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Semper Amor

By: Tejas Ranade


It was that day, when days go by like sand

That I knew what I had clearly understood and
Let away from my fortress, as I saw you the first time
After seeing you the millionth time. And I was awed
By the magnitude of your love that never ceases,
Not for the rain or storms, but only of its infinities
That stretches across the chasm, a bride leading to golden gates
And taking me by the hand through my ever-shaking slate.

O what love is that which you possess, that goddess of light

Who illuminates the darkest of those dark nights so bright
And unrepentant, you fly like the greatest doves toward me,
Sending me toward the path of amber that I could not see
Until I had known your harmonious love upon my very being
That no artist can accurately paint, no choir can too sweetly sing.

This day hallowed beings in heaven shall call out in cloven mirth
Because of you, your patience and virtue without dearth.
And today is more sacred to me than the morning dawn
For truly, your perpetual love I have first known.

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