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iNcOMe taX ReFUND/ VRteNie DaN z aNgLicKa

UK / egyeslt Kirlysg

RegisztRcis Lap
RszLetes tMUtat gyORs aDVisszatRtshez a egyesLt KiRLysgbL A ksznheten adjt gyorsan s zkkenmentesen visszakapja. nnek mindssze pr adattal kell szolglnia, a munka neheze rnk marad. Az n dolga: Jelentkezsi Lap- 2. s 3. oldal Tltse a 2. s 3. oldalt szemlyi s munkavllalsi adataival. Ezen informcik nvelhetik a visszatrtend sszeget. Rszletes informcira van szksgnk az sszes munkltatjrl az Egyeslt Kirlysgban. Ha egynl tbb munkltatja volt, krem nyomtassa ki az Employment Information Page nev oldalt tbbszr s tltse ki azokat. ha nem rendelkezik a p45, p60 vagy p11D dokumentumok valamelyikvel, a Declaration to Employer cm nyomtatvny alrsval a 4. oldalon felhatalmaz bennnket azok megszerzsre. A nyomtatvnyokat a fekete tollal megjellt helyeken kell alrni-9 alrsra lesz szksgnk. Az alrs legyen azonos az tleveln/ szemlyi igazolvnyn szerepl alrssal. Mivel az adhivatal nagyon szigoran ellenrzi a dokumentumok kitltsnek helyessgt, nnek elg azokat alrnia, a kitltsrl gondoskodunk mi. A tbbi nyomtatvnyt krem ne tltse ki. Minden tovbbi informci megadsa helytelen kitlts miatt ksleltetheti az advisszatrtst. Ha egynl tbb munkltatja volt, krem nyomtasson annyit a 3. s 10. oldalbl, amennyire csak szksge van. A dokumentumokat postzza a helyi postacmre vagy az albbi cmre::
UK Kzponti iroda: 277/281 Oxford Street 1st Floor London W1C 2DL United Kingdom Ingyenes: 0808 2381 611 P: +44 207 6599 188 F: +44 207 4913 988 E: W:

Nyomtatvnyok 5.-10. Oldal, 1st Floor, 277/281 Oxford street, London W1c 2DL, United Kingdom

Hasznlja az albbi ellenrzsi listt, hogy megtudhassa, mindent helyesen csinlt-e.
1. A 2. s 3. oldalt teljesen tltse ki, a 3. oldalbl nyomtasson annyit, ahny munkltatja volt. 2. A fennmarad lapokat krem rja al a tollal megjellt helyeken, ne tltse ki ket. Az alrs szksges az albbi helyeken: 4. oldal: 1 alrs (Declaration to employer) 5. oldal: 1 alrs s a nIn/UTr szma (CUsTOMEr AGrEEMEnT) 6. oldal: 1 alrs (64-8) 7. oldal: 2 alrs (r38) 8. oldal: 1alrs (P91) 9. oldal: 2 alrs s az n neve nAGYBETKKEl (P85) 10. oldal: 1 alrs (P87)- KrEM nYOMTAssOn BEllE AnnYIT, aMeNNyiRe szKsge VaN a MUNKLtati aDataihOz
Krem vegye figyelembe, hogy amennyiben az resen hagyand rszeket is kitlti, meglehet, hogy j nyomtatvny kitltsre lesz szksgnk, ami ksleltetheti adja visszaszerzst

3. Csatolja az eredeti Statement of Earnings, P60, P45 s/vagy P11D dokumentumai mindegyikt sszes munkltatjtl. 4. Csatolja tlevele/ szemlyi igazolvnya msolatt (fnykppel s alrssal elltott oldalt). 5. Csinljon msolatokat sajt rszre.

Krdse van? Ltogassa meg weboldalunkat :

A dokumentumokat postzza a helyi postacmre vagy az albbi cmre: Tovbbi informcirt ltogassa meg weboldalunkat
tb online pack, 1st Floor, 277/281 Oxford street, London, W1c 2DL, United Kingdom

iNcOMe taX ReFUND/ VRteNie DaN z aNgLicKa

UK / egyeslt Kirlysg csapata azon dolgozik, hogy n a lehet legrvidebb id alatt a trvny ltal megadott legtbb adt kaphassa vissza 1. Tltse ki az els kt oldalt a lehet legtbb szemlyi s munkavllalsval kapcsolatos informcival. 2. Krjk, a tbbi oldalt csak rja al a fekete tollalt megjellt helyeken. A tbbi oldalon ne adjon meg egyb informcit. 3. Krjk, mellkelje tlevele/ szemlyi igazolvnya fnykppel s alrssal elltott msolatt dvzlettel, Fidelma McGuirk Vezrigazgat,

1 2 3

rja al a nyomtatvnyokat
Kldje el ket az adval kapcsolatos informciival egytt

Szerezze vissza adjt

Please supply a current email address so that you can receive personal updates by email./ Adjon meg egy rvnyes e-mail cmet annak rdekben, hogy az ad visszatrtsrl szl hreket e-mailben tovbbtsuk. First Name/ Keresztnv: How did you hear about our service?/ Honnan hallott cgnkrl? tb online pack Surname / Vezetknv: Date of birth / Szletsi dtum:
Nap / hNap / V

Email/ E-mail cm: Home phone/ Otthoni telefonszm: Mobile phone/ Mobil: Nationality/ Nemzetisg: Occupation/ Foglalkozs: 00 00

Current correspondence address/ Jelen levelezsi cme: UK Residing Address / UK lakcm:

ResiDeNcy qUestiONs / KRDseK ReziDeNs-LLapOtRL

Your residency status in the UK can affect the amount of tax you need to pay. The following questions help us establish your residency status so that you can be sure that you get the refund that youre legally entitled to. / Rezidens-llapota befolysolhtaja, mennyi ad befizetsre volt kteles az Egyeslt Kirlysgban. Az albbi krdsek segtsgvel meghatrozhatjuk rezidens-llapott.

2 Which tax years would you like to apply for? / Melyik advre szeretne jelentkezni?
6th April 2010 5th April 2011: 6th April 2009 5th April 2010: 6 April 2008 5 April2009:
th th

Have you applied for this refund before?/ Jelentkezett mr erre a visszatrtsre? Have you applied for this refund before?/ Jelentkezett mr erre a visszatrtsre? Have you applied for this refund before?/ Jelentkezett mr erre a visszatrtsre? Have you applied for this refund before?/ Jelentkezett mr erre a visszatrtsre? Have you applied for this refund before?/ Jelentkezett mr erre a visszatrtsre? Have you applied for this refund before?/ Jelentkezett mr erre a visszatrtsre? Have you applied for this refund before?/ Jelentkezett mr erre a visszatrtsre?

Yes /Igen Yes /Igen Yes /Igen Yes /Igen Yes /Igen Yes /Igen Yes /Igen
Nap / hNap / V

No /Nem No /Nem No /Nem No /Nem No /Nem No /Nem No /Nem

6th April 2007 5th April 2008: 6 April 2006 5 April 2007:
th th

6th April 2005 5th April 2006: 6 April 2004 5 April 2005:
th th

3 When did you first arrive in the UK?/ Mikor rkezett elszr az Egyeslt Kirlysgba?

4 Are you still living in the UK?/ Mg az Egyeslt Kirlysgban tartzkodik? Yes /Igen No/Nem - If no, when did you last leave the UK?/ Ha nem, mikor hagyta el az orszgot? Nap / hNap - If yes, go to Q7./Ha igen, ugorjon a Q7 pontra. 5 Have you moved abroad permanently or for 3 years at least?/
Elhagyta az Egyeslt Kirlysgot tartsan vagy legalbb 3 vre? Yes Igen No/Nem

/ V

6 Are you planning on coming back to the UK to live or for regular visits?/

Szeretne visszatrni az Egyeslt Kirlysgba rendszeres ltogatsok cljbl, vagy szeretne az orszgban letelepedni?

Yes /Igen


7 Since you first arrived in the UK please list the dates that you left and returned to the UK (excluding short holidays)/
Krem adja meg a dtumokat, amikor elhagyta az Egyeslt Kirlysgot s visszatrt az orszgba(rvid szabadsgokat leszmtva):
From / Tl:
Nap / hNap / V

To / Ig:
Nap / hNap / V

From / Tl:
Nap / hNap / V

To / Ig:
Nap / hNap / V

8 Did you make any charity donations during any of the tax years?/ If yes, during which tax year?/ Ha igen, melyik advben?:
2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 Yes / Igen Yes / Igen Jtkonykodott az advek valamelyikben? Yes / Igen No/Nem 2008/09 No/Nem No/Nem 2009/10 2010/11

9 Did you contribute to a Personal Pension?/

Fizetett magnnyugdjat? Van regsgi jradka?

10 Do you have a Retirement annuity?

A dokumentumokat postzza a helyi postacmre vagy az albbi cmre: Tovbbi informcirt ltogassa meg weboldalunkat
tb online pack, 1st Floor, 277/281 Oxford street, London, W1c 2DL, United Kingdom

iNcOMe taX ReFUND/ VRteNie DaN z aNgLicKa

UK / egyeslt Kirlysg


In order to successfully process your tax claim, we need information on all the employers you had during the tax year(s) you want a refund from. Please fill out the Employment Information section in as much detail as possible. Please dont forget to print additional pages if you have had more than one employer./ A sikeres advisszatrts rdekben informcikra van szksgnk munkltatirl. Krem tltse ki az Employment Information oldalt minl rszletesebben. Nyomtasson belle tbb oldalt, ha egynl tbb munkltatja volt.


employer 1/ Munkltat 1
Company Name/ A cg neve: Street/ Utca: City and Code/ Vros s Irnytszm: Phone/ Telefonszm: E-mail: Worked from/ Els munkanap:
Nap / hNap / V

Fax: until / Utols munkanap:

Nap / hNap / V

What is your occupation?/ Mi a foglalkozsa? Do you have your P45 / P60?/ Megvan a P45 / P60 fizetsi dokumentuma? Yes /Igen No/Nem If no, would you like us to source replacements for you?* / Ha nem, szeretn, hogy mi megszerezzk a helyettest dokumentumot?* Did you receive P11D / benefits or dividends?/ Kapott-e P11D dokumentumot/ mellkjuttatst vagy osztalkot? Yes /Igen Yes /Igen No/Nem No/Nem

Work-related expenses may significantly increase your refund. Please let us know about all your expenses in order to maximise your refund./ Munkval kapcsolatos kltsgei jelentsen nvelhetik a visszatrtend sszeget. Krem tudassa velnk minden ilyen nem kltsgt.


Did you incur expenses related to the undertaking of your duties which were not reimbursed by the employer?/
Voltak munkja kivitelezsvel kapcsolatos kltsgei, amiket a munkltatja nem fizetett vissza nnek?
2004/05 2005/06

Yes /Igen


If yes - Please provide details / Ha igen, krem adjon meg tovbbi adatokat



Business Travel - own car, miles / Szolglati t - sajt autval Business Travel - bus/rail/other / Szolglati t busz/vonat/egyb Business Travel - subsistence / Szolglati t - meglhets Protective Clothing / Vdruhzat Maintaining Protective Clothing / Vdruhzat karbantartsa Specialist Tools / Specilis eszkzk Maintaining Specialist Tools / Specilis eszkzk karbantartsa Uniform / Egyenruha Cleaning Uniform / Az egyenruha tiszttsa Professional Fees and Subs/ Szakmai jelleg djak s elfizetsek Professional Indemnity Insurance / Szakmai felelssgbiztosts Flat Rate Expense / Egysges djszabs kltsgek



13 Did you work at a temporary workplace during any tax years being claimed for?
Volt ideiglenes munkahelye a krvnyezett advek alatt? Yes /Igen


If yes - Please provide details / Ha igen, krem adja meg a kvetkez adatokat
Temporary work place expenses/ Travel / Utazs Accommodation / Szlls

Ideiglenes munkahelyi kltsgek








Subsistence / Meglhets

Please note that in both cases you should have the records to verify your claim in the event that HMRC audits your affairs. If you are using your own car you should keep a contemporaneous log of miles travelled. / Krem vegye figyelembe, hogy mindkt esetben kltsgeit szmlkkal szksges altmasztani, ha az HMRC erre felszltja nt. Ha sajt autjt hasznlta, folyamatosan s pontosan vezetett mrfldnaplval kell rendelkeznie.

*Document retrieval fee applies / *Dokumentumhelyettest illetket szmolunk fel.

A dokumentumokat postzza a helyi postacmre vagy az albbi cmre: Tovbbi informcirt ltogassa meg weboldalunkat, 1st Floor, 277/281 Oxford street, London, W1c 2DL, United Kingdom



DecLaRatiON tO the eMpLOyeR


grant full authority to to act as my agent in dealing with my United Kingdom income tax return application. In order to facilitate the submission of my application I therefore authorise you to provide information to pertaining to my employment. 1st Floor, 277/281 Oxford Street, London, W1C 2DL, United Kingdom

14 Signed: Date:

Taxback UK Ltd t/a is registered in England. Registration Number: 04608872

*Document retrieval fee applies

Post your forms to your local office or to : Visit for further details about our services
tb online pack, 1st Floor, 277/281 Oxford street, London, W1c 2DL, United Kingdom

iNcOMe taX ReFUND/ VRteNie DaN z aNgLicKa

UK / egyeslt Kirlysg


I confirm that / Igazolom, hogy:
1. I understand that is a trading name for the services of Taxback Inc., Chicago, USA,and hereby contract with Taxback Inc. to carry out the services described herewith. / Tudomsul veszem, hogy a a Taxback Inc., Chicago, USA kpviseletei ltal nyjtott szolgltatsok kereskedelmi neve s ezennel megbzom Taxback Inc. t az albbi szolgltatsok vghezvitelre. 2. I understand that Taxback Inc. will utilise its parent company Taxback Ltd and its subsidiary and affiliate companies to gather information regarding the services where necessary and that the contract remains with Taxback Inc. for the duration of the service. / Tudomsul vettem, hogy a Taxback Inc. az anyavllalata-Taxback Ltd- s lenyvllalatai segtsgvel informct fog gyjteni admmal kapcsolatban szksg esetn annak ellenre, hogy a szerzdst a Taxback Inc. nev cggel ktttem meg. 3. I have signed the necessary power of attorneys to authorise Taxback. Inc, and / or its subsidiary undertakings trading as and referred to hereafter as the Agent, to prepare this tax return and represent me before the HM Revenue and Customs. / Alrtam a szksges meghatalmazst, amellyel megbztam a Taxback. Inc, vllalatot s annak egy lenyvllalatt, adbevallsom benyjtsra s a HM Revenue and Customs eltti kpviseletemre. 4. I have not filed a UK income tax return for this tax year nor authorized any person to do so on my behalf. / A megadott advre mg nem nyjtottam be adbevallst, s nem bztam meg ms szemlyt, hogy tegye ezt a nevemben. 5. I understand that if I am due a refund for this tax year and I have not filed my tax return for other tax years in which I worked in the UK, the Agent will be obliged to file the returns for the other tax year(s) as well. I agree that the Agent should do this and I will pay a processing fee for each tax return. / Tudomsul veszem, hogy abban az esetben, ha jogosult vagyok tlfizetett adt visszakapni ezen advre, s amennyiben mg nem nyjtottam be adbevallst az elz vekre, a Megbzott kteles az elz adv(ek) bevallsait is elkszteni. Ezzel egyetrtek s a Megbzottnak feldolgozsi djat fogok fizetni minden adbevallsrt. 6. I authorise to retrive my P45/P60/SoE documents if I do not have them and agree to pay an administrative fee for each document. / Meghatalmazom a hogy a P45/P60/SoE fizetsi dokumentumokat megszerezze helyettem, ha nekem hinyoznak, s ezrt adminisztratv illetket fogok fizetni. 7. I have not, for the mandated tax years, (a) approached or applied to the HM Revenue and Customs about these tax affairs or been refused by them for any reason, or (b) authorised any other party to do so on my behalf. / A megjellt advekkel kapcsolatban (a) nem kerestem fel a HM Revenue and Customs irodjt admat illetleg, nem trtettem vissza admat, vagy utastottk el krvnyemet brmilyen okbl kifolylag, (b) szintn nem hatalmaztam fel mst, hogy hasonlan jrjon el a nevemben. 8. Should I receive the refund directly from any other source other than the Agent, I understand and agree that I will pay the fee due to for the work completed. / Ha a visszatrtshez ms, a Megbzottamon kvli forrsbl jutok hozz, beleegyezem abba, hogy kifizessem a az elvgzett munkrt jr djt. 9. I understand that the UK Tax Authorities will make the final decision on the value of any refund due and the refund estimation given by the Agent is an estimation only, not a guarantee. / Beleegyezem abba, hogy a vgs dntst az engem megillet visszatrts sszegre vonatkozan a brit adhivatal hozza meg, s a Megbizott ltal vgzett kalkulci hozzvetleges, gy nem garancia a viszatrthet sszeg nagysgt illetleg. 10. I agree to and accept the terms and conditions of service as written online at and to any changes in the terms and conditions which Taxback may effect from time to time, and to the fees of the agent which represents the services I have requested and which are provided by Taxback and/ or its affiliate companies. / Elfogadom a Megbz weboldalon kzztett ltalnos Szerzdsi Feltteleit, illetve a idnknti vltozsait az ltalnos feltteleket illetleg, valamint elfogadom a djait is, amelyek az ltalam krvnyezett szolgltatsrt a Megbzottnak fizetendek. 11. I understand that information collected in writing and/or verbally for UK tax return filing services can and may be used for internal auditing purposes by and provided to the HM Revenue and Customs for external auditing purposes. / Tudomsul veszem, hogy az Angol adbevallsi szolgltatshoz kapcsold, rsban vagy szban sszegyjttt informci, a ltal bels fellvizsglatra is hasznlhat fel, illetve az angol adhatsg -HM Revenue and Customs szmra kibocsjthat kls fellvizsglat cljbl. 12. I commit to updating of any change in my contact details. / grem, hogy tjkoztatom a minden, az elrhetsgeimet rint vltozsrl. 13. I have provided true, accurate and complete information regarding my income, taxes, assets and personal circumstances to and I am duly responsible for any discrepancies in the information provided and my annual tax records with the HM Revenue and Customs. / Igaz, pontos s teljes informcikat adtam meg bevtelemet, admat, nyeresgemet s szemlyi adataimat illetleg a szmra. Teljes mrtkben n vagyok a felels, ha a megadott informcik vagy admrl megadott adataim eltrnek a valsgtl. 14. I agree to and accept the terms and conditions of service as written online at and I confirm that I have read and agree to the fees as written online at / Teljes mrtkben elfogadom a szolgltats termsandconditions/ weboldalon szerepl feltteleit s egyetrtek azokkal, valamint megerstem, hogy elfogadom a szolgltatsrt fizetend djakat is, amelyek a weboldalon tallhatak.


Name in print / Neve nyomtatott betkkel: Signature / Alrs: National Ins. Number / NIN:

Date / Keltezs: UTR / UTR szm:

Nap / hNap / V

A dokumentumokat postzza a helyi postacmre vagy az albbi cmre: Tovbbi informcirt ltogassa meg weboldalunkat
tb online pack, 1st Floor, 277/281 Oxford street, London, W1c 2DL, United Kingdom

Authorising your agent

Please read the notes on the back before completing this authority. This authority allows us to exchange and disclose information about you with your agent and to deal with them on matters within the responsibility of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), as specified on this form. This overrides any earlier authority given to HMRC. We will hold this authority until you tell us that the details have changed.
I, (print your name) Unique Taxpayer Reference (if applicable) of (name of your business, company or trust if applicable)
If UTR not yet issued tick here

Please tick the box(es) and provide the reference(s) requested only for those matters for which you want HMRC to deal with your agent. Individual*/Partnership*/Trust* Tax Affairs *delete as appropriate (including National Insurance).
Your National Insurance number (individuals only)
If you are self employed tick here

authorise HMRC to disclose information to (agents business name)

If you are a Self Assessment taxpayer, we will send your Statement of Account to you, but if you would like us to send it to your agent instead, please tick here

who is acting on my/our behalf. This authorisation is limited to the matters shown on the right-hand side of this form. Signature see note 1 before signing

Tax Credits
Your National Insurance number (only if not entered above)


If you have a joint Tax Credit claim and the other claimant wants HMRC to deal with this agent, they should sign here Name

Signature Give your personal details or Company registered office here


Joint claimants National Insurance number

Postcode Telephone number

Corporation Tax
Company Registration number

Give your agents details here


Companys Unique Taxpayer Reference

Postcode Telephone number Agent codes (SA/CT/PAYE)

0207 6599 188 T6914E

Employer PAYE Scheme

Employer PAYE reference

Accounts Office reference

Client reference

For official use only

SA NIRS COP NTC / / / / / / / / COTAX EBS VAT COP link / / / / / / / /


(see notes 2 and 5 overleaf) If not yet registered tick here HMRC 07/06

VAT registration number


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0207 6599 188

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