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Blanca Monterrosa LAVC 05/12/2009 Comparison/Contrast Essay

Two Sides Who knew that trying to find a full-time job that gave me enough time to raise my children, take care of a household, and attend church services would end up being such hard work. My friend Carolina and I always talked about the kind of job that would be perfect for each of us. She was looking for a job to give her security, stability, and good pay. Schedule was never a concern for her. For me, money was important but having a good schedule was even more important. I was looking for a job that would give me the opportunity to drive my children to school and to allow me to pick them up. In the end, Carolina got a job as a certified-nurse, and I opened a small office as a tax preparer. My friend Caroline spent long hours in the hospital where she worked. She would also work extra hours; in some cases, she stated at the hospitals three days in a row. That situation caused a lot of trouble for her children because she did not know anything about them. Me on the other hand, my job as a self-employed person gave me the freedom that I needed to be a coach in my childrens lives. With the clock running against us, our children grew up differently. Her children enjoyed a luxurious life, a good house, a good neighborhood, brand new cars, private school, but money couldnt buy them happiness. On my side, my family and I enjoyed a modest life, public education, and second hand cars, but we had a good life together.

My friend got her dream job with good salary and stability, but without a family. Her older daughter left home at the age of 15. Her son is in a rehabilitation program (he was addicted to drugs), and she is looking to get married for the third time. Carolina and I still talk about our jobs and our families, and Im so glad about the choice that I made. My older son is following his career as an accountant, my middle son is still in college, and my youngest is seriously thinking about a career in the police field. My husband and I will celebrate our 25th anniversary this year in July. Thats the two sides of a job.

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