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QUESTIONNAIRE Note: The information that you provide is only for academic purpose, and will b e kept confidential.

Your true responses will be highly appreciated. 1. Are you familiar with the term CSR ? (Corporate Social Responsibility) Yes No 2. Is it important to you that a company practices CSR? Yes No Somewhat 3. Do you believe a company when it claims they practice CSR? Yes No Somewhat 4. Why do you think that a company practices CSR? Goodwill Brand promotion ploy Gain mindshare Serves the society as a whole Other: 5. Which of the following factors about a company makes you a loyal customer? Trust Goodwill of the company CSR Activities Other: 6. Considering CSR factor would you switch your brand or product? Yes No May be 7. Would you purchase a product only because its eco-friendly/the company practi ces CSR? Yes No Does not matter 8. What companies comes to your mind regarding CSR activities? PSO Engo Unilever P&G Option 5 Other: 9. How do you come to know if this company is practicing CSR? TV Magazines Newspaper Internet Other: 10. Which ad campaign comes in your mind first regarding CSR activities?

11. In your opinion, what CSR activities should companies in Pakistan adopt? Education (scholarships, etc) Social services Health Environment friendly products Benefits for stochholders and employees Option 6 Other: 12. In your opinion, whether CSR is : More Beneficial to the company, Mpre beneficial to the society, Or both.

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