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Toyota Caetano Portugal

Student : Pedro Gonalves 149c

Conditional Sentences
Type 1Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future
Example: If I find her telephone number , I will call her.

The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't use a comma.
Example: I call her an invitation if I find her telephone number.
Note: Main clause and / or if clause might be negative.

Type 2It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled. Form: if + Simple Past, Conditional I (= would + Infinitive) Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.

Type 3It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past. Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle) Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.

1. Choose the correct word or put the appropriate verb form

(If / When)

I leave work, I usually go to the fitness center to work out.

She hates TV. She thinks television is a waste of time. (If / When) she watches any television at all, it is usually a documentary or a news program. My friend always keeps in touch by mail. (If / When) usually write back immediately. If I (have) enough money, I (go) bank account is empty! I love to travel! When I (have) almost every year I get a letter, I

on safari to Kenya. However, my enough money, I (go) abroad. I do it

2.Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II. If I (have) If she (study) If we (know) test. more time, I (learn) harder, she (get) to play the guitar. better marks. afraid of the

more about history, we (be / not)

3. Complete the Conditional Sentences Type III. If we (listen) to the radio, we (hear) the news.

If you (switch)

on the lights, you (fall / not)

over the chair.

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