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The Mullett Township Board is up to their same old tricks.

A surprise "Special Meeting" was held to approve the Topinabee Development Association sponsored Tiger III Grant PreApplication for a green corridor M27 highway project. This was not done at the regular monthly meeting on September 6th, but was held, as the Mullett Board is wont to do, two days later with 24 hours, or maybe 18 hours as allowed by law, notice posted on the Township Hall board. I, and other interested residents were again denied legal access to the proceedings with attendance again limited to "those in the know". The Grant pre-application is all approved. I am sure it received an unanimous "aye" vote by the Board and a round of applause from those "in the know" TDA members who were in attendance. It is a shame that the Mullett Township Board has resorted to having their lawyer in attendance at every meeting since mid-April 2011 and still has to resort to "secret" Special Meetings held two days after a publicly attended regular meeting. Do as I will, and let your Supervisor, Bill Morgan know that you do not appreciate being excluded from Mullett Township decisions involving $500,000 grant applications that may require $100,000 plus in matching funds. You may also want to write your state and federal representatives and advise them a Grant Application was approved by an ethically challenged group of elected officials, abusing the Open Meeting Laws of Michigan to achieve an agenda for their friends without adequate public review or discussion.

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