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Day-to-day Problems & Solutions for DBAs

Problems & Solutions # Records has to be inserted in a table which has foreign keys and constraints. Its like update the table and it may have duplicate values also. Solution # Findout all the foreign keys and table constraints. (dba_constraints, dba_cons_columns) # Disable all constraints (ALTER TABLE table_name DISABLE CONSTRAINT constraint name;) # If unique constraint is present, Truncate the Table.* (Before truncating consult with developers, and team lead and read release notes if any) (TRUNCATE TABLE schema.tablename;) # Load the records into the table.(insertion) # Commit; # Enable all disabled constraints. (ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;) * If unique constraints are prestnt ORA-02298 error will come,..parent keys are not enabled, Findout out primary key difference in foreign table and delete the(those)records (DELETE FROM foreign_table WHERE column_name = 799;) and proceed

# Allocate space for a user fernando whos id already exists and grant write permissions in devalert73 database.

Solution: ALTER USER fernando QUTOA 5M ON users; GRANT develop TO fernando; ( develop write permission role)

# Next extent allocation failure for a table. Solution ALTER TABLE owner.table_name STORAGE (NEXT 500K PCTINCREASE 1); PCTINCREASE is set to 1 SMON releases the freed extents

# Create a new user with create session privilage Solustion: . CREATE USER roysys IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY DEFAULT TABLESPACE users TERMPORARY TABLESPCAE temp; . GRANT create session TO roysys.

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