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Thesis modification Remarks of the assessor 2.1 INTRODUCTION. Average. 2.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY.

Sholud be described as a separate chapter.Hence it is missing in the present thesis. 2.3REVIEW OF LITERATURE. No reference number is mentioned in review of literature.References quoted are not present in bibliography /reference chapter. 2.4 MATERIAL AND METHOD. Duration of study is 3 months,while training is of three years duration.Duration of study should be increased to two years at least. 2.4.1 STUDY AREA. On page no 11 duration is 1st jan 2008 to 31st march 2008 while on page 19 duration is 1st jan 2007 to 31st march 2007. 2.4.2 STUDY POPULATION. Although number of case /control are adequate but duration is small.If cases are available why only small population is taken.with increased duration the number will increase which will make the study stastictically very sound. 2.4.3 SAMPLE SIZE AND SAMPLE TECHNIQUE. As 16 there seems to be mix up of two study as triple lumen catheter are not put routinely in femoral veins.Glenn pressure is not measured in cabg. 2.4.4 DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUE AND TOOLS Satisfactory 2.4.5 DATA ANALYSIS. Satisfactory. 2.4.6 RESULTS. a.duration of study to be corrected. b.all charts/graphs should be comparative( case and control together) as groups are not large. c.heterotaxy,pvr and pulmonary artery size are irrelevant in cabg control.there seems to be mix up of two study(page 19). d.P value are not mentioned on page 19.(slightly higher ) wards? are used.

2.4.7 DISCUSSION. Discussion should be separated from result,observation and discussion chapter.Discussion should be more elaborative highliting the results supported by references. 2.4.8 CONCLUSIONS Ok. 2.4.9REFERENCES /BIBLIOGRAPHY. Many references are missing from this chapter. 2.4.10 ANNEXURE. Master chart is missing.

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