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TAGS Common Attributes

Name cssClass cssStyle title disabled label* labelPosition* Data Type String String String String String String Description The CSS class for the rendered element. The CSS style for the rendered element. Specifies the HTML title attribute. Specifies the HTML disabled attribute. Specifies the label for a form element in the xhtml and ajax theme. Specifies the label position in the xhtml and ajax theme. Allowed values are top and left (default). The name of the property this input field represents. It is a shortcut for the name and label attributes Specifies the required label position of a form element in the xhtml and ajax theme. Possible values are left and right (default). Specifies the HTML name attribute that in an input element required* boolean In the xhtml theme this attribute indicates whether or not an asterisk (*) should be added to the label. Specifies the HTML tabindex attribute.



requiredpositio n* name







Specifies the value of a form element.

The form Tag

Attributes of form tag (all tags are optional) action String current action enctype method namespace onsubmit openTemplate portletMode target validate String String current namespace String String String String Boolean The action to submit this form to The form enctype attribute post The form method The namespace of the action Javascript onsubmit attribute Template to use for opening the rendered form The portlet mode to display after the form submit The form target attribute false Indicates if client-side validation should be performed in xhtml/ajax themes The window state to display after the form submit



The textfield, password, hidden Tags

Textfield and password tags attributes Name Data Type Default Value Description maxlength integer The maximum number of characters the rendered element can accept readonly boolean false Indicates if the input is read-only size integer The size attribute

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