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"for me it is esential to understand that evreyone is alone.

not in the sense of lonliness, but rather in the sense that no one can completely understand someone else." Rineke Dijkstra

" a concept that still preoccupies me: One wants to accomplish big things, but in the end it doesn`t happen. every educated Chinese person is very ambitious, and obviously there are obstacles-obstacles coming either from `out there` , meaning society or history, or form `inside`, from within oneself." Yang Fudong "right now i want to go further inside, deep inside. And I`m taking the outside with me, I`m taking it all with me...all the titles, all your gloves, all your mirrors, all your record collections, the lot. and when it comes back out into the real world, your world, it`ll feel familiar, but it won`t be."

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