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pvpTool Setup

updated for v2.0.0

download pvpTool or Launchpad.exe (updater) on - Portal Site Downloads Login in Windows as Admin and NOT as guest!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Close WoW! Rename folder pvpTool to anyname Run "Launchpad.exe" as Admin (on error see FAQ) Click on update and follow all Steps, press OK to download profiles Rename the polymorphed "pvpTool ReNameMe.exe" to "anyname.exe" Run "anyname.exe" Click on tab Opt Important: Choose In-game language Enter Key (Your key is in Forum Usercp pvpTool Key) and click validate to check if key is correct (on error read FAQ) Click on tab KeySetup - Combat Choose combat mode (melee, range, healer) Set all key bindings and times. The keys need also to be set in game. (See class board for a good Setup) Click on tab Addon Enter a new Addon name (no emote! one word!) Click Create Addon Enter a name into the Setup field above the 3 icons ex. Warlock PvP and click the first icon "Save Setup" and the settings are saved Click on button Run WoW Login with your character Enable window mode in wow graphic options Set "Interact with Target" and "Target Last Hostile" in Bot (Keys - main) and in Game (Keybindigns) Click on Tab Opt - Main Choose Loot method Interact or Memlooting (best option) Choose ObjectUsage method Memlooting (best option) Choose BG and a profile or a level profil (you get profiles in the forum) Click on "Run PvP" or PvE

How to run after setup normally?

1. 2. 3. 4. Run "anyname.exe" Load your class Set some settings if needed Click on "Run Bot"

How to update to a new version?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Close WoW Run "Launchpad.exe" as Admin (on error see FAQ) Click on update and follow steps Run new pvptool.exe Create a NEW addon!

6. Check the new options 7. Choose your class and click save settings 8. Run WoW and start botting

With F9 (default F9) you can stop the bot, with F10 (default F10) you can hold the bot to make a action by yourself (ex. whisper back)

Note: If you run it on Vista, you have to login as admin or give bot admin rights.

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