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I agree with Carl Yungs statement. Human beings are capable to both, build and destroy the surroundings.

Besides of physical force, humans can also use only words to hurt someone. First of all, the word is the most powerful weapon of a human being. Whether you have the intention or not, it is enough a single wrong word or a single unsuppressed thought to offend a person. That is why, today all of us use mistaken words to those who are weaker than us just to prove our superiority. Actually, this isnt superiority, its just an act of despair, in search for attention. It is always the same. But think that once hurt, even a thousand good words wont make a difference. On the other hand, coming back to the material, the touchable, during centuries, people proved on countless occasions their cruelty. Wars have been started just for the desire of showing the wealth. But in the end, what was the result? People were hurt and suffered just because they were born on the wrong side, on the wrong side of a despot or a sociopath. In the end, I think we all need a little rest so that we could analyse ourselves and avoid becoming the people we most hate. In order to do this, we have to try to stop the direction in which, this once perfect world, now full of hatred, is heading. We must consider that nobody is born perfect, but with every man that we dont fear anymore, we are one step closer!

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