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History of advertising

Babylonian clay tablet of 3000 B. C. bearing inscription for an ointment dealer, and a shoemaker. Papyri found in the ruins of Thebes show announcements offering rewards for the return of runaway slaves.

a. b.


Traditional forms Trade marks Signs Town cries

The evolution of advertising


Age of print 1441-Johannes Gutenberg creates moveable type Mid-1400s-printed hand bills 1472-first ad in English Pyes of Salisbury 1477-The first known printed ad in English by William Caxton of London The first ad in any language, to be printed on a circulated sheet appeared in German news pamphlets in about 1525

1600s news papers emerge 1622-First ad in London's Weekly Relations News 1655- First use of the term Advertising The first ad in America appeared in 1704 in the Boston Newsletter By the middle of the 17th century, weekly newspapers called Mercuries started to appear in England 1841Volney Palmer becomes first ad sales agent 1850-George P Rowell becomes first ad space wholesaler

2. Industrial revolution and emergence of consumer society 1850s-First branded items such as Bakers Chocolate appear in stores 1864-J. Walter Thompson forms JWT agency, first account executive 1872-First Wards illustrated mail-order catalog 1879-P & G introduces Ivory soap 1880s-John Powers pioneers copywriting, focuses on news 1888-George Eastman creates first Kodak camera

1890s- Earnest Elmo Calkins and Ralph Holder develop image copy 1890s- Lord and Thomas agency forms

3. Modern era of advertising 1904-1940s Albert Lasker pioneers Reason Why copy 1905- John E. Kennedy describes advertising as salesmanship in print 1905-1930s- Claude Hopkins develops scientific mailorder copy testing 1906- Pure food and drug Act 1908- Beginning of celebrity endorsements- Pepsi uses ad famed racecar driver Barney Oldfield 1912- truth in advertising movement

4. Age of agencies 1917- American association of advertising agencies formed 1918- Stanley and Helen Resor develop account services, brand names, and status appeals 1930s- Radio advertising surpasses magazines as leading advertising medium

1932- John Caples applies scientific methods to mail-order copy and headlines 1940- Clyde Bedell develops selling stratagems 1950s TV becomes important advertising medium 1950s Rosser Reeves develops unique selling propositions 1960sLeo Burnett creates brand icons and inherent drama

5. Creative era 1960s David Ogilvy develops research based image advertising and story telling 1960s- Bill Bernbach focuses on the art of persuasion

6. Accountability era 1980s-1990s-Mergers and acquisitions, globalization 1990s-2000s-IMC, niche marketing, growth of interactive technology, relationship marketing, mass customization 2001- Advertising takes on new responsibilities

Modern advertising

Began in mid 19th century Volney B Palmer was the first advertising agent who established an office in Philadelphia. In late 1880s John E Power Emerged as a great copywriter. Walter Thompson is known as the inventor of modern advertising agency

Definition of advertising

Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor.-AMA The dissemination of information concerning an idea, service or product to compel action in accordance with the intent of the advertiser.Manendra Mohan

Advertising is controlled, identifiable information and persuasion by means of mass communications media.John S Wright, Willis L Winter and Sherilyn K Zeigler Advertising is a message paid for by an identified sponsor and delivered through some medium of mass communication. Adverising is persuasive communication. It is not neutral; it is not unbiased; it says; I am going to sell you a product or an idea. -J Thomas Russell and W Roland Lane

Any paid form Non personal presentation and promotion Ideas, goods and services An identified sponsor Controlled Mass communications media Persuasion It is not neutral, it is not unbiased

Roles of advertising

Marketing Communication Economic societal

Functions of advertising

Builds awareness of products and brands Creates a brand image Provides product and brand information Persuades people Provides incentives to take action Provides brand reminders Reinforces past purchases and brand experiences

Objectives of advertising

Sales as objective Communication Prompt direct action Encourage customer to ask for information Giving message of need and its satisfaction Products success stories to reinforce product brand loyalty The benefit story Attitude change

Purpose of advertising

launch of a new product modifications in products change in price new packaging Promotional plans Distributors and retailers address Educating the customers for proper use of the product To retrieve lost sales Reminder ads and for maintaining sales

To recruit staff To appoint distributors To invite technical staff of industrial customer to ask for literature Competitive comparative advertising To assist retail sales To help salesperson get a foot in the door of industrial customers To attract investors through special ad campaigns To export or go international To announce financial results of the firm To sell direct

Advertising and marketing mix

Advertising and product Advertising and place Advertising and promotion Advertising and price

Types of advertising
1.Based on target Consumer advertising Industrial advertising Trade advertising Professional advertising Institutional advertising

b. c. d.

Non-product advertising Public service advertising Service Financial personal

2. Type of impact required by ad Demand advertising a. Primary b. Selective Action a. Direct action ad b. Indirect action ad

3. Based on geographical area National advertising Local advertising Global advertising

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