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Ryan Quinn Period 5 9/19/11 Uncorrected Sometimes it takes a particular moment in time to realize what the importance of life

is truly about. This can also be applied to many pieces of literature with illuminating incidents. In the novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Ken Kasey depicts the life of an insane asylum during the 60's through the narration of Chief Bromden. Every day is a constant struggle for the patients of the ward due to their fear of the controlling head nurse, Ms Ratched. Their worsds are turned upside down with the arrival of McMurphy, a man falsely pleading insane who is sent from a near by work farm. Prior to his arrival, the patients lived tragic existences, wandering day by day in the bland "foggy" life created for them. They have forgotten how to live like real men because of the authoritative rule they are under. The head nurse emasculates those who surround her and keeps her patients in order with the use of drug doses and bossy orderlies. MacMurphy brings a sense of hope and courage for the men to make a stand about the unfair rules and by doing this he creates an illuminating incident. Corrected Sometimes it takes a particular moment in time to realize what the importance of life is truly about, this can be applied to many pieces of literature.In the novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Ken Kesey depicts life of in insane asylum during the 60's through the narration of one of the patients, Chief. Every day is a constant struggle for the patients of the ward because of the terrifying and controlling head nurse, Ms Ratched. Their worlds are turned upside down with the arrival of McMurphy, a man falsely pleading insanity who is sent from a near by work farm. Prior to his arrival, the patients live tragic existences, wandering day by day in the bland, "foggy" life created for them. They have forgotten how to live like real men because of the authoritative rule they are under. The head nurse emasculates those around her and keeps her patients in order with the use of drug doses and bossy orderlies. McMurphy makes a stand against the head Nurse by bringing several of the patients on a sanctioned fishing trip which reveals aspects of not only McMurphy's character, but also the patients themselves and what they are capable of.

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