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Project Name: PROJECT PANDA Software : Visual Basic, Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash, SQL, ASP.

net, Web Server

Features & Summary: Our Project is mainly based upon the student interaction between the computer in a useful way. The ultimate aim of our project is to develop the technical skills of our college students on different ways such as V-Library, V-hack, V-code, V-sympoz, V-aptitude. We hope that it would be useful in improving coding ability, reading skills, communication skills and technical intelligence. Our Project's main features are: o o o o o o o o It doesn't requires any INTERNET CONNECTION. Just Local Area Network is enough. Our Login system is 256bit SSL encryption based on ROT-13 & MD 5 Flash Algorithm. Our new Panda interface 3.0 is well equipped which can act as a browser and perform as Student's Companion. V-library which contains all our semester books with a read new feature of internship with GOOGL BOOKS. V-code contains of about 2.5 million lines of codes in all languages such as ASP, C/C++, java, dot net. V-hack contains of about 5 levels of serious hacking to increase security awareness among students. V-aptitude concentrates on students placement recruitment and had new features like testimony of previously placed students. V-sympoz contains all collage symposium details and upcoming events to zeal the knowledge.

done by K.Abraham, K.Mohan Raj, A.Sri Venkateshwaran, M.Siva Chidambaram, P.V.M.Raja

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