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House mentioned in Noli me tanghere located on Anloague street crossed by a branch of Pasig river sometimes reffered as

estero de Binondo.

Owned by Santiago delos Santos Kapitan Tiago Described as squat

Ortiz Armengol:
acknowledged authority of the spanish writer Benito Perez Galdoz. Traced all the places mentioned in the novel Fortunata y Jacinta. Mentioned that Buildings, street namnes, and ambiance may change but the general layout of a city streets,rivers,esteros never change.

Was not successful at first trial but instead found the memoirs of Jose Alejandrino, friend and contemporary of Rizal. In a prewar lecture on Rizals novel, Alejandrino said Kapitan Tiagos house was indeed on Anloague Street.

Descriptions of the house:

Wide staircase, green banistered and partly carpeted. Rose from tiled court to entrance. (Main floor) double line of potted plants and flower vases set on Chinese porcelain. Large table in the center. Hung about the room were charming Chinese lanterns, empty bird cage, silvered crystal balls(red/green/blue), slightly withered air plants, stuffed fishes and such decorations.

Descriptions of the house: (Cont.)

Wooden arches(half Chinese, half European) Overlooking river. Porch with trellises and kiosks dimly lighted by multi-colored paper lanterns. Dinner guest were gathered in the main reception room which had great mirrors and sparkling chandeliers. Magnificent grand piano on a pinewood platform. Elegant furniture

Rizals descriptions approximates vignettes in the Lozano Painting.


Ortiz Armengol was correct and Alejandrino is not mistaken. Letras y Figuras actually gives us a peek into the house of Balvino Mauricio, a glimpse of a real Kapitan Tiago house.

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