Vaftar Sept 20

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Verb Mollify: to soothe in temper or disposition : appease <mollified the staff with a raise> ; 2: to reduce the rigidity of : soften;

; 3: to reduce in intensity : assuage, temper Tom had to mollify his clingy parents by assuring them that he would come home to visit once a month.

Adjective Lachrymose: Given to tears or weeping; tending to cause tears "He is better known for his lachrymose ballads than hard rock numbers."

Foreign Phrase hoi polloi : the masses; the common people. I suppose Little Fockers is good entertainment for the hoi polloi, but Id prefer to go see Black Swan.

Term - Naturalism: a term often used as a synonym for realism; also a view of experience that is generally viewed as bleak and pessimistic. Naturalistic novels? Movies?

Allusion: Iago A character from Shakespeares Othello, Iago is known for his cunning duplicity. Jealous of Othellos position and reputation, he is a friend to Othello and succeeds in casting suspicion on Othellos wife, Desdemona, causing Othello to believe that she has been unfaithful to him. In a jealous rage (and to Iagos satisfaction), Othello kills Desdemona. In ruining Othello, Iago has no other goal in mind except to be profanely appalling. What makes Iago so awful is that he really doesnt have anything to gain from Othellos downfall. He simply, though mundanely, delights in his treachery.

Root grad, gred, gress (Latin) To walk

Words with grad, gred or gress?

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