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Pancha Ayatana Devatan a Surya

Where in the earth Above and around In the earth

Where in the body Above and below (12 fingers) Low belly, team chick ride

TATVAS 5 Shaktis Icha: Divine Will

Universe has chosen to become you It wills it

5 Breaths / Vayus Udana: region of the head Sometimes as satva hanuman (big white old monkey; the auspicious treasure house SKosha Also belongs to shakti Ananda; gift of luminous consciousness Cit: choosing to experience itself

Ganapat i

Jnana: Divine knowledge

It has made that decision to become you



Waters in between

Kriya: Freedom of action



Fire, air

Just under the palette (unmanifest )

Cit: Consiousness

Manifested from its own cit

Devi / Shakti


Ananda: bliss

Consciousness from

Prana: Upward flowing, speech, respiration, connected to the inhalation, governs from the throat to the bottom of the heart Samana: Bottom of the heart to just below the navel, digestion and the functions of the abdominal organs and glands Apana: From the navel, intestines reproductive organs, bladder, kidneys, downward flowing, childbirth and elimination and exhalation Vyana: All of the bodies nervs, viens, muscles, joints

Sweet-hanuman (courageous but gentle)

Deep Sleep; Pashu awakening


Dreaming; Vira awakening

Pancha-mukha hanuman, Shakti hanuman: incoming!

Waking; Siddha, grace

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