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1. Function
Builds strong bones and teeth important in the maintenance of a regular heartbeat and in the transmission of nerve impulses helps prevent insomnia and anxiety

2. The recommended daily requirements of minerals for men & women

Men = 700mg Women = 700mg

3. Sources milk, cheese and other dairy foods green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage and okra, but not spinach, soya beans, tofu, soya drinks with added calcium, nuts, bread and anything made with fortified flour, fish where you eat the bones, such as sardines and pilchards

4. Deficiency symptoms
aching joints brittle nails eczema elevated blood cholesterol heart palpitations high blood pressure insomnia muscle cramps nervousness numbness in the arms and/or legs rheumatoid arthritis rickets and tooth decay

1. Function
Important in the formation of hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying factor in red blood cells. prevents anemia and fatigue promotes good skin tone and stimulates the immune system

2. The recommended daily requirements of minerals for men & women

Men = 8.7mg Women = 14.8mg

3. Sources liver, meat, beans, nuts, dried fruit, such as dried apricots, wholegrains, such as brown rice, fortified breakfast cereals, soybean flour, most dark-green leafy vegetables, such as watercress and curly kale

4. Deficiency symptoms
weakness paleness of skin constipation anemia a bizarre disorder called "pica"

1. Function
aids in the functioning of the thyroid gland helps burn excess fat by stimulating the rate of metabolism keeps the skin, hair and nails healthy

2. The recommended daily requirements of minerals for men & women

Men = 0.14mg Women = 0.14mg

3. Sources sea fish and shellfish, cereals, grains

4. Deficiency symptoms
enlarged thyroid gland slow mental reaction dry skin & hair goiter loss of physical & mental vigor

NHS Direct Online (2007) Vitamins and Minerals [WWW] Available from: [Accessed 08/08/2007] McARDLE, W.D. et al. (2000) Micronutrints and Water. In: McARDLE, W.D. et al., 2nd ed. Essentials of Exercise Physiology, USA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, p. 75

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