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Extra Exercises and Answers for Excel This worksheet contains extra exercises and problems for Excel.

Answers to the questions are at the end. Questions: A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Vending Grocery Convenience Fountain Total B Coke 4 3 5 6 C Pepsi 1 4 4 4 D Rootbeer 2 1 5 3 E Total F Margin% 10% G


Write cell B1 as a: a. Relative reference_____________________________ b. Absolute reference_____________________________ c. Mixed reference; row varys_____________________________ d. Mixed reference; column varys_____________________________

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Write three different formulas to total sales for column B Write a formula for cell G2 that adds up total vending sales and multiplies it times the contents of cell F2. Change the above formula so that when it is copied to cell G3, the reference to F2 does not change. Write the formula to calculate the total of all sales. Do it the easy way. Write the formula to multiply the contents of cell of E2 times F2 Write the formula to find the largest number of Cokes sold. Write the formula to find the smallest number of Rootbeers sold. Write the formula to find the average number of Pepsis sold. Write an IF function to print Yes in cell G2 if >0, and No for all other results. Write an IF function to print Good in cell B7 if total sales of Coke exceed 7 and Bad otherwise. Write an IF function to multiply F2 times the sum of all sales if sales are greater than 50; otherwise, multiply all sales times 10%. Write an IF function to print Coke in cell G2 if Coke sales are greater, or Pepsi in cell G2 if Pepsi sales are greater, and Neither if they are equal. Note that this is a nested IF statement and harder than the rest.

Answers: 1. $ defines absolute references a. B1 b. $B$1 c. $B1 d. B$1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. =sum(B2:B5); =B2+B3+B4+B5; =sum(Coke) (with Accept Labels turned on) =(B2+C2+D2)*F2 or =sum(B2:D2)*F2 =(B2+C2+D2)*$F$2 or =sum(B2:D2)*$F$2 =sum(B2:D5)-The easy way sums a range(B2:D5) =E2*F2 =max(B2:B5) =min(D2:D5) =average(C2:C5) =IF(1>0, Yes, No) =IF(SUM(B2:B5)>7, Good, Bad) if(sum(B2:D5)>50, F2*sum(B2:D5), 10%*sum(B2:D5)) =IF(SUM(B2:B5)>SUM(C2:C5),"Coke", IF(SUM(B2:B5)<SUM(C2:C5), "Pepsi", "Neither"))

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