel National Transitional

Council, the NTC, has seemingly broken, with NTC forces rolling victoriously into the capital Tripoli, overrunning Gaddafis huge Bab al-Aziziya compound, and most of the city, although at the time of writing, street fighting was still on going. The NTC is now recognized by most major powers as the legal government of Libya, and with the capture of Tripoli is in a position to take control of the country, with the US releasing millions of pounds worth of frozen Libyan assets to the NTC. The current whereabouts of Colonel Gaddafi himself is unknown, but most sources speculate that he has either gone into hiding in Tripoli, or retreated to his hometown of Sirte, where the regime retains a strong presence.

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